Well i just wanted to add that not only was Diablo ported to the PSX but also Warcraft 2, witch I bought and played. Now the game did not feel dumbed down to me. It was a very different game without a mouse and keyboard, but it was playable. I didn't get very far honestly because it was a hard game and the limited controls made playing it a chore instead of fun. However I do recall a few things being added, but for the life of me I can't recall them, and I've long since discarded the game. The only noteworthy thing that comes to mind were new movies of violence that the PC game did not have.
Frankly D3 on the Wii sounds like a big flop. On the PS3 it sounds like a mid sized flop. On the 360 I say BRING IT! If it's on the 360 and using Xbox live instead of B.net that means the PC gamers won't get a fresh influx of idiots yelling at us for loot and power leveling. Sounds good to me!
Even if the Xboxers get on B.net, that's still better than them getting PCs. Why? well, one way or another I will be able to Mute them on the PC. Diablo has always had good Ignore features.
Lastly there is the whole issue of them Paying for Xbox live and B.net being free. I would think if they are paying for it, they would want to keep playing on there beloved Live. With the familiar leader boards and achievements. If they CAN play it on there Xbox it will remind them of how much they miss there FPS and get them out of my hair. There will always be some amont of idiots, running around bringing everyone around them down, but that is unavoidable, so I say let the Xbox live crew stay in Live, so the PC guys don't have to mingle with them.