Got the game, and so far, hes talking too much for my liking. Dead space is one of my favorite all time games and Isaaks lack of speech was key in creating the atmosphere that made the game great, it made sense that he was mute considering the triple layer of traumatisation he was under, and it was an ingeniously simple way of providing an unparalleled sense of immersion with the story and also painting the character not as the standard hero but the everyman in an extrordinary setting eg: he stays silent and watches everyone else fall apart, a man determined to focus on how to survive rather than ***** about his hellish situation which requires action, not discussion. Now i do think that it was right that Isaak should speak this time round, but the generous helping and casual nature of his dialogue goes completely against his character as it was set out in the first game, Isaak Clarke is not the kind of guy who talks to himself, and i imagine is not the kind of guy who talks alot to other people, he may have been that guy before the shit hit the fan, but he definately isn't or at least shouldnt be that guy now. I mean by general "game" standards he doesnt speak much but thats only because everyone constantly soliloquises and verbalizes every benign action in games these days (KOJIMAAA!!!!)
So, basically Deadspace2 has half the tension/atmosphere of the original because in the original YOU were Isaak, he didnt need to say "HOLY SHIT!!" when something jumped out at him because YOU did. where as now YOU are just controlling this guy called Isaak who doesnt sound too bothered about whats going on around him and swears alot when he stomps on things.... oh yeah almost forgot; Harsh language does not equal edgey content, FAIL.
Still a F***ING AWESOME game though ;D