Describe Your Dreams And Have Them Interpreted By An Unqualified Hack!


New member
Jan 29, 2010
VanQ said:
Asita said:
VanQ said:
I was travelling across Azeroth on a quest to become a Pokemon Master, and the gym leaders were the classes from TF2. The dreams always picked up from where they left off somehow as well.
...Well, I'm going to go ahead and yoink this one from the OP. You see, I think first we have to note the exclusivity of these worlds. The Team Fortress Classes never existed in Pokémon, and Pokémon Gyms never existed in Azeroth. Your dream is based on things and people that...well, never were. It's an impossible world. Now, that the dreams continued indicate that you have this drive inside you, to see this through to the end and to become that one Pokemon...TF2...Azeroth...Master who is definitively superior to all of these other non-entities. In short, what the dream is saying is that you want to be the very best, like no one ever was...
So I have a desire to transcend existence, become a superior being to all non-entities and become one like no one ever was?

Either that or your mind in telling you to answer your subconscious calling to write crossover fancfiction.

Bad Jim

New member
Nov 1, 2010
sageoftruth said:
I was at the hospital and found out that while I had been asleep, a spider had laid its eggs down my throat. Later, as I lay in bed, I could feel a bunch of legs scrambling to climb up my esophagus. I had half of a fist-sized spider and four of its pencil-sized legs sticking out of my mouth before I woke up in a cold sweat.
That's your subconscious telling you that you should become a horror writer.


New member
Apr 12, 2011
I am sitting in a restaurant that was at one time the winter palace. In the middle of the dining hall is a large mountain of furniture. Me and my family are sat on a long stone table at the side of the room. I am sitting at the wall, surrounded by family, my girlfriend opposite. Suddenly, the waiter comes over, and after telling us that the place was the winter palace and the place where the czar died, he hands everyone green packets of crisps. My girlfriend opens hers, which she produced a tiny owl. She then throws the owl at me. Everyone starts pelting me with owls. I run out in to the snowy stone street of a waterfront, and beneath a statue I tear off my shirt. I then jump into a spherical submarine like thing and dart underwater, where I am chased by the big submarine from Atlantis. Suddenly, the small submarine I'm in is discovered to have legs, which I use to hide in a small alcove. Suddenly a newspaper spins in, a voice declaring me to have escaped- suddenly american's capture me and I'm taken aboard into a bar with red floor matting and varnished furniture. There I sit and I see that a character in the soap 'Hollyoaks' will be become a stripper, another a soldier. I then walk out of the bar and into a white void. I wake up.

There, have a go ************.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
I'm being chased through what I firmly believe is my hometown, even though I've never seen this place in my life. I know that if I look my pursuer in the eyes I will die. I enter "my house", and begin frantically looking for something. As I look through one pile, I see my pursuer's face inside, staring blankly with solid-white eyes. The face is mine. I die.


It Can Wait Til Morning
Sep 8, 2014
I head towards the bathroom because I have to poop. I open the bathroom door and a wave of water sweeps me out of my house and into the ocean. A whale lifts me out of the ocean with a picnic basket on its back. I tell the whale that I'm grateful for the food, but I need to poop before I start to eat. The whale takes me to a floating outhouse.

This is where I wake up, and promptly go to the bathroom.


Mandatory Madness!
Aug 31, 2010
The diner is classy, a nice upscale dive where they have padded bench seating around the edges also table clothed open floor tables. Glass lighting hangs over each table with soft light turned down low. I can move around this eatery, but no one can see me. The tables have breadsticks on them, the napkins are monogramed. I never notice the patrons till after I notice the details of the diner..
Sitting at every table are couples, twisted demonically. Bile coats the seats and causes the floor to be sticky. They gibber and bicker at each other for a while, as I try to move, to look elsewhere. Never works, I watch as the waiter comes up, and takes their order. They wave him away, and slather with their gnashing, crooked teeth.
The time passes slowly, as the meal is being brought out. The female one is heafty, her skin sagging in large folds from her form in a way that always reminds me of corpses bloated and swollen from dying in water. Her chest heaving to suck in enough air to screech at the other in lusty gasps. The other rail thin, his flesh leathery from time and worry. His eyes where these beady things that didn't blink, didn't move... Just watched her idly. He sounded like sand poured through a ribcage..
The food is brought out on a push cart and covered in a tin. The waiter takes a moment to show it off, place down the plates and utensils. Making a show of the unveiling. The tin is pulled free to show a small stillborn baby. It's lips pulled back from tiny deformed teeth and skin shriveled and wet. They nod their pleasure at the waiter. They bicker and shriek and choose sides, then the eating begins....

