Hawki said:
The show's never really tried to explain magic so I've never really wondered about it, but I have to guess is that a lot of it is down to raw power. IIRC, Celestia tells Twilight after she gets her cutie mark that (paraphrased) "I've never seen such raw potential/power, but it needs to be nurtured." So, it seems that magic is inherent, but you need to put in the legwork to "git gud." Twilight also makes similar concepts about Starlight's raw power as well.
Well, yeah, I guess ... how the show handles magic is kind of weird. It seems to be an extension of the faculties. If it was just an extension of the intellect Trixie must be a
genius... but unicorns can actually learn new magic it seems. Whether that power is innate or not, seems undecided to me. Of course in a nice twist of fate and solidly reminding us that all ponies are 'magic', you have Maud indirectly assisting Overmare Glimmer imprison and indoctrinate a village of ponies through her knowledge of rocks that could be used to seize cutie marks... or possibly conquer Equestria...
And clearly Maud's power is one part inherent and one part
scholarly focus.
Which should be more obvious given Maud can punch through solid rock and probably could commit a war crime with a boulder...
In a lot of ways I feel like in such a universe, unicorn magic isn't always that ... and even if Celestia is technically(?) a goddess, I feel like in such a world it might explain why such power is always treated in the relative.
I feel like Celestia's school is missing out on some prize students by limiting it to unicorns... I suppose you can make the argument that Earth ponies are supposed to be more resistant to the pull of evil designs. So naturally maybe that inability or resistance of their nature to do undue harm means they have a harder time seeing it in others and that the school is more about holistic aspects of academia and living than just thestudy of magic ...?
Still feel that Maud's 'magic', if indicative of the other abilities of certain Earth Ponies (like her sister who is capable of questionable degrees of reality shattering power), is kind of hard to deny.
An Orwellian Celestia today; keeps an Overmare Glimmer away...
So, you know ... Earth pony magi-science...?
Anyways, it's kind of clear that the magic ponies have isn't merely horn based.
I honestly don't get why this show is so divisive, it's just plain
good .. even the not so great episodes ...
This is coming from someone who attempted to deal with the timeline issues in my semi-novelization of Rainbow Rocks, but I don't think it's broken. Sunset seems to spend a few years in the human world, given that she seems to win at least three Fall Formals before the first film. Twilight's shown to be much younger, but that still has enough time for things to work, assuming that Celestia starts training her eventually. As for Principal Celestia...wait, you saying that she's crossed over into Equestria?
Not specifically the humanoid Celestia and Luna. That would be silly, but hypothetically if they did cross over they would be alicorns and effectively be the magical superpowers regardless of whatdimension they stepped foot out of, right? If Celestia and Luna are effectively deities in Equestria, who's to say their existence isn't sufficiently alien elsewhere?
Honestly, given Luna and Celestia are proper aliicorns ... nothing is really spoken about their parents ... and given the stupid amounts of power they have.
Prior watching Equestria Girls stuff I thought perhaps Celestia and Luna were merely celestial bodies basically finding a physical presence upon the land. Kind of like the Ursa Minor and Ursa Major finding a physical dimension of being in Equestria. Also explains their manes ...
Either that or as if interdimensional travellers themselves from someplace else. Plus, you know ... it's the only way to marry what is said in the
Journal of the Two Sisters to the hellspawn of headcanon everywhere that is Flurry Heart if Celestia and Luna are just interdimensional aliens.
Plus, you know ... we know they can do that. Actually travel to other dimensions.
Flurry Heart should have been a pegasus like Cadance prior being an alicorn, but I digress ...
Heh, you've given me a oneshot idea there.
That said, that's assuming that human!Sunset even watches the film, and spots pony!Sunset who's cast as an extra. Even if she noticed pony!Sunset, chances are she'd think "gee, she looks similar" and move on.
You wouldn't be creeped out by someone who looks exactly like you, is the same age, has the same name, sounds like you, but unlike you you wouldn't be able to find out who their parents are or where they lived if you investigated further? In the age of Facebook, you're bound to run into them.
Which leads me to wonder whether Principal Celestia didn't just fluff the paperwork needed to enrol at a school.
I've never worked in the U.S. system, but in Australia it requires a certain degree of paperwork and admin to be enrolled at a school. It used to be before I worked in education that schools actully have a lot of trust and power invested in them in these regards, given governments used to accept such paperwork without batting an eye once the schools themselveshad enrolled a student.
It actually used to cause a whole lot of problems concernsing misspelt names.
