Dates And Bragging


New member
May 11, 2010
Another one of my "I went out with a crazy person" stories! Are ya ready kids?! Awesome, here we go.

My latest one was a young man of about 20 years old who asked me to dinner. No problem. So we go out and begin to get to know one another. By "getting to know one another" I actually mean that he was talking and talking, while I sat there listening and smiling. Honestly I don't mind, as listening is a good way to learn about another individual, he was merely making it easier on me (I didn't have to ask any questions, it was glorious).

So as the date continued I realized this kid had to be highly nervous. He stated he had never really been on a date, was a virgin, and only ever had one girlfriend of whom he never had a physical relationship with but he proposed to at 15. So when he started talking about his apparent accomplishments I didn't stop him. Here is a list of apparently what he was a professional at or various other things:

-Professional welder at 20 but unemployed (I don't know how well a welder gets jobs so I can't compare)
-Professional bowler (This was proven false when I suggested bowling, and I'm terrible mind you)
-Professional Knife Thrower
-Professional boxer, but has never been wounded. Apparently his matches were so brutal they were taken off youtube
-Hentai Comic Book Artist. However his art skills were... well he frequently traced (This is not an insult towards those who are learning to draw. Please, keep doing what you're doing. Practice creates skill)
-Apparently he found a customer at his local store who would cut up bodies and throw them in their garbage bin (I know this because he told me very loudly in a barnes and nobles cafe in front of a group of elderly people in grand detail)
-He's going to be a writer (Although the boy has little to know knowledge of basic grammar and writing skills)
-Took 1 class of psychology so now he knows how to professionally psychoanalyze people
-Took 1 class of psychology so now he is knowledgeable on all mental illnesses ever
-Professional archer
-Doesn't have a job, but owns his own beach front.
-My favorite: Due to his lack of job, sells sex toys to high school students (as we all know many high school students are minors, in my area at least)
-Everything revolves around his ex girlfriend. The boy has apparently done nothing with his life without that ex girlfriend being physically present.
-He was apparently adored as a god in high school. This however has not helped him socially currently, as it seems he has little friends to speak of.
-Every other woman before and after adores him so much all they want to do is sleep with him. He is too moral though to take them up on the offer

Needless to say we talked and I told him I was uninterested, and he agreed. This apparently didn't stop him from asking me to sleep with him the second time we happened to meet up (decided we would just be friends). When I told him no, his reaction was his was apparently bisexual and would then continue to tell me how he found all these male anime characters to be highly attractive and all the fanart he would make (/shudder).

So Escapist, have you ever been on a date, or even just out with people, where you have experienced or met an individual who apparently is a master and skill at all things available? Are YOU one of those people? If so for either, what kind of experience was it? I want all the gory details.

And this concludes another episode of why Saeton is single. Tune in next time folks.

--- For anyone concerned, I am not mocking this individual. He seemed to have a lot of problems dealing with his own self image and I can only assume he either was attempting to make up for it, or he hada high level of delusion (I guess the first). This was not made to poke fun of the individual. Thank you ---


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
Well, I know for a lot of people it can get annoying, but I absolutely dig it when a girl just keeps talking about herself. Like you said, it's A the best way to learn about somebody, and B it means I don't have to ask questions or be expected to share my life story.

As for humblebraggarts, I've never had the misfortune of dating one, but one girl I asked out spent basically the whole date talking about her exes and how they still bothered her, and how basically every guy she knew wanted to bang her. And she introduced me to both her parents on the first date too. Needless to say that didn't last very long


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
SaetonChapelle said:
-He's going to be a writer (Although the boy has little to know knowledge of basic grammar and writing skills)
I always love it when these little typos pop up while people are talking about other peoples' language skills. :D

OT: I can't say that I have, but then it's been a long time since I went on anything resembling a date. Not having a vehicle or any self-confidence can do that to you sometimes.

But I don't think I'd feel compelled to embellish my accomplishments. I mean, I've saved the galaxy from the Reapers, but you don't see me bragging about it, do you? :D


New member
May 11, 2010
shrekfan246 said:
SaetonChapelle said:
-He's going to be a writer (Although the boy has little to know knowledge of basic grammar and writing skills)
I always love it when these little typos pop up while people are talking about other peoples' language skills. :D

OT: I can't say that I have, but then it's been a long time since I went on anything resembling a date. Not having a vehicle or any self-confidence can do that to you sometimes.