I watch them eat...

I watch them finish, sopping up the remains with the stale bread..

I have had this dream for years...


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I told Petyr Baelish that he was an asshole, and then started trying to half-apologise about it, because I was scared he would do something.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
I'm cleaning up in the kitchen of the house I grew up in. I pick up a pan full of hot oil, with the intention of putting it in the sink, but my ex is standing in the way. I try to maneuver around her, but I end up spilling the hot oil on my crotch.

A recurring dream I've had since childhood is one where I'm walking on the bottom of the ocean. Eventually I walk through a sunken city. (A modern looking city) I walk past that, and I'm walking in nondescript ocean floor. Eventually I realize I need to breathe, and jump straight up to the surface. Then I wake up.


New member
Oct 24, 2008
I had this dream where me and the people I was working with at the time were on the Nazi side of D-Day. So it was like Saving Private Ryan but from the German perspective.
The mood was tense, we all knew what was coming. Then, slowly out of the water the Allies came like frog-men or Navy SEALs with breathing gear on their faces and heads.
Then right as we're about to open fire as their bodies are coming out of the water they appear as tourist families, hand in hand, dressed in awful, gaudy, bright tourist clothing and we look at each other not knowing what to do.

Could be some statement on war, knowing the cost of killing a man is like killing his family.
My guess is that I was working in Central America all summer at a Mayan dig in the jungle and malaria pills give you weird, fucked up dreams/nightmares. It's actually a very common side effect of the pills. And depending on the pills that you take, one of the most common dreams is flesh melting dreams like drinking from the false grail in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Sure I will amuse this .

I had dream that I don't remember but while that dream was happen it was like I was having a second dream were I was lying on my bed that(presumably in my room) and I was aware a dream was happening. I did not have any control over what was happen in the other dream.
All I know something happened, I turned on my side as some kind of reaction and I was thinking "please stop now", then I woke in the same position I was in the potential second dream.

try explain that because I don't have an explanation beyond the dream was weird.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Alright... I got one for you coming straight from my writing journal...
*clears throat*

In this dream, I'm dating my best friend... Like in real life, he's slightly taller than me, yet in this dream, I'm crossdressing and looking as beautiful as my mother during her high school years... I even have her slightly-long, straight black hair that just barely reaches pass my neck... Anyway, in this dream, we've been dating for several years and today's our anniversary... We beginning talking in exposition involving how we met, how we supported each other through our long-time friendship, and how we swore to each other that neither of us would have sex until we're married, even thought that particular moment happened before we started dating in the first place... Then, before he gets down on one knee to propose, I stop him mid-way, quickly get on one knee, and propose to him instead... I don't remember how I ended up with showing him an engagement ring made out of a Snickers bar, but he said yes and the dream quick-jumps to the wedding itself... I'm now wearing this luscious, blue gown with a Rainbow Dash-shaped corsage around my waist like a belt... My best friend is standing besides me, wearing the same suit my deceased father wore at his wedding, reading his wedding vows in Yuri Lowenthal's speaking voice... Then, I start reading my wedding vows in Laura Bailey's speaking voice before the minister, who looks like my church mentor, yet now sounds like Johnny Yong Bosch in this dream, announces us a married couple... My newly wedded husband and I kissed as we hear our other friends and relative cheering and clapping with "It was about time", "They make a perfect married couple", and "Now, they can have kids, right"-esque comments sprinkled throughout... The dream then quick-jumps to a bedroom where we're finally having sex, which in my real-life mind reminded me of some of the other dreams I was having beforehand even down to both the anal sex and me sayingwith an ahegao look on my face... The dream ends when we both orgasm together on the sheets of the bed...


New member
Sep 29, 2014
I once dreamed that I was inside of walmart and could rail-grind on any surface as long as I was wearing socks. Also, I fought plastic animated skeletons with vinyl fence posts.