It happened to a friend of mine. Went through high school enrolled with only one of her middle names. So when she went to university she showed her acadenmic results from the school ...
The university accepted, and she graduated as that new persona given the university just matched academic records with the person's name listed, and created a new record with the same (misspelt) name because she didn't inform the university of any changes to it. Even if the name on her birth certificate is different, it's actually just easier changing the birth certificate to match the name than to correct all the academic details and transcripts that a person accrues through life.
The problem lies that with such a lot ofofficial paperwork with that misspelt name, you can open a bank account, take out a lease, open a utilities account, etc ... and once you have two bills, medicare card, and other official paperwork to get up to 100 points of ID ... well, there's nothing stopping you simplybecoming that personand no one looking edgeways.
I don't know ... I feel like if Principal Celestia is anything like her Equestrian counterpart, and given their natures and thefact that Celestia effectively just gave two hourses and
two libraries to Twilight Sparkle
for free ... I feel like Principal Celestia might have just 'soft-adopted' Sunset Shimmer, thinking her just another street youth without a home, and put in that paperwork so that she can at least go to school inthe meantime.
Schools at least used to have that power and trust to fineagle such things. Not anymore ... given, you know, just how abused the system could be in terms of tax fraud, identity theft, and legal considerations ...
Makes sense given Shimmer, at least knowing her own Celestia, might be able to draw upon that knowledge to help her take advantage of Celestia in that other world.
Of course maybe I'm overthinking it ...
Think you're overthinking there. If human!Luna/Celestia/Cadence are any indication, the dopplegangers aren't 1:1. Even if they are, like the Mane 6, equines mature much faster than humans. So even if the two groups are the same age, the pony versions are potentially already considered adults.
Oh no ... I get that. But then again I wouldalso imagine the age differential would be a hell of a lot more apparent. Given a long-toothed horse is still about 30. And that's assuming Arab-cross Australian Stock Horse that hasn't done much work. If you took a broken wild mare or stallion from the Blue Mountains region in Australia ...tough horses that were required to do a fair bit of ranging for decent grazing in the wild... put them to a life of droving cattle across the continent of 19th and early 20th century Australia, and they'd last maybe 15 years?
Of course ... talking ponies that have achieved a luxurous life with magic and 19th century technology in Equestria, given they're intelligent and can actually vocalize their living condition and actually have the ability to organize, study the sciences, you could probably double that lifespan.
Animals that work, or animals that live in the wild, do not grow old. Losing all your teeth or getting appendicitis in Ancient Rome was practically a death sentence, for instance... animals fare no better in the wild proper.
So with that doubling of life span through proper aspects of social engineering, technological innovation, proper communication and community services might explain why the differences between the Mane 6 in both worlds is notso apparent.... but even then, struggling to understand even a Cadance much less a Celestia and Luna.
It could be that Celestia and Luna aren't even that old.
A 'thousand years' of Celestia's reign, might simply be just a handle of generationsand ponies really don't have a strong grasp of history nor really care.
Historians have a fascination with admin.The societies with the most bureaucratic systems often place phenomenal importance on chronological understandings of historical examination. Equestria doesn't feel like a very bureaucratic place ... Beyond Pinkie Pie, the Mayor, and Twilight, I don't think I've seen another pony with a filing cabinet or standardized filing system.
So maybe their understanding of history is akin to oral systems of history? Maybe a '1000 years ago' is just shorthand for 'a longtime ago.'
And maybe Celestia just ages really well...
'Course that doesn't explain Granny Smith. Or maybe she's just
What's wrong with the Istari and Maia?
Nothing ... well ... ehhh, probably going to draw a lot of heat for this but Tolkien is only really brilliant in terms of the mythology he helped to inspire.The concepts of the Fate of Arda and the role ofhumans and Eru's love are kind of weird, wonderful, but also disjointed and seemtobe forgotten by other fantasy typesin favour of the worst and more vacuous aspects of the lore he helped build.
It doesn't help when Ed Greenwood gets Tolkien better than 'professional' fantasy writer types with his depiction of Elminster and the like in
Forgotten Realms, and even then isn't that great.
Which is a problem.
To put it plainly, Tolkien's high fantasy is problematically employed elsewhere where it makes no sense to.
I shouldn't be seeing a Gandalf-like in
My Little Pony. Because frankly the Maiar have no place in the grander mythos of Equestria.
The closest thing to Tolkien's wizards and elves in Equestria is actually Celestia and Luna ... and I bet you're cringing at the thought of a Gandalf-like Celestia and Luna....
Well you're cringing for a good reason...