Dear Escapist, I F*cked up.

Ruzzian Roulette

New member
Dec 23, 2008
Now, I've never been the most attractive guy, but I've always been sort of a hopeless romantic, looking for that one girl that'll love me more than anything. Well, a few months ago, I thought I had found her, albeit she was a friends girlfriend at the time (something I'd rather not get into), and after a few weeks of late-night texting and hanging out after school, we became close. Really close. So close that one day, when her parents were gone, she took me up to her room, and boots were a'knockin.

Now, I realize that situation in itself was a mistake, I mean, we weren't even a couple yet, and we had already had sex. We went waaaaay too fast,something I never plan on doing again. She had told me on the pill (PEELZ!), and I trusted her, I had no reason not to, right? She said she loved me (a real first for me) and I was completely sure she was telling the truth.

Turns out, that time she was, but a week after we slept together the second time, she texted me and told me she had "forgotten" to take her pills for roughly a week. And after asking a few of my friends that are girls, they said that just doesn't happen, you don't just forget to take your pills for a week.

My initial thought after that was "Oh...FUCK." Which is to be expected. of course. And the kicker is, a few weeks after she told me that, her period was late, which scared me shitless. But she got her period, so I thought we were okay. Fast forward a few weeks, and it turns out she's a about a dozen weeks pregnant, most likely by me and the time we had sex when she "forgot" to take her pills.

I'm scared out of my mind, and I don't know what the hell to do. We aren't together anymore, but she wants us to be a couple still. I don't know, I just don't know at all, I have this incredible feeling that she lied to me and did it on purpose. The fact that I recently realized I'm severely, and I mean SEVERELY, depressed isn't helping my situation at all. I don't want this kid, but she refuses to abort or adopt, so I'm at a loss. I want to just ignore it, but I know that's not an option, and I'm completely willing to pay child support. I'm just so lost, confused, and scared I don't know what to do. I'm not asking for your help, friends, I just wanted to let you know what position I'm in right now.

And yes, our parents know, everybody in our school knows (I HATE small towns) and I go away to college in a year. I don't want to hear your lectures, but I know I'm gonna get them anyway. So bring it on. I love you guys/girls.

Tl;Dr? Fuck off, this is a real problem.

EDIT: For godsakes, I've talked to a countless number of people before this. I just decided to post this on here because I felt like it.

EDIT2: My friend and the girl had broken up beforehand, before we ever hooked up.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Dug yourself into a pretty nice little hole there didn't you? Well, I'm sorry it backfired on ya, but look for the silver lining.

A child can be a wonderful blessing, if you look at it the right way.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
um thats pretty bad luck there. but on the bright side your life could make a decent t.v. show


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Man up dude. No matter what if that is your kid, then its yours forever. Grow a pair and take responsibilty. No one forced your dick in this girl and you knew the risks of unprotected sex going in (no pun intended).

Edit: Before you think I'm taking her side I just want to say what she did was fucked up, but if she refuses to give the kid up then there's nothing you can do. I'm not saying to be a happy couple again, but don't shun the kid.


New member
Dec 30, 2008
Ohhhhhhhhhh, um... Shit?

Bad luck? There isnt really much you can do... Abortion is out is it? Cause it's either that or find out if the baby is actually yours, she may have just been a slut who had sex with randoms.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
RabidWombat said:
cool story bro
Lol.....dick. :)

OT: Have you made her prove she's pregnant with a test? If she was a liar before maybe she's lying again now. I've had somethim like this happen to mee before, and she turned out to by lying about it. I found out the truth when I threw down three pregnancy tests in fron of her and told her to get a peein.

Also......always.....ALWAYS, use a condom....always. The only time I never used one was with someone I really trusted.


New member
May 26, 2009
Well you are fucked. But still do the right and smart thing and raise the child, you made it so you should take care of it.


New member
May 16, 2009
Oh jesus christ, man.

Okay, here's what you do; change your name, move about 3000 miles away, and live happily ever after.

Or you could smack yourself in the head as hard as possible with a brick in an attempt to give yourself amnesia and then you would have no memory of it and they can't hold you responsible.

Or you could combine the two plans

Okay, I'm done joking, sorry about that.

Or just push her down a flight of stairs

Okay that one was mean, I'm sorry :D


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
I still don't understand why there were no condoms second time around...

Still, sucks dude. I haven't been there, hope things work out.

EDIT: I say second time around, because the first time sounds kinda like it took you by surprise, make sure you always have a few with you.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Why put this online? That's easily one of the worst reactions to this. Have fun weeding through the loads upon loads of BS to find some solace.

BTW, that's pretty fail. Make her prove it.

Superior Mind

New member
Feb 9, 2009
Aside from the whole knocking up another bloke's girlfriend thing, your FIRST mistake was to post your problems on the Inernet on a gaming forum. Honestly, aren't there about a million OTHER people you could/should talk to about this? I mean, anonymous patrons of a gaming forum are probably the last place you should turn to.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
You done gone and fucked up big. That is pretty much my biggest fear.

I dunno, if she still can, convince her to abort. Here, try this jingle.

"If you don't choose to abort, I won't pay child support"

(I'm a terrible person)

In your position, I would flee to Mexico and become a bandito.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
Is it too late to abort? If so there's always adoption if you trust your country's foster care system enough.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
At least now your User name is appropriate. You certainly did play russian roulette by taking her word on that kind of thing, and not having condoms on you. Unfortunately, you lost.

Nothing anyone can do for you now, up to you and her now.