Deserved to get raped?


New member
Jan 9, 2009
G1eet said:
Curtmiester said:
No one deserves to get raped.
The Rogue Wolf said:
Under no circumstances does anyone "deserve" to be raped. None. Flat, simple rule.
IdealistCommi said:
No one deserves to get raped. EVER
Kuchinawa212 said:
Never, no one ever deserves to get raped.
Hmm. A thought occurred to me. What about the rapist(s)? Do they deserve to get raped?

Disclaimer: I think that nobody ever deserves it, I'm just trying out an impartial query.
Nah, they don't. They just deserve a slow and painful castration. If you're gonna ruin someone else's life like that then you deserve a fitting retribution, yes?


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Kuchinawa212 said:
G1eet said:
Hmm. A thought occurred to me. What about the rapist(s)? Do they deserve to get raped?

Disclaimer: I think that nobody ever deserves it, I'm just trying out an impartial query.
No, and eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind
Nice usage of Gandhi.

Et3rnalLegend64 said:
Nah, they don't. They just deserve a slow and painful castration. If you're gonna ruin someone else's life like that then you deserve a fitting retribution, yes?
Hmm. Quite the compelling argument.


Premium member
Sep 10, 2009
Wow, not to be rude or anything and I mean no disrespect to any of the women, on this site. But those girls are the defination of *****. No one and I mean no deserves to go through the dramatic ordeal of being raped, no one.


New member
May 10, 2009
Kuchinawa212 said:
G1eet said:
Hmm. A thought occurred to me. What about the rapist(s)? Do they deserve to get raped?

Disclaimer: I think that nobody ever deserves it, I'm just trying out an impartial query.
No, and eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind
I hate that saying.

An eye for an eye makes the whole world pirates, thus eliminating global warming.


New member
Jun 22, 2008
Sexy Street said:
Bulletinmybrain said:
You're concerned more about some teenage girls being teenage girls rather then the fact that 10 people watched a girl get raped and no one spoke up?
No, but the original topic was ABOUT the girls and how disgusting the behavior is. You can say how disgusting the act was, but it is as disgusting to converse about it saying someone deserved it.
It's just spoken words don't really equate to being as powerful as the physical action, hell there may even be ways to qualify the remark in some aspect. But saying something pales in comparison in doing something, they're teenage girls which means 95% of what comes out of their mouth is bullshit. They said that because it wasn't them, because there is no repercussions, and they feel a little bit better about themselves in knowing that. If it had been someone bragging about their sexual conquest of a unwilling girl I might show a little emotion, but seeing as it is them talking about it's pretty dismissible.


New member
Oct 28, 2008
You have more patience than me. I would have throttled those girls and to hell with the consequences. Both of my best friends are rape survivors, so that kind of shit makes my blood boil.

Typical victim blaming bullshit.


New member
Sep 22, 2008
That's sickening.

What's even more is that with so many watching the gang rape being done, is that no one tried to stop it.

What a horrible world we live in.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Macgyvercas said:
I believe a resounding "WTF" is in order. This shit is messed up.

I'm going to have to come out (with my tier 7 flame shields) and say that I think some people do deserve to be raped (not the people in the article, though).

A woman who killed 6 infants and made chili out of them? Yeah, I think people can rape her.
The only ones who deserve to be raped are the people who've done stuff so f*cked up, and done it so many times, that death would be too good for them. But, alas, most of those crazies seem to be male. So instead, they should have their penis and testicles removed without anesthetics.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
G1eet said:
Nice usage of Gandhi.
Thanks =D

MasterSqueak said:
I hate that saying.

An eye for an eye makes the whole world pirates, thus eliminating global warming.
You take my eye, I take your eye. Then I take my other eye, them (somehow) I take your eye

Now you're a blind pirate. And how successful were blind pirates?

UsefulPlayer 1

New member
Feb 22, 2008
"Investigators say as many as 20 people were involved in or stood and watched the gang rape of a 15-year-old girl outside a California high school homecoming dance Saturday night.

"Based on witness statements and suspect statements, and also physical evidence, we know that she was raped by at least four suspects committing multiple sex acts," Gagan said.

"As people announced over time that this was going on, more people came to see, and some actually participated," Gagan said."

^What the fuck! I have got to get my eyes checked or go back to elementary school, because that can't say what I think it does.

I never thought I'd be surprised at the cruelty of teenagers. I mean I already have a pretty nasty opinion of the evil they can commit. But this just blows my mind.

