I laughed a little comment when Yahtzee said that you just can't get by on zombies anymore. I somewhat disagree on this, but the game just have to be fun. Oneechanbara Origin came out back in 2019, and most of the enemies you fight are zombies. What makes it unique is that these are remakes of old crappy games, and you get powered up modes and do combos and all that flashy stuff. Not to mention, there are special zombie types that don't act like regular zombies. You got these zombie soldiers that can dodge your attacks or use machine guns. Oneechanbara Z2: Chaos (2014's best zombie game) came out in 2014 and up the ante by having you fight zombies, vampires, mole monsters, gargoyles, demons, half Medusas with only their torsos arms and heads, Paris parasitic leeches infecting statues, etc. I'm getting ahead of myself.Dead Island 2 - Zero Punctuation
This week on Zero Punctuation, Yahtzee Croshaw reviews Dead Island 2, the long, long delayed game from Dambuster Studios & Deep Silver.www.escapistmagazine.com
Zombie Army 4 is all just Nazi zombies, but there's team-based mechanics, and you're fighting all these different type of special zombies that do their own attacks. Let's not forget about the Resident Evil series. And that serious case, you're usually fighting more than just zombies, but the zombies are the stars of the show for most of the early games. RE4 has parasitic zombies.
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