I'm still waiting for Spider-Man's "magic divorce" to be fixed.
Here's a surprise, comic creators - I'm a female reader that related to the women in the comics, the girlfriends and wives of the superheroes, and I loved them.
My favorite issue of Spider-Man ever was when Mary Jane outsmarted the Chameleon, who was trying to put the moves on her disguised as her husband, and she beat the snot out of him with a baseball bat.
She wasn't sitting around waiting for her husband to save the day. She wasn't worrying about some stupid affair. She didn't miraculous get super-powers. She didn't wind up stuffed in a refrigerator. She handled herself like a champ.
Here's my problem with the excuse "this opens up new exciting new stories" - there were STILL stories that could be told for married superheroes. Hell, I could write a few decades worth of married-superhero stories for any superhero if asked to. I think the excuse that "there were no more stories to tell" and "this is better" is flat-out BS, especially when I can sit here and think up dozens of interesting, engaging, fascinating stories that don't just have superhero wives, but REQUIRE them.
So, nope. Don't buy it. Not for one second. I'll miss you, married heroes - you were just too likeable and relatable to a single young woman like me to last.