Dead Space 2...scary?


New member
Jun 23, 2011
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this...

I am a HUGE baby when it comes to horror. I cannot watch scary movies, at all. Hell, I had my eyes closed for the entirety of the Strangers. Yeah, you can laugh at me. Horror games, I'm a little better at, but not by much.

So how is it that everyone else claims that Dead Space 2 is the scariest game ever made, when I'm sitting there scratching my head, wondering what game they were playing?

The scariest parts in the game was when you were surrounded by necromorphs during the beginning and you had barely enough ammunition to take them out. Getting attacked from all angles, yeah, I will admit, it got a little terrifying. AT FIRST. But, once you go through it a few times, it really just becomes routine.

Necropmorphs jumping out of the walls? That scared me at first, too. But after five times of this happening in a row, it just completely lost its charm. The game just became a really boring, old routine.


I think the ONE time I felt genuinely scared and I felt they did horror right was when you had to stab that needle in your eye. THAT was well done. But it was one moment, and it wasn't enough to make up for the rest of the game lacking horror.


So, I'm curious...did you guys find Dead Space 2 scary? And if you did...why? I'm honestly curious. And no, I'm not trying to berate anyone, or make myself seem superior. I just didn't feel the horror that everyone else is apparently feeling.


New member
Jul 27, 2009
Drall said:
So how is it that everyone else claims that Dead Space 2 is the scariest game ever made, when I'm sitting there scratching my head, wondering what game they were playing?
I'm relatively certain that anyone who told you this is the scariest game ever made isn't entirely sane.

Big Cat

New member
Mar 29, 2011
I didn't think dead space was really scary either but one of my friends that has it only played it once and said he is to afraid to play it again.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
Yeah, Dead Space 2(and 1) aren't exactly of the "horror" genre. More of the "Boo!!" Genre. It's a really unrefined version of the horror genre,

It ain't scary really. Just jump making. And it's effect wears off real quick.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
I didn't find it scary. Scary is wehen you just have a feeling of dread and makes you want to piss yourself. deadpsace just tries to get cheap scares by having stuff jumping out at you, but it's pretty predicatble. espescially if your near a vent or in an open space.

I didn't find the stick a needle in your part very scary because i was quite confident with my accuracy being a sniper in games. I can see how people who aren't very confident with accuracy and spray and pray in games would find it scary, but it wasn't scary for me.
Jan 23, 2010
People saying that Dead Space is the scariest game ever has not played horror games or they are unable to get immersed in a game and enjoy the atmosphere. I pity those people.

A friend of mine has a similar opinion that Dead Space is reaaally scary, he tried Amnesia: The Dark Descent and just looked confused and didn't find it scary or creepy or fun to play.

What scares you in a game is subjective I guess. I for one think Dead Space is a competent third person shooter with the gore ramped up to 11 and only two moments in the game that really got on my nerves.


New member
Jul 6, 2011

OT: Hyperboles...that's the problem here. Yeah, the game isn't that scary. Sure, they can build suspense and have things jump out, but it's not terrifying after awhile. That doesn't make it a bad game, it's just that I wouldn't really call it horror. More action and suspense than survival horror. Anyone who honestly says this is the scariest game they've ever play has either

A. Never played any other horror games before
B. Is a easily started by certain things

So yeah, I consider Dead Space 2 more of an action game than horror, but I still think it's pretty good.

Mr. Underson

New member
Mar 28, 2011
There were pleanty of those jump-scares, but it wasn't really scary. Until you turn the music off that is. Then enemies really can sneak up on you.

Knight Captain Kerr

New member
May 27, 2011
Dead space 2 is an "action/horror" game with alien monsters in it. It is "horror" but in no way scary, but still pretty good.


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
It's an action game with horror elements.

It's not bad, it's just not designed to make you scared beyond belief.


Him Diamond
Mar 9, 2010
Drall said:
So how is it that everyone else claims that Dead Space 2 is the scariest game ever made, when I'm sitting there scratching my head, wondering what game they were playing?
The only people who say Dead Space 2 is the scariest game are people who've never played any other horror game than Dead Space 1, and marketing people.