But I don't think I'd feel compelled to embellish my accomplishments. I mean, I've saved the galaxy from the Reapers, but you don't see me bragging about it, do you? :D
xD You're totally right. Repaired! I'm not used to typing at a laptop

Captcha- Boogie Woogie. OKAY!


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Woah. I'll be honest, I'm feeling particularly bitter this morning, and I was ready to go off and play something incredibly violent to sate my bloodlust when the person you were about to describe mimmicked me perfectly.

But...I mean jesus. I'm terrible with women, if a woman is attracted to me, she is not scraping the bottom of the barrel as much as she is digging a hole beneath the barrel, but this...I didn't think people like this existed outside of movies. How does someone convince themselves that lying that much is going to work?

I've never been on a date with anyone like that, which means that the one date I ever had didn't have that happening. But I did have a friend who would swear that he was a god with women. He would constantly point out women to me, and encourage me to randomly chat them up. I never did, because this wasn't in a bar or anything, this was just walking around town. I can't believe it took me so long to realise, but I never saw him put himself out there like that. Years later, I find out he's only had sex once, and never had an actual relationship. True, that puts him one step better than me, but for a while, I seriously thought he was the person to go to for advice. Talk about the blind leading the blind.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Oh yeah, I've known these people. Unfortunately, I met them all at that point in my life where I would fall for the tall tales and masterful lies because I had no self esteem. These days they don't manage to pull the wool over my eyes, but I have fallen for some corkers in the past. I can think of one individual with whom I no longer have contact, whose every spoken word was a lie. When I did eventually find out the truth behind one of them, the rest came tumbling down. In the end I'm not sure there was anything he ever said that was true.


New member
May 5, 2011
That's a very comprehensive list, I had an image in my head that you must have been taking notes to remember all that.

OT: I guess I've bragged a bit on previous dates, but never in a serious way and nowhere near that much. It's just a last-ditch attempt to have something interesting to say and should be avoided at all costs.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Haha, implying I even go out on dates. Funny :D

[sub][sub]Not gay by the way[/sub][/sub]

[sub][sub][sub]There have been women![/sub][/sub][/sub]

There was a guy on one of my college courses who had so, so many tales of his sexual conquests. Literally every day there was a new one. I suppose nobody really "believed" him exactly, they were just so entertaining to listen to we just let him go on.

Let me think... There was one where he said he once went out with a girl with no gag reflex (ifyouknowwhatImean.) That was a good one.

Anyway I wouldn't even need to brag. My amazing sense of humour would carry me through everything girl related. However I would have to ask whether they had ever played Persona 4 at some point, she says no and I would end up silently resenting her forever.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Well that was just hard to read, if that guy was any more pro he would be batman!

Bless his little cottons for trying to be impressive but he might want to dial it back from 11.

I'm too socially awkward to have friends, let alone go on a date with any body!


Nov 11, 2011
Wow, that is just so sad.
I have met a few braggers in my dating career but atlwast most of them were true.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Oh god . I hate those people . I liked how you call him "boy" throughout the whole post , i assume it was on purpose to add insult to injury . My rule of thumb is to assume people are lying until proven otherwise .

While i have never dated a girl like that , i did go out on a date with a girl who did nothing but talk about anime and manga . While i do like the occassional anime, this girl went on and on talking about everything she knew about everything. I did still sleep with her because i found her attractive but


Aug 3, 2008
I think the downside of being a very pretty girl is that you attract all sorts of weirdos. :p I wish my dating experiences were more exciting.
I love these stories though, I'll keep checking on this thread because the OP made me howl.
Some people have absolutely no tact and don't know how to talk to others properly. Although that guy sounds like he has a mental disorder of some kind :s good job on not seeing him again.

I don't have any stories myself because I don't really "date". The only dates I do have are with boyfriends so I already know what they're like.
I have known people who can't believe half the shit that comes out their mouth and can't back themselves up on anything they say.
They're hilarious and I love them. I love sarcastically going along with everything they say then shooting them down at last minute.


New member
May 29, 2013
Doclector said:
Woah. I'll be honest, I'm feeling particularly bitter this morning, and I was ready to go off and play something incredibly violent to sate my bloodlust when the person you were about to describe mimmicked me perfectly.

But...I mean jesus. I'm terrible with women, if a woman is attracted to me, she is not scraping the bottom of the barrel as much as she is digging a hole beneath the barrel, but this...I didn't think people like this existed outside of movies. How does someone convince themselves that lying that much is going to work?

