2 hours in on PS3. No deaths yet (then again, its not like they've added anything new to the combat to learn since beatin DS1). Actuallly, I think my only major damage was from a cheap shot from an ambush bomber on a stairway, who was totally unavoidable without being psychic.
The framerate seems fine, though there's a lot of texture popping going on. Which for the level of graphics seems inexcusable, it's not like they're rocking the bleeding edge here. NPC's also seem to have little or no animation at all.
The AI is improvement is questionable. Granted, I'm not far in, but I'm well past the tutorial, and it spends a lot time waiting to attack, leaving ample time to just swish-swash most of them down before they do anything. Its not as blatantly obvious where its zone of activity ends to exploitively kite it, but it makes up for it by lacking aggression. A few blatant cases (especially with archers if they lose sight of you) of them just watching me stroll up and murder them.
The excuse plot is even more of an excuse plot, so far. It even self-references that there's no reasoning behind what you're doing. You're cursed, you need souls to not go insane (except you don't, they didn't bother mechanizing that or anything). You go to Draegnai, uhm, cause reasons.
Accessibility, there's a full-featured settlement after the brief tutorial zone. Skipping the "rescue" type effort of finding the people in the Undead Burg in DS1. Also, there's only 1 estus so far, but there's 'healing gems', of which I started with 10, and now have 23, and haven't even bought any yet. They provide regen over a brief period of time when used.