Dead Rising 3 Targeting 30 Frames Per Second


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Depends really, on a PC, a shooter title with a mouse ... you need the FPS to be smooth when you quickly mouse look to various targets, but on a controller you get a more gradual acceleration so it looks smooth even at 30 FPS.

30 FPS on a mouse, not good... on a controller is ok, not the best but is more than acceptable.
It is a surprise though that the latest gen cant get past the 30 FPS barrier, these machines are on par with a decent PC AND are dedicated to gaming for the most part whereas a PC is more a machine that does a lot of stuff and can play games as well.
Dead Rising 3 better have infinite draw distance and absolute masses of a wide variety of zombies with very high texture quality to excuse a low FPS, or I'll have to call it a bad piece of coding... a new console is not a good excuse.
Its a bloody PC and CapCom have a decent engine they use in their ports to the PC at the moment, so whats the issue here ? Smartglass / Win8 Phone intergration ? Kinect ? That crappy recording 'feature' ? The need to run several adverts on the dash while playing the game ?


New member
Jun 19, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
Next gen consoles, folks.

I never really noticed until I switched to PC, but when I say, spend a few hours playing Borderlands 2 on PC, then go to play The Last of Us on my PS3, that FPS drop is really noticeable, I can't stop noticing it. Especially when any console game hits a rough patch and it suffers from even more FPS drop.
I agree with this. On my old PC I used to have to play stuff like Metro 2033 on like 20fps out necessity.
Since getting a new PC and getting used to 50-60fps, anything sub-40 looks really strobey to me, especially in FPS. And if I artificially lower something to 20 it makes my eyes bleed. No idea how I used to put up with it.

Admittedly on a TV screen on the other side of the room the difference between 30 and 60 is less noticeable, but still.

And it's embarrassing that they're aiming for 30 to start with - everyone should be aiming for 60, even if they tolerate drops to 30 in high intensity sections.
As others have said, judging by the look of the trailer it really shouldn't be quite that intensive (though I must admit that indoor bit shows some pretty lighting effects), and seems to get pretty severe drops. The fact that you notice them even on youtube say a lot.
Has to be poor optimisation, given that even other launch releases are aiming for 60fps with more impressive graphics.
Unless it's actually the hardware limiting it, in which case the next gen really is fucked.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
I guess Capcom isn't utilizing enough of Micrsoft's power of THE CLOUD.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Yuuki said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Next gen consoles, folks.

I never really noticed until I switched to PC, but when I say, spend a few hours playing Borderlands 2 on PC, then go to play The Last of Us on my PS3, that FPS drop is really noticeable, I can't stop noticing it. Especially when any console game hits a rough patch and it suffers from even more FPS drop.
Those who do most (or all) of their gaming on console either don't know what 60+ fps is like on PC, or just don't have a PC that can pull that fps in most new titles. There is a pretty small overlap between console owners and midrange/high-end PC owners.

30 fps is fine for them.
Exactly. I pretty much fall into that spot, and speaking for the uninitiated, while I've chased it on my older hardware I wouldn't notice if it bit me in the butt. I think the devs are hitting the argument right on the money though. Similar to the 120hz tv I bought last year, some things I watch there is a notable difference, some not. I played xbox at 720p for years then switched to full 1080p because I somehow missed that setting the first time around, but barely even saw a difference. When you put a full blu-ray movie in it the difference is suddenly mind boggling. We perceive frame rates differently depending on genre, on-screen action, and point of view.

So now I've finally seen some 60fps high end gaming and the conclusion is that I couldn't really care less. Does 60 look better? Sure. Does it matter? Not really. For this group it's less important to speed it up as it is to stop it from slowing down. So many games on middle hardware 'run at a perfect 30fps' until something important happens, the rate drops to the teens, and we get screwed.

If every piece of hardware were to suddenly jump to 60fps minimum no one would complain - they aren't hating - but not everyone chases the latest and greatest. They just want things to work reliably.

Upbeat Zombie

New member
Jun 29, 2010
Capcom really raising the bar with next gen consoles with ambitions like games running at a steady 30fps.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Adam Jensen said:
Wow, the whole 30 fps. How ambitious! Are they sure they can pull off such a high number?
Considering the frame rate drops I've seen on even a lot of PC titles, I seriously don't think targeting a solid 30 FPS is under-ambitious.

A little disappointing, perhaps, that we're still here, but whatever.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
I thought that FPS dropped towards the END of the console cycle (see: Shadow of the Colossus), not the start...

Also, I don't like 30 FPS. It makes everything feel a bit laggy, constant or not.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Daystar Clarion said:
Next gen consoles, folks.

I never really noticed until I switched to PC, but when I say, spend a few hours playing Borderlands 2 on PC, then go to play The Last of Us on my PS3, that FPS drop is really noticeable, I can't stop noticing it. Especially when any console game hits a rough patch and it suffers from even more FPS drop.
I'm the opposite. High frame rates STILL look like a routine that should be backed by Yakety Sax to me. It's hard to get used to, since I've literally been gaming since before you were born.

