
New member
Mar 16, 2011
Not sure if its forgotten or just really obscure but Kingdom of Fire: Circle of Doom.


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
That depends. Does Earth Defense Force 2017 count?

Cause if it does, then yes. Yes I do.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
Dominic Crossman said:
Juiced 2. Never heard anyone talk about it ever IRL. Pretty decent game as well.
I had it as well. It was only alright, I thought. But it is definitely a forgotten title from this generation of consoles.

Import Tuner Challenge springs to mind as well. I don't know anyone else who owns it, but it has a surprisingly in-depth customization system for cars. Plus, completionists would love the 300 or so rivals, some of whom won't race you unless you're driving a specific car (e.g. a Subaru Impreza).


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
BloatedGuppy said:
How about Sacrifice? That's a game that never really gets talked about, yet got a lot of critical buzz at the least amongst those critics that actually played it.

Mind you I'm not sure it qualifies as "Modern".
Yeah, after thirteen years I don't think it's fair to call it 'modern' anymore...

As for me? Well, I've got Dark Void, also known as "the one modern game with a jetpack that squandered all of its potential by tacking it on to mediocre third-person shooting and ran out of time to actually finish the game".

And White Knight Chronicles and its sequel, which are somewhat of a mixture of WRPGs and JRPGs that ends up being pretty competent but not really outstanding in any way.

And Lego Batman 2, though I'm not sure if that's really "forgotten" so much as "handwaved as a 'kiddie game' and ignored" like most of the other LEGO games (around sites such as this one, at least. By the way, Lego Batman 2 is actually pretty awesome).

And Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. I haven't seen that game get brought up anywhere in a long time, save for TotalBiscuit's recent video on Marvel Heroes (and even then, I'm pretty sure he was talking about the first one since the sequel didn't get a PC release).

Oh, and most recently I bought Lollipop Chainsaw. Everyone seemed to stop talking about that about two weeks after its launch.

EDIT: Mind, I wouldn't call most of these obscure. I was going more for the "forgotten in time" angle.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
I'll say it again and again, this wonderful master piece is probably the most underrated game I have ever played.

Gameplay-wise, it's not exactly perfect, dungeon crawler with varying difficulty levels. But it's the story that makes this game solid gold. Everything about the well written, well crafted, story and universe gives it a sense of scale that very few games even match. Even then, it gets quite darker at times than one would expect. Suicide being quite an epic theme towards the end. Even then, the music in game is really awesome as well, sprite work is done beautifully and it just is great.

Yes, I am talking about a fucking pokemon spin-off. No I am not being sarcastic, shut up, go find a copy and PLAY IT.

I believe Chunsoft know just what they are doing when they make these games. Can't wait for the next one. Gates to Infinity was pretty good, just needed ALL the pokemon and I'd like it more.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Claymored said:
Yes I do, it's called A Boy and His Blob. A puzzle platformer game, released for the Wii in 2009.

I just remembered about ABAHB after reading the title of this thread and thinking. That's how forgotten it is.
Oh, you reminded me of a very similarly titled game for the Wii.

I got the game almost five years ago, and I wasn't on board with it. I replayed it recently and found -- I still wasn't on board with it. Cool idea, good controls, but I didn't find any fun gameplay in it. Doesn't surprise me the game is considered a cult hit, and that it garnered no sequel as well as the developers going under.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
TheYellowCellPhone said:

I got the game almost five years ago, and I wasn't on board with it. I replayed it recently and found -- I still wasn't on board with it. Cool idea, good controls, but I didn't find any fun gameplay in it. Doesn't surprise me the game is considered a cult hit, and that it garnered no sequel as well as the developers going under.
But... it did get a sequel... the developers were closed down and restructured by their parent company THQ after de Blob 2 was released.

Unless I've stumbled into a parallel universe... hold on, I do have an evil goatee now. The plot thickens!


New member
Mar 31, 2010
BloatedGuppy said:
How about Sacrifice? That's a game that never really gets talked about, yet got a lot of critical buzz at the least amongst those critics that actually played it.

Mind you I'm not sure it qualifies as "Modern".
Sacrifice was pretty damn awesome, still feel urges to boot it up from time to time.

Other things I can think of are Majesty and Majesty 2 (the first wouldn't be modern I guess). All other ones I have can't really be called modern I think, perhaps Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines though, but that's got a hefty cult following.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
Never heard anyone talk about the SSX reboot. Or any of the Lego franchised games. Or Battle for Middle Earth- that is a great game (and its sequels) although I can't remember when it came out and if it counts as this gen.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
shrekfan246 said:
TheYellowCellPhone said:

I got the game almost five years ago, and I wasn't on board with it. I replayed it recently and found -- I still wasn't on board with it. Cool idea, good controls, but I didn't find any fun gameplay in it. Doesn't surprise me the game is considered a cult hit, and that it garnered no sequel as well as the developers going under.
But... it did get a sequel... the developers were closed down and restructured by their parent company THQ after de Blob 2 was released.