Sexy Street

New member
Sep 15, 2009
Bulletinmybrain said:
Sexy Street said:
Bulletinmybrain said:
You're concerned more about some teenage girls being teenage girls rather then the fact that 10 people watched a girl get raped and no one spoke up?
No, but the original topic was ABOUT the girls and how disgusting the behavior is. You can say how disgusting the act was, but it is as disgusting to converse about it saying someone deserved it.
It's just spoken words don't really equate to being as powerful as the physical action, hell there may even be ways to qualify the remark in some aspect. But saying something pales in comparison in doing something, they're teenage girls which means 95% of what comes out of their mouth is bullshit. They said that because it wasn't them, because there is no repercussions, and they feel a little bit better about themselves in knowing that. If it had been someone bragging about their sexual conquest of a unwilling girl I might show a little emotion, but seeing as it is them talking about it's pretty dismissible.
Fair enough, but having this lack-luster thought on rape is crazy. I know that most of the people in my school would say that they were being disgusting, but we all just sat there and took it. Maybe I didn't say enough. It was dead-quite, the teacher was there, and everyone was looking at them. If that doesn't tell you that you need to shut the fuck up I don't know what does. The fact that we all really couldn't say anything was amazing. I actually said something but they came back with this, "Well if she went with this guy ALONE then she needed a good raping. I mean that girl needs to be taught a lesson." If this isn't disgusting then I don't know what is. So yes, it might be able to qualify it, but this is still one of the most disgusting things I have heard in my life.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Those girls are some of the worst examples of humanity you will find in high schools today


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Avykins said:
Eh. Deserve is too strong a word. However there are circumstances when chicks really do have no one else to blame.
This girl definitely did nothing to bring this on herself but those idiots who go get pass out drunk at bars really do not have the right to whine to anyone.
So if you pass out drunk at a bar I have the right to steal all your stuff and then murder you painfully? Hmm. Think I'll take you up on that.


New member
May 10, 2009
Kuchinawa212 said:
G1eet said:
Nice usage of Gandhi.
Thanks =D

MasterSqueak said:
I hate that saying.

An eye for an eye makes the whole world pirates, thus eliminating global warming.
You take my eye, I take your eye. Then I take my other eye, them (somehow) I take your eye

Now you're a blind pirate. And how successful were blind pirates?
Why the fuck would you pull out your own eye?


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Avykins said:
aesshen said:
Avykins said:
Eh. Deserve is too strong a word. However there are circumstances when chicks really do have no one else to blame.
This girl definitely did nothing to bring this on herself but those idiots who go get pass out drunk at bars really do not have the right to whine to anyone.
So if you pass out drunk at a bar I have the right to steal all your stuff and then murder you painfully? Hmm. Think I'll take you up on that.
I suggest you learn how to read before you start posting here.
I quite clearly said that deserve is too strong a word. However putting yourself in a situation where you know that some shit will probably happen to you then removes your right to blame someone else when said shit does happen.
Be like climbing into the lion cage at the zoo then trying to blame someone else when you end up missing a limb.
So once again, for fucks sake learn to read. I hate illiterate newbies.
And I hate misogynistic twats. Funny coincidence, that.


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
Avykins said:
aesshen said:
Avykins said:
Eh. Deserve is too strong a word. However there are circumstances when chicks really do have no one else to blame.
This girl definitely did nothing to bring this on herself but those idiots who go get pass out drunk at bars really do not have the right to whine to anyone.
So if you pass out drunk at a bar I have the right to steal all your stuff and then murder you painfully? Hmm. Think I'll take you up on that.
I suggest you learn how to read before you start posting here.
I quite clearly said that deserve is too strong a word. However putting yourself in a situation where you know that some shit will probably happen to you then removes your right to blame someone else when said shit does happen.
Be like climbing into the lion cage at the zoo then trying to blame someone else when you end up missing a limb.
So once again, for fucks sake learn to read. I hate illiterate newbies.
I think he can read just fine. Removing your right to blame someone else essentially removes your right not to have it happen. As far as lions go... other people aren't lions. Civilization tends to hold people accountable for their actions, and sometimes people hold lions accountable for their actions. When that happens it's probably unfair to the lion (he's just being a lion, after all) but it's hardly unfair to a person (a rapist is not just being a person) and no it's not "known" that some shit will probably happen even in the risky situations you've mentioned, and for the same reason: people are not lions.


Bound up the dead triumphantly!
Jan 7, 2009
Interestingly enough, and somewhat related, I remember reading a psychological study a few years back that came to the conclusion (I can't remember the exact figures, and I don't have an online link as it was in a hardcopy-journal):

A female jury is far more likely to acquit a suspected rapist than a male jury, frequently on the grounds that the victim was "asking for it" from the style of dress, imbibed substances and other such things.

So it's not just teenage girls being teenage girls, it's appears to be a (fairly) standard female response. I can't remember the science as to why, but there you go.