Developer Apologizes for Accidentally Threatening Kittens


Reinventing the Spiel
Feb 2, 2012
UNHchabo said:
Here's the difference: threatening harm, like on that National Lampoon magazine cover, is a joke, and is designed to make you laugh. If the joke worked, it will make you want to read more of the comedy contained within the product being sold
That's exactly what the joke you're complaining about is doing. Yet for some reason you completely miss the humour and attack it as if it's serious when it's patently not. Why?
Xanadu84 said:
you don't demand blood in retribution. The offending party apologizes like an adult, and you move on with your life. Luckily, it looks like THATS WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE.
Not really, the poor developers are still getting bombarded with hate and calls for people to be fired directly in response to the joke.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
GoaThief said:
That's exactly what the joke you're complaining about is doing. Yet for some reason you completely miss the humour and attack it as if it's serious when it's patently not. Why?
Read the rest of my post, especially "There's no relationship between the pitch and the product". This is not a comedy game, so this "joke" has no bearing on the content of the game.

Res Plus said:
Well, I guess that is one way of looking at it. Personally to call what happened "emotional manipulation" seems rather, well, hysterical to me, as does the response.
To put it another way: what if they said they would donate the $5000 to a charity no matter what, but if they weren't Greenlit, the money would go to the Westboro Baptist Church? Yeah, this is a more extreme example, but in both cases the publisher would be attempting to get people to Greenlight the project based on something other than the merits of the game itself. That's emotional manipulation.


Reinventing the Spiel
Feb 2, 2012
UNHchabo said:
Read the rest of my post, especially "There's no relationship between the pitch and the product". This is not a comedy game, so this "joke" has no bearing on the content of the game.
Read the article, I'll quote the especially relevant part for you;

Understand that there is some dark humor in the game and they wanted to play off of that. We love cats! That's why we have them in our game to begin with!
Yes, there is black humour in the game and it's very relevant. I wonder if that issue of National Lampoon featured any more dogs?


New member
Jun 26, 2008
jon_sf said:
"Jeez, people shouldn't be offended by stuff on the internet, and post negative comments to websites about it. I'm going to go post a negative comment on some website about how I think people are whiny."
It's this sort of humor that makes me smile a bit and feel some warmth in my cold, dead heart.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
I'm glad this offended people, and I hope it stops that donation.
More kittens for me!

[sub][sub]I am, of course, kidding. Insert implication meme by Tommy Lee Jones here.[/sub][/sub]


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Mcoffey said:
josemlopes said:
Mcoffey said:
Weird but I guess the steam community has different joke standards than the rest of the internet.

Side note: If this game has a publisher, why the hell is it on Green Light? That kind of undermines the point, doesn't it?
Being Greenlight is diferent then being Kickstarted, there is no money involved, its just a way to make your game available on Steam.

OT: I guess I now must be offended by that guy from the Serious Sam developers
Yeah, but I thought it was in the same vein as kickstarter, in that it was for indie devs who don't have a publisher to be able to get their game out there and make some revenue. Why can't their pub submit it to steam through traditional means?
I dont know, maybe its Valve using the community to know what games (these cheaper and more mediocre kind of games) should and shouldnt be on Steam. I dont know honestly but there isnt anything wrong with having a publisher in this situation


New member
Dec 24, 2008
GoaThief said:
Understand that there is some dark humor in the game and they wanted to play off of that. We love cats! That's why we have them in our game to begin with!
Yes, there is black humour in the game and it's very relevant. I wonder if that issue of National Lampoon featured any more dogs?
Well, it's not clear from the trailer that there's any humor whatsoever in this game; I don't think a game can get away with this unless it's as blatantly comedic as Deathspank or Bulletstorm.

There's also the matter of delivery. If I punch my friend lightheartedly, compared with coldcocking some guy who was walking down the street, those may be the same mechanical action, but the context and delivery are radically different.