And now I feel this urge to tell you kids to get off my lawn.


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
Dead Rising has never been about being the prettiest game. It's about getting swarmed by undead and using silly weapons. 30 FPS is fine so long as the zombies are there in droves.

I'm going to give Capcom the benefit of a the doubt and hope this one turns out well optimized by November.


In the name of Harman...
May 11, 2012
I'm gonna have to see if it comes to PC to see how much this matters to me. For example, once I played Devil May Cry: Devil May Cry on the PC at 60, I actually did better on PS3 at 30 because I felt like it was in slow motion and that I had more time to react and such. In Dark Souls' case, the animations are intrinsically tied to the 30 FPS and bumping it to 60 drove me up the wall. So it really depends on the game and whether or not "striving for 30" is a creative decision or being ass at optimization/slow hardware.

I actually don't want to try out my brothers 120hz monitor, because my GPU can't push 120 on many games and still look good. I'd hate to feel unsatisfied with 60.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Raiyan 1.0 said:
I guess Capcom isn't utilizing enough of Micrsoft's power of THE CLOUD.
That was a joke. If someone takes this seriously I will cry. Not a single manly tear. I will cry in big heaving sobs of utter and complete despair.
Oct 2, 2012
Zachary Amaranth said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Next gen consoles, folks.

I never really noticed until I switched to PC, but when I say, spend a few hours playing Borderlands 2 on PC, then go to play The Last of Us on my PS3, that FPS drop is really noticeable, I can't stop noticing it. Especially when any console game hits a rough patch and it suffers from even more FPS drop.
I'm the opposite. High frame rates STILL look like a routine that should be backed by Yakety Sax to me. It's hard to get used to, since I've literally been gaming since before you were born.

And now I feel this urge to tell you kids to get off my lawn.
Get outta here gramps. You're too old to Internet and you're cramping our style.

OT: I've played at 60 and 30 and I'm fine with 30. As long as it doesn't dip significantly under 30 I'll be fine.
Not that I'm getting Dead Rising 3 anyway but whatever. Opinions and stuff.

Zac Jovanovic

New member
Jan 5, 2012
TiberiusEsuriens said:
So now I've finally seen some 60fps high end gaming and the conclusion is that I couldn't really care less. Does 60 look better? Sure. Does it matter? Not really. For this group it's less important to speed it up as it is to stop it from slowing down. So many games on middle hardware 'run at a perfect 30fps' until something important happens, the rate drops to the teens, and we get screwed.

If every piece of hardware were to suddenly jump to 60fps minimum no one would complain - they aren't hating - but not everyone chases the latest and greatest. They just want things to work reliably.
The thing is, it doesn't matter that it looks better. You won't be able to SEE the difference between 30 and 60 fps anyway, unless you can watch a direct comparison on 2 monitors at the same time.

The key is in input delay, playing at 30 fps on PC bring a control input delay that is often higher than your server ping online. This is very noticeable in games where you directly control your character, first person shooters, third person slashers etc. The game feels, laggy, sluggish, less reactive.

If you watch someone play a shooter at 30 fps on PC it will look perfectly fluid to you, but for the guy playing it will be agony if he's used to 60+.

V TheSystem V

New member
Sep 11, 2009
But I thought that Xbox One would have loads of games running at 60fps? I thought the people buying it had some knowledge of this when they defend it on the IGN boards?

Seriously, I am fine with long as it's consistent. Dead Rising 2 dips, and that's on a current gen console, not the colossus that is meant to be Xbox One.

Dead Rising 3 does look great though. I hope they iron out these frame rate issues so people can enjoy it.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Mr.Tea said:
TiberiusEsuriens said:
I played xbox at 720p for years then switched to full 1080p because I somehow missed that setting the first time around, but barely even saw a difference. When you put a full blu-ray movie in it the difference is suddenly mind boggling. We perceive frame rates differently depending on genre, on-screen action, and point of view.
Fair points for the rest of your post, but this is missing a fact: The consoles don't do 1080p at all, ever, with the exception of a PS3 playing a Blu-Ray (or the short-lived HD-DVD thing for the Xbox, perhaps). They just upscale all the different rendering resolutions the games have set up to your 720p or 1080p.

They really run at such "high definition" resolutions as 1152x640, 960x544, 1040x624 and, of course, 1280x720 (which is the standard 720p). There are slight variations for each of those, adding or subtracting a couple of vertical or horizontal lines here and there, but nothing above 720p. Xbox 360 [] | Playstation 3 []

And that's not even starting on the TVs themselves, which often don't even use the exact 1920x1080! Try plugging a computer to one of them to see what I mean.
Neat! I knew there were some distinctions, as connecting my PC gave a completely different image, but for a while my xbox was also running in 1080i. Any clue what that means? I'm still trying to figure it out, aside from it being magically below 1080p somehow.