Unless I've stumbled into a parallel universe... hold on, I do have an evil goatee now. The plot thickens!
Oh, really? I hadn't heard of that. I knew THQ and the developers got the ax and I figured no new sequel had come... but I guess I wasn't listening.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
TheYellowCellPhone said:
Oh, really? I hadn't heard of that. I knew THQ and the developers got the ax and I figured no new sequel had come... but I guess I wasn't listening.
It kinda got the Epic Mickey treatment: The sequel was released multi-platform but launched without causing practically any splash at all. It actually made me aware of the first one's existence, funnily enough (though I haven't played either myself). Got pretty favorable reviews, all things considered, but I imagine it didn't sell all that well since, as you helpfully pointed out, some people didn't even know it existed. Probably why the developers got caught up in THQ's "restructuring and realignment" plan shortly after its release in 2011.


New member
May 19, 2013

A really really good RTS which fell short thanks to the publisher then it got turned into Free to Play and then the Developer failed complettly to develop it further and reused the same movement models all the time. But even if it is always online and makes probably no money anymore the server is still running :O


New member
Mar 31, 2013
Would The Saboteur count? I freaking love that game, one of my all-time favorites, and it didn't leave my hard drive for almost four years. Whenever it comes up in conversation I either get puzzled looks or declarations of hardcore adoration.

It's really too bad EA killed off any chances of seeing a sequel.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Heard a bit of news about it on launch but talk died down quickly.



New member
Oct 20, 2008
Wars and Warriors: Joan of Arc. It's a blend of action and RTS. It's actually pretty fun, but it got crap reviews at the time (not entirely without reason, either), so it's pretty obscure, especially since it comes from the same guy who developed the Capitalism series.

Ohhh, I just remembered POW: Prisoner of War, by Codemasters. It was kind of a knock-off of the Great Escape (and came out before the GE game did), and it was fun as hell. Nobody I know ever seems to have heard of it, though.


New member
Mar 13, 2010
Between XBOX, Xbox360 and PC I've picked up a few well made well recieved titles that nobody seems to recall:

- Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason (PC)
- Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (PC / XBOX) [it does have a small cult following, nyuk nyuk]
- Section 8: Prejudice (360 XBLA)
- Commanders: Attack of the Genos (360 XBLA)
- Earth Defense Force (360)
- Vanquish (360)
- Battlezone 2: Commanders (PC)

I'm sure there's others, that's just off the top of my head.


New member
Jul 10, 2012
Is Audiosurf popular at all? It's basically the only game in recent memory that I've bought without any franchise-affiliation or degree of previous word-of-mouth promotion. It went on sale on Steam and the title caught my eye; I looked it up, liked the concept, saw that it got good reviews, and went ahead and bought it. It's a pretty rewarding experience if you view it as a sort of "music enhancer," but I have yet to see anyone else acknowledge its existence.

I included the "franchise-affiliation" qualifier above because of Watchmen: The End is Nigh, though by simple virtue of being a Watchmen game, I'm not sure whether it's obscure enough to count. Regardless, in this case the game all in all kind of deserves to be forgotten.


New member
Dec 20, 2011
Well Resonance of Fate was already said, so, I'll say Lost Odyssey.

It is a rarity from this generation. A fairly ambitious, large budget( i only guess because of the advertising with a licensed song), JRPG as a 360 exclusive. Which is very rare when a JRPG is not a Final Fantasy game, and because of the people who worked on it, the original Final Fantasy director?, his name and position escape me, and Nobuo Uematsu's work on the music, make it a spiritual Final Fantasy game.

And it is really good, great story, Interesting "target ring" combat ( think Legend of Dragoon's attacks).

Also a 4 disc game, I think the only game that comes close is 360 L.A. Noire with 3 disc's.


Why does it say I'm premium now?
Apr 22, 2012
II2 said:
Between XBOX, Xbox360 and PC I've picked up a few well made well recieved titles that nobody seems to recall:

- Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason (PC)
- Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (PC / XBOX) [it does have a small cult following, nyuk nyuk]
- Section 8: Prejudice (360 XBLA)
- Commanders: Attack of the Genos (360 XBLA)
- Earth Defense Force (360)
- Vanquish (360)
- Battlezone 2: Commanders (PC)

I'm sure there's others, that's just off the top of my head.
Section 8: Prejudice rules, spent hours on that game. Apart from that, none really.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
Let's see- and again, I'm not exactly sure what is a "cult classic" game, but I'm gonna count games that I've played and found enjoyable (not all the time, great, but enjoyable) although they're mostly only mentioned in passing. And yes, some of these games have already been mentioned, but... eh.

-Earth Defense Force 2017 (love this game)
-Dark Sector
-The Darkness (first played this this Jan. and I was surprised by how emotional it made me)
-Resonance of Fate
-The Saboteur
-Anarchy Reigns (just recently came out stateside, and it's a goddamn Platinum game, but it's been pretty much forgotten)
-Dead Space: Extraction (not exactly an obscure series, but probably played the least out of the lot, and it really wasn't all that bad.)
-Zakk and Wiki
-Contact (DS)

Might add more later. Probably not, but maybe.