Leigh Alexander said:
With Encyclopedia Fuckme, Anna tells me she explicitly aimed to move away from that sort of exploitive, unrealistic portrayal of interpersonal relations and female sexuality in particular.
Could of fooled me. No really, if this is her treatise on the "dating sim" it seems just as unrealistic as any portrayal of interpersonal relations and female sexuality as anything else out there.
As mentioned in the "Catherine" article prior to this, the "simulation" of the "dating sim" is a pretty outlandish stretch of the concept of a simulator and save a few examples are not "sims", this is not a "real sim".
Leigh Alexander said:
"I like to externalize my desires and fantasies in my games, not just as a cruising mechanism."
No really... you don't say? Most of the bipeds on this planet externalize their desires and fantasies onto everything they encounter in life. It's projection, it's as common as air. Don't like something? Project! Perturbed by something... I got an idea... project! Arguably the digital short story here is "maybe" some form of neurotic coping mechanism, but is it integrated in a meaningful way?
Dunno, maybe in a certain light with enough booze and a dimly lit room... Certainly not to the extent as...
Leigh Alexander said:
"In a community as desperately inbred as the one that surrounds videogames, I think it's important to confront potentially sheltered players with the fact that identity and sexuality are far broader than they may have assumed," she adds.
...would have me to believe. Videogames like any modern media is as inbred as any other. Movies, books, music, it is all just copies of other stuff... very little in the way of anything "new". The subtle "power" of femininity has been written about for over two thousand years.
...important to confront potentially sheltered players with the fact that identity and sexuality are far broader than they may have assumed?
A big statement maybe even one with a sense of moral or ethical imperative... but so what, if someone wants to dress up a doll and play house with a toy, by all means, be my guest!
This thing (short story) is a knock about, a "taking a piss" on a genre, perhaps more-so on the "people, real or imagined" that are fan's of the genre (as assumed by the author). Is it a mission accomplished? Does it reveal a "fact" about identity and sexuality? Maybe to the author it did, however, the author seems to put a lot of "identity value" in sexuality, and in that, has a sexualized identity.
I guess it works for her but where in that does the license become issued to confront sheltered players with much of anything, nevertheless sexuality and their (assumed) lack of depth on the topic?
Is not a part of the experience of becoming an adult (or sexual being) the experiential process of coming to terms with ones own sexuality in ones own way? To a degree maybe there is "something" here though the sheer weight of the misanthropy relegates this "education" as mere mediocre cynicism.
Perhaps that explains this very article to pick up the short fall of the work (short story) in question?
All things considered equal I would just assume lend a copy of "A Picture of Dorian Grey" than to encourage a play through of "this". 120 some-odd years old... suspiciously devoid of CAPS which, eh, may be a turn off for some folks.