
New member
Jun 25, 2009
No offence, but what do you want us to do about it?

So you didn't like the party, why do you need to complain about it here?
Plus you wanted to play "I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire". That would have killed the party instantly, lovely and all though it is.

By the sounds of things, you aren't really a party person anyway. Am I right?


New member
Oct 20, 2009
sounds like you should have gotten some dutch courage while attending this social gathering, it wouldnt matter how stupid you look... you can blame it all on the alcohol... after all its only good for two things: getting you pissed and taking the heat for the crap you did during.


New member
Oct 24, 2009
bless... I remember one of my xmas parties quite well. It was in middle school. I had a boyfriend at the time of 2yrs. I remember we were dancing around and at one point he sat down. So i *blush* sat down on his knee and hugged him... funny because i forgot it after all these years but during a trip down memory lane with him a few months ago (as friends of course) he reminded me. God i never felt so embarrased. But one thing he forgot to remind me of but i remembered, was how when i stood back up i tried to get him to dance. When he didn't i decided to try showing off my bad dancing skills and ended up walking into one of the bins that was in the centre of the room. URGH! lol.

President Moocow

New member
Nov 18, 2009
TheNamlessGuy said:
President Moocow said:
Worst attitude for a party EVER! With that attitude, you will never have fun at a party regardless of the music, the number of pizza slices you got, etc... I love how you make it seem like what "ruined" this party when that's clearly just an excuse and it's much more obvious why you didn't have fun.

Seriously, just chill the fuck out an have some fun. THAT'S a party.
Yeah, you try not to sleep for 2 days and not being able to move, then go to a party and have fun.
Again with the excuses. I don't care what kind of comment you can pull out, that's not how it works. If you go into a situation with a "this is going to suck" attitude, it will suck. If you try not to have fun (and don't give me this "i tried to socialize" bs, at that point your mind was already dead-set on not having fun), you will not have fun.

And if you're tired and incapable of moving, why the hell would you go to a place that's very energy-draining (unless you're extroverted, but I can safely assume you're not). Same for not being able to move, that's just a show of insecurity and uncomfortableness. NOT party mentality. You need to loosen up.

If you were physically not well, then you deciding to go to a party is like a marathon runner with a broken leg deciding to participate in a race.


New member
Jun 25, 2009
TheNamlessGuy said:
DuplicateValue said:
By the sounds of things, you aren't really a party person anyway. Am I right?
True, but still, with the soda, I would have been able to have 'fun'
What would you classify as 'fun'?
And how would soda help in the slightest?


New member
Jun 25, 2009
TheNamlessGuy said:
DuplicateValue said:
What would you classify as 'fun'?
And how would soda help in the slightest?
Soda's got like a million pieces of sugar.
If you're tired, that helps a lot.

And by 'fun' I mean the adrenaline and endorphins
See that, right there? The whole "adrenaline and endorphins" crap? That's why you can't have fun.

Seriously, forget all the science shit - fun just........happens. :D
And why were you tired? What time was the party at?


New member
Jun 15, 2008
TheNamlessGuy said:
D_987 said:
If you didn't want to read about my crappy party, why did you go to this thread anyways?
What an idiotic reply, so rather than actually think to yourself what a waste of space this thread is you're trying to defend your decision to post it? Even though it has no relevance to anything and has little to no discussion value?


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Heh it was a school party, from my experence and the experence of others they are always somewhat rubbish *level up* (ok sorry i couldnt resist that kind of joke) But seriously at best there mediocre.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
TheNamlessGuy said:
You know what the problem was?? Not the fact that there wasn't enough food or sugar.The problem is the fact that it was a school "party".


New member
Jun 15, 2008
TheNamlessGuy said:
Boy, you really like insulting people, don't you?
It's fairly easy to insult people, based on the general intelligence of the current forum community.

Also, no relevance?
Hence the off-topic section.
Off-topic simply means non-gaming, it is not an invitation to post whatever garbage comes into your head when there is no discussion, threads like these are the reason The Escapist has become the forum it is.

And there are threads with way less discussion value
Debatable, personally I'd say this is the worst at the momment.