Dating someone younger.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
Strazdas said:
Zantos said:
Vegosiux said:
Zantos said:
Half your age plus 7 has always worked for me.
So...a 50 year old person shouldn't hook up with anyone younger than 32? That "rule" just breaks down at some point (and it most definitely breaks down the moment "half plus 7" is equal to or greater than the age of consent). There's no "real" reasoning behind it, someone made it up and it stuck. For some reason.
Obviously it doesn't hold for all age ranges, and had this been an advice thread on what the OP should do in some difficult situation I'd be more constructive. However since the legality issue had already been considered, I didn't really see the point in that, so just put the half age plus seven rule before someone else did. If a fifty year old can get in with someone in their twenties, then props to them, and I hope I can do that at their age.
so basically since everything has been said you put up a nonesensical rule jtu to fuck with everybody... because..... well you had to write soemthing?
Well more or less, but I prefer the version in my head that didn't put it like that. It sounded like a more reasonable thing to do last night in my head. Now people are just picking on me :(


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
I'm 23 and my girlfriend is 27. Some people think that's weird. There's a definite cultural bias towards it being okay for older men to date younger women, but if you get it the other way round, then the woman is usually called a cradle-robber. However, and even more bizarre, a younger man dating an older woman is usually congratulated on such a feat. Crazy.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Zantos said:
Strazdas said:
Zantos said:
Vegosiux said:
Zantos said:
Half your age plus 7 has always worked for me.
So...a 50 year old person shouldn't hook up with anyone younger than 32? That "rule" just breaks down at some point (and it most definitely breaks down the moment "half plus 7" is equal to or greater than the age of consent). There's no "real" reasoning behind it, someone made it up and it stuck. For some reason.
Obviously it doesn't hold for all age ranges, and had this been an advice thread on what the OP should do in some difficult situation I'd be more constructive. However since the legality issue had already been considered, I didn't really see the point in that, so just put the half age plus seven rule before someone else did. If a fifty year old can get in with someone in their twenties, then props to them, and I hope I can do that at their age.
so basically since everything has been said you put up a nonesensical rule jtu to fuck with everybody... because..... well you had to write soemthing?
Well more or less, but I prefer the version in my head that didn't put it like that. It sounded like a more reasonable thing to do last night in my head. Now people are just picking on me :(
Sorry, just had a really bad day....


New member
Jul 1, 2011
I've never actually dated anyone younger (previous girlfriends have been anywhere from a few months to about two and a half years older than myself), but I see no issue with it (assuming you try to keep it nice and legal). It is true that age differences become less and less important as you get older, of course.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
It doesn't matter.

As long as they are not what I would term as "too much" younger, then it's groovy. At my current age, 4-5 years is the youngest I'm willing to go.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
For me it's about the person not how old they are, it just happens that I have more interaction and things in common with people my own age and hence more interest in them. I didn't choose not to date only people older than me, it just so happened the younger ones were less mature and hence less interested in a girl like me


New member
Feb 8, 2009
I love how concerned young people get about age differences. I remember playing a game of truth or dare once, and one of the girls was about 17 and the question she asked was "have you ever been with someone significantly older or younger that you?". When asking for clarification on how much "significantly" was, she said "like, two or more years". My partner and I looked at each other and burst out laughing, because we're two years apart (at the time, 22(me) and 20). We don't even think of the age gap. It's all about maturity.

So, in essence - one year is nothing. Don't sweat it.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
vxicepickxv said:
Ultimately, it doesn't really matter once you go past the legal aspect. Once she turns 16 it's fine.

The youngest I've dated was 11 years younger than myself. The closest to my age was about a year younger than me.
I'm gonna assume you weren't 16 at the time...

OT: Yeah, it's fine, it's only a year and you're both in your teens, if you were 18 it'd be a bit weird but at the point both of you are at it should be fine...


New member
Oct 11, 2010
technically almost 50% of all relationships have someone dating someone younger, so yeah its just a matter of prospectives, as age only becomes an issue in two situations, one where its illegal, and the other where people seem to thinks its a problem


New member
Sep 8, 2008
from a social view the half your age plus seven rule is fairly generic and easy but needs to be altered slightly to take into account the sex of the person in question

for women older than themselves the math is still good but for women younger then themselves you must take into account the age on consent meaning after the age of consent its just half your age no need to add seven

for women the rules are to some degree are reversed so that while dating some one younger than them the half age plus seven rule applies but when they are dating some one older as long as they are of age half the males age is fine

these rules can be bent though if one of the couple are a teacher and the other is a student then the rules dont apply as long as the teacher is hot if she is female or if male he is distinguished


New member
Jun 21, 2010
A one year difference? Not a problem, ask her out.

My general rule has been to keep the age range within three or four years (it used to be two years, but once I hit my twenties I broadened the gap because the difference gets to be smaller with age).


New member
Sep 3, 2009
Just as an amused comment from someone old:

If you're 16 and she's 15 - you're the same age!

Also: if nobody wanted to date people younger than themselves, it would be pretty slim pickings, since everybody had to find somebody with the same birthday...

Joseph Rodgers

New member
Oct 4, 2012
You'll never regret the fun you had, only the fun you didn't have. If she's going to the same school as you, and only one year. Cheese-wiz man, it's a non-issue.


New member
Aug 21, 2011
RubyT said:
Just as an amused comment from someone old:

If you're 16 and she's 15 - you're the same age!

Also: if nobody wanted to date people younger than themselves, it would be pretty slim pickings, since everybody had to find somebody with the same birthday...
I am the youngest 16 year old in my year, as in, JUST made the cutoff date, but that's not why I'm not doing it. We don't really know each other.

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
I'm 18 and a freshman in college. My girlfriend is 16 and a junior in high school. We started dating when I was a senior and she was a sophomore and have been close since I was a junior and she was a freshman.

I love her very much. She is easily the best influence in my life. She's the reason I didn't take up drug dealing back when my shit was sort of spiraling out of control. She pulled me (mostly) out of the abyss into which I had so whole-heartedly leaped.

On the other side of the coin, since being with me, her depression has been a lot lessened. She is no longer bulimic as her self-esteem is much higher. Whereas her previous boyfriends had a tendency to force a lot of things on her, our first time was her idea. It wasn't hers, but it was my first time in general to be honest.

Anyway, the point is that unless the age difference is enough for there to be legitimate coercion involved then it is really not a problem. I've been with my girlfriend a little under a year, but I simply can't imagine a life without her in it. She keeps me sane and makes me really happy. As far as she tells me, I do the same for her.