Drall said:
So, I'm curious...did you guys find Dead Space 2 scary? And if you did...why? I'm honestly curious.
It had pretty good atmosphere and at times was very creepy, bit outside of when a necromorph snuck up on me and I had to smash it to paste, it swung far towards the action-side of "action-horror". I thought it was a pretty good game though, all the same.

Sniper Team 4

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Apr 28, 2010
If you were actually living it, it would probably make you crawl into a corner and cry. The concept behind the games--an alien virus that you can't defend against, turning you slowly insane til you kill yourself, and then bringing you back as a zombie--is terrifying in my opinion. Add to that the fact that, in the first game, you are completely alone on a massive ship and you don't know what's happened and yep, your mind is going to snap.
Playing the game though? Not so much. It's good at inducing panic--CRAP! Out of ammo! Where are they, where are they, where are--waaah!--but not actual horror. I think it's a lot harder to scare people these days because we're used to this sort of stuff. I also think a lot of people don't know what horror is, and just assume that since a game is gory and has monsters jumping out at you from the shadows, that's horror.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
L3m0n_L1m3 said:
Drall said:
So how is it that everyone else claims that Dead Space 2 is the scariest game ever made, when I'm sitting there scratching my head, wondering what game they were playing?
I'm relatively certain that anyone who told you this is the scariest game ever made isn't entirely sane.
Anyone that claims it´s anything more then jump scares is most likely insane <.<

And no I didn't find dead space scary 1/2(beyond jump scares which I don't count as being scary, since you can achieve the same thing by throwing a teddy at random into someone's face...)

Edit: Games like dead space should get it´s own genre... maybe: "Bu!"?


New member
Dec 7, 2009
No. Dead Space had its "booga-booga" moments but I couldn't see what was so scary about it. Dead Space 2... no. Horror has become action games with some gore and jump scares. Thank you Frictional Games for actual horror.

Mike Fang

New member
Mar 20, 2008
I've played both Dead Space games and enjoyed them both for their stories and their gameplay. But no, I did not find them scary in the same way that most people don't find "Aliens" scary. "Aliens" was more of a sci-fi action movie than a sci-fi horror movie because you always saw it coming. You knew the aliens were around, you knew when characters were in hostile territory and when they were in safe territory, you basically always knew what to expect. "Aliens" is still a great movie, it's just not a spine-tingler.

I look at the Dead Space games the same way. You know what to expect when wandering around; you know the necromorphs are going to come at you around every corner, burst out of the vents, so you're always on guard. Stuff rarely slows down and you rarely have a time when the sense you could be jumped on isn't there. As a result, there's no chance for a genuine surprise. You may not know when exactly the monster will come at you...but you know it's around here somewhere. It's a fun and exciting game to play with a good storyline, just not a skin-crawling experience. What it does is unsettle you, but not really scare, per se.


New member
May 7, 2011
Dead space 1 was scarier than the entire dead space 2 in about 15 mins of gameplay I actually didnt want to buy the first one straight away because I thought I would be too scared, once you get into it dead space stops being scary


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Drall said:
So how is it that everyone else claims that Dead Space 2 is the scariest game ever made, when I'm sitting there scratching my head, wondering what game they were playing?
Who is this everyone? This forum was full of threads flaming the game and people who liked it because it wasn't "scary" when it came out.

Anyway, I believe most of us are suffering from what I like to call "overexposure to horror". The concept is terrifying and if I hadn't played scary games before i'd have likely been scared by it. But i'm used to horror and the cliches.

I don't treat it as a horror and if people do they're doing it wrong :p Its an action game with the odd bit of suspense. I actually HATED fighting the raptor things in that game because they would try and outsmart you, made me panic a little when fighting them. Its good at that, but its not really a scary game.
Jan 27, 2011
Dead space....isn't scary. It's a bit creepy and stressful but not scary.

Scary games make you wake up in the middle of the night and prevent you form sleeping, due to tremendous nameless unease.

The remake of RE1 made that happen to me when I was in high school. Before I got over my fear of Zombies.


New member
May 24, 2009
It's scary on occasion, but by and large, it's just an action with a horror aesthetic, and that's fine. In fact, the game is more than fine in spite of it not being all that scary; it's genuinely excellent, and it's firmly in the top five on my personal favourite games list. I don't see why people feel the need to make such a fuss whenever a "horror" game isn't scary in the exact same way the something like Silent Hill 2 or Amnesia is scary.