Reinventing the Spiel
Feb 2, 2012
UNHchabo said:
Ignoring your poor analogy, your new objection now boils down to the humour not being slapstick/too dry. You don't have to enjoy it but the "outrage" is silly.

I also like how you shift the focus to one solitary trailer in an attempt to justify your initial claims despite them being refuted in the article itself. Integrity, don't you just love it?


New member
Dec 24, 2008
GoaThief said:
Ignoring your poor analogy, your new objection now boils down to the humour not being slapstick/too dry. You don't have to enjoy it but the "outrage" is silly.

I also like how you shift the focus to one solitary trailer in an attempt to justify your initial claims despite them being refuted in the article itself. Integrity, don't you just love it?
No, the problem is that the humor wasn't stated anywhere. The first time I saw any indication that the game might have any humor in it is in reaction to the backlash, with the statement "Understand that there is some dark humor in the game and they wanted to play off of that." Previous to that, there was the trailer, and the text on the Greenlight page, neither of which contain any mention of humor.

There's no outrage on my part; I'm simply saying that this was a dumb decision, and that they should have thought it through more thoroughly before trying to play off of emotional reaction to get press for the project.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
It could be worse. They could be pushing turkeys out of helicopters.

In other news, I'm intrigued by this idea of getting people to do things by announcing a reward that might be impossible to give. Has Valve SAID they were going to greenlight another batch of games before October the 15th? Because from what I've seen they seem to just be hammering on the code, not using it. They've just been providing people with less and less feedback as time goes on (percentages were removed for logged-out users, then for logged-in users, then AFAICT for devs) and haven't given the nod to anything even though the (at last report) top 10 has likely all surpassed some of the original greenlights in votes.


Clerical Error
Mar 29, 2009
The article is well written. The underlying topic of the article is "meh" in my opinion. The three pages here of opinions as to why/why not the article is offensive are infinitely more interesting. Thank you teh internets! Oh, and also, there's no such thing as bad advertising. How did the greenlight go, before and after the "offensive" announcement? I wonder...

Now, I am going to go punch my chihuahua in the spine. SPINEPUNCH! Look at his little curly tail wagging. So cute. Who's a good Trogdor? Clearly he was not offended. I say that. He'll probably blog negatively about it later.

Side note: Kittens?!? Flight of the Conchords are writing songs for 100's of sick kids:


New member
Mar 26, 2008
Ishigami said:
Well that backfired I guess... humor is always in the eye of the beholder.

~but someone right now is reporting you and screaming (well, typing) bloody murder.

People *choose* to be overly-sensitive douchebags. It's in the same vein as white-knighting "male feminists". Basically "I wish to be perceived as if I truly care (about stupid shit)".

~and now, someone is reporting me and screaming (well, key-bludgeoning) bloody murder.
We can be ban-buddies.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
uncanny474 said:
Rednog said:
I'm sorry but did you actually read what they said?
Saying you won't donate cash to a cause if your goal isn't met isn't threatening to kill kittens. Not helping someone doesn't make you responsible for their misfortune. It's a poor expression/dark humor, but in no way is it a threat that they are going to go out and kill kittens.
My point is not what they said. My point is that they said it to be deliberately inflammatory with the intention of feigning ignorance later, in order to get news stories like this one written, which in turn generates (free) publicity for the game.
Never blame on malice what could be attributed to stupidity. It seems much more likely that they made a bad joke and didn't anticipate the reaction.

Not that I actually believe them to be stupid for making that joke. Some people need to calm down. Jokes are just jokes, and this is the internet, weren't dead baby jokes really popular for a while? Or are dead cats worse than dead babies in this cat obsessed web?

Don Reba

Bishop and Councilor of War
Jun 2, 2009
Formica Archonis said:
It could be worse. They could be pushing turkeys out of helicopters.
How is that worse? The things with cats is that they are the owners of a significant portion of human population, and as such have a special untouchable status on the Internet.