Deserved to get raped?


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Avykins said:
aesshen said:
And I hate misogynistic twats. Funny coincidence, that.
Nice. Stupidity and arrogance. You are off to a great start. There is a vast difference between people taking responsibility for their part in things and misogyny. Of course you would not understand that would you.
Thank fuck we have a "Ignore" feature now.

Seanchaidh said:
Since you are unable to connect the dots let me make it even clearer to you. I will once again use analogies. Please try to keep up. (Yes that is very condescending but come on. It was not that hard to understand the first time around.)
If a person runs into traffic and someone hits them. They are at fault. It does not matter if the driver was speeding the person still has to take responsibility for their part.
Same as if you go into a construction area after hours. Fall and break your back. It does not matter that some one left the site unsecure or may not have fitted the railing correctly. You should not have been in the area to start with.
If you get drunk at a bar and get taken advantage of then you put yourself in that situation. No one forced you. You did not take steps to ensure your own safety like even going with a group of friends. So as such you are responsible for your part in it.
For someone who talks a lot about reading comprehension, I don't think you understood a word of what Seanchaidh said. An empty construction site can't commit a crime. A moving car can't commit a crime (although its driver can). Someone in a bar who decides he has the right to rape a girl because she drank too much is, however, a criminal. What else can a woman do to "ask for it?" Wear a short skirt? Go somewhere with a man she doesn't know? With a man she does know? Go to a party? Go to work? Walk home at night? Travel alone? Talk to a stranger? Ignore a stranger? Walk? Breathe? Exist?

"Personal responsibility" is a great phrase. But it is always your right not to be the victim of a crime. And to say that women shouldn't "whine" when they're violated - I hope you don't react the same way if someone you know tells you she's been raped. That's a good way to ruin relationships.

I'm really glad I created an account on this site just to have this lovely discussion with you. I looked around, and these forums are worth a bit more than just dueling with woman-hating troll-children. I may even stick around.


New member
Nov 20, 2008
aesshen said:
And I hate misogynistic twats. Funny coincidence, that.
Welcome to the Escapist. We expect better of you.

Avykins said:
Since you are unable to connect the dots let me make it even clearer to you. I will once again use analogies. Please try to keep up.
If a person runs into traffic and someone hits them. They are at fault. It does not matter if the driver was speeding the person still has to take responsibility for their part.
Same as if you go into a construction area after hours. Fall and break your back. It does not matter that some one left the site unsecure or may not have fitted the railing correctly. You should not have been in the area to start with.
So are you saying women shouldn't go to bars and drink? Both of those situations involve accidents. If someone runs in front of my car, there's only so much i can do to avoid them. If someone wanders into my construction site without my knowledge, there's nothing i can do to protect them.

Rape, on the other hand, is an intentional act. Committing rape is a conscious decision, and the rapist bears full responsibility whenever a rape occurs.

Avykins said:
If you get drunk at a bar and get taken advantage of then you put yourself in that situation. No one forced you. So as such you are responsible for your part in it.
Rape, by definition, involves someone forcing you.


Music Industry Corporate Whore
Nov 14, 2007
Sexy Street said:
I was in my science class and I overheard the conversation of a group of girls in front of me.
They said that the girl who went behind the school on homecoming that got gang-raped was asking for it.
My mind immediatly exploded (here is the link ) because of the amount of cruelty these girls were spewing.
I was sick to my stomach for hours after reading this, and I couldn't believe that these girls would say that.
So, what is your reaction? I know it is disgusting, but I am talking about the girls that said she deserved to get raped.
This type of attitude is quite common with young girls who don't know better.

It's a sad thing that some young girls tend to look on other young girls who are more sexually promiscuous as they are as "sluts", "deserve to be raped" and so forth. Our culture encourages boys to be sexual but it doesn't encourage girls to be sexual, and our unspoken cultural rules state that a guy who has sex with a lot of girls and enjoys it is a "stud" but a girl who does the same thing is a "slut" and "deserves punishment". Outdated, conservative ideas about how boys and girls should act in society (the idea that boys always have to do all the chasing and girls should always act demure and shy) are to blame for the continual propagation of these types of attitudes.

There is a good chance that this girl who was raped was a more promiscuous girl by nature and therefore the other girls, too young/silly to understand about how they've been socially conditioned to hypocritically view female promiscuity as bad (but male promiscuity as okay), look at the event as her "punishment" for being "a slut". When the girls grow up a bit more they'll probably learn how wrong they were, either through grasping some common sense, or by being sexually assaulted one day themselves (the odds of which are unfortunately quite high) and learning what it's like to be in that kind of situation - they certainly won't feel like they "deserved it" at that point.


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
Avykins said:
Trying to dodge your part in what happened because of someone elses choices is exactly what I was talking about.
It does not matter if it was a accident or not. You know the risk is there. You know these people exist. You can not just shuffle the blame off on others.
Others... like, for instance, the rapist?


New member
Nov 20, 2008
Avykins said:
Trying to dodge your part in what happened because of someone elses choices is exactly what I was talking about.
It does not matter if it was a accident or not. You know the risk is there. You know these people exist. You can not just shuffle the blame off on others.
Rapists exist. We may not like the fact but it is that, a fact. There is nothing you can do to change it. So if you go out and intentionally put yourself in harms way then you know very well what may happen.
I would not try to blame other people if I walked into gang territory late at night wearing rival gang colours and so got my ass kicked. I would have the balls to just say that yes, I should have known better. End of story.
And if you weren't wearing rival gang colors? Rape victims don't intentionally goad their attackers.

Avykins said:
As for going to bars and drinking. I have stated several times, which sadly people seem too dense to understand, that if you do that and you do not take precautions to ensure your own safety then you willingly accept the risk and thus lose the right to act blameless.
And what sort of precautions should people reasonably be expected to take?

Avykins said:
I really do wish I could reach through the screen and slap you for that particular piece of stupidity. You know full well I said that no one forced you to put yourself in a dangerous situation. Stop trying to just omit words in your mind to prove a point that does not exist.
I assumed you were referring to "getting taken advantage of", since most people wouldn't consider "walking into a bar" to be a particularly dangerous situation.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
I think I'm going to be sick. . . seriously.

Since this is my real name next to an actual picture of me I'm not going to comment further because I'd like what I want to say to be said anonymously. Maybe when I've counted to ten a few times I'll make a new account with a random name just to post that one comment.


New member
Nov 20, 2008
Steindorh said:
Since this is my real name next to an actual picture of me
that was probably ill-advised.

KarumaK said:
I've heard people say worse and I've said worse than them.

So... yeah.
I'd be interested to hear what sort of things you think are worse.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Steindorh said:
I think I'm going to be sick. . . seriously.

Since this is my real name next to an actual picture of me I'm not going to comment further because I'd like what I want to say to be said anonymously. Maybe when I've counted to ten a few times I'll make a new account with a random name just to post that one comment.
Just a word of advice (your choice if you want to follow), it's not the smartest idea to post every personal fact about yourself on the net. You really have no reason to link to your Facebook from here (unless you're the type of person who accepts every friend request that you get). Personally, I believe the only people who have reason to know that my Facebook even exists are my friends IRL or possibly close internet friends. Anonymity is a shield for more than just trolls.


New member
Jul 28, 2009
I am hoping to not piss a bunch of people off here...... But Hitler probably deserves some rapage.