I've never been on a date with anyone like that, which means that the one date I ever had didn't have that happening. But I did have a friend who would swear that he was a god with women. He would constantly point out women to me, and encourage me to randomly chat them up. I never did, because this wasn't in a bar or anything, this was just walking around town. I can't believe it took me so long to realise, but I never saw him put himself out there like that. Years later, I find out he's only had sex once, and never had an actual relationship. True, that puts him one step better than me, but for a while, I seriously thought he was the person to go to for advice. Talk about the blind leading the blind.
Me I usually get laid on virtue of hard work.

Im not the most confident dude, theres lots of people that dont like me without seeing my absolute best- but I eventually find the ones that do, and do get laid a lot- I did have to give up a lot of hobbies to do this though, so I sort of get people that dont make the effort.

I hate talking about picking up chicks so much though, it just fucks with your head.

Sorry to hear about your buddy.


New member
May 29, 2013
Well writing about him on the internet is also pretty strange. I mean it must be a rather tragic individual and youre milking him for laughs or to feel superior?

Not sure if its a good habit to keep. Maybe internet-date instead? "man up" and text someone that seems to meet your standarrds? Just my five cents.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Quite the Munchausen you found there, OP... which begs the question: where do you find all these mad folks?! o_O'

Anyway, I've been out with a grand total of three girls/women, one is dead, another was institutionalised and the third is god only knows where.

I tend to prefer sticking it in the ever so slightly crazy, I'll be honest, but the second one did a number on me both after the break-up and a few years later when she crashed at my place for a couple months. Thoughts of which make me not a happy person right now... especially after Daystar's depressing yet hopeful thread. :/


New member
May 11, 2010
Angus said:
Well writing about him on the internet is also pretty strange. I mean it must be a rather tragic individual and youre milking him for laughs or to feel superior?

Not sure if its a good habit to keep. Maybe internet-date instead? "man up" and text someone that seems to meet your standarrds? Just my five cents.
Actually neither or. I apologize if this came off as such. Merely an extreme example featuring a type of individual one might meet while dating. I didn't see any issue with talking about an experience I had, but if anyone was offended I'm sorry.

-On a side note, this was actually someone I had met on a website (meh) and upon meeting the individual turned out to be someone that I wasn't expecting.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
SaetonChapelle said:
Another one of my "I went out with a crazy person" stories! Are ya ready kids?!
And this concludes another episode of why Saeton is single. Tune in next time folks.
WO~OW! That guy was some Bullshit Artist. And a bad bullshit artists at that. Seriously, a "professional knife thrower"? I'm shocked that he didn't claim to be an astronaut too! I am just shocked - no, awed - by the level of douchery you have described.

Honestly, I'm surprised you managed to be so polite to him. When someone has spent that long lying to my face, I tend to get insulted. Anyway, I hope your "lets be friends" was insincere - he doesn't sound like someone you'd want to be friends with.


You need to find yourself some better romantic options. Yeah, I know, you're working on it. But damn... that's just... ugh. My heart goes out to you.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
I tend to be self-deprecating and I've learned that this can be just as obnoxious for the interested party as having an inflated ego, so I tend to divert conversations or talk about interests and let the other person infer my character, rather then boring them with my self-esteem issues.

Fortunately I'm also in good humour with my self-criticism, so I'm not loading a person with negativity without my tongue firmly implanted in my cheek. But I prefer not to dominate a dialogue with my own insecurities.

Though I've had no Dates in the traditional sense, flirtatious encounters usually play out this way.

As for Braggarts. I've encountered a few, but not in an intimate sense. I've known folks who thought way to highly of themselves or plainly talked out of their ass about their skills.

That said, I do know one guy who can talk like this, and be totally sincere, though he never does. The man is impossibly good at everything, but incredibly humble about it without being patronising. A master of social dynamics.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Wait. Seriously? That was horrible to read. And from the way to describe it, it sounds like this person more talked at you rather than to you.

I think my favorite part was how he's a virgin, and yet women throw themselves at him all the time, despite only having had one girlfriend. And he's just too moral to take them up on it. Yet, wasn't shy about asking you to sleep with him after you said you weren't interested. Also, he apparently sells sex toys to teenagers. Sounded like a real keeper, if you ask me.

Anyway, I haven't ever had a bad date. At least from my point of view. *cough and nervous laugh*

Worst I got is the time I went to Florida with some friends for a concert, and one decided to be a drunk asshole and dump beer on me and another friend. We left him there.

Good luck, Saeton. Hopefully, you'll meet someone who isn't such an exceptionally winner.