Diablo III Might Appear on Consoles

Lt. Sera

New member
Apr 22, 2008
SinisterDeath said:
Not true, Diablo 1 was on the PSX
Heh, you learn something new every day! But i can't imagine the controls being.. decent though, being a point/click^1000 type of game. I still can't get the same level of control using the sticks vs my mouse.

Emperor Inferno

New member
Jun 5, 2008
Jumplion said:
But on to the actual subject, i agree with what sammyfreak said, this is pretty much just speculating and "theorizing" what Diablo 3 would be like on consoles (am i the only one who uses a "3" for Diablo 3 instead of three I's?)
yes, apparently so


New member
Oct 9, 2007
Jumplion said:
And then there are the PC games ported to the consoles and you "PC-tards" say "they dumbed down the controlls for you console-tards". Well OF COURSE they did! How else could they port a PC game to Consoles. Sure, controllers will never beat keyboards and mice, but the whole point of dumbed down controlls is so EVERYONE can pick up and play it and they will not have a need to memorize what every little letter does.
It's not really the dumbing down of controllers as it is the dumbing down of content. Look at games like Deus Ex 2 or Civilization Revolution. They pretty much removed a great deal of content and gameplay so it could be simplified for console players. That's what really pisses us off. It would be like if Bungie decided to make their next Halo game on the Wii and said, "You know, in order to make this game more accessable, we are going to decrease the number of weapons available, decrease the number of multiplayer game modes availible, let you hold every weapon, and then give you an auto-lock feature, so this game will be playable to casuals".

Whenever a long standing PC franchise or company says they are going to build it for a console, I guarantee there will be groans because there is definitely going to be dumbing down involved so that Grandma and 10 year olds can figure out how to play the game.
Nov 28, 2007
You have a point, Joeshie. All the same, I get so sick of people saying that every game is automatically better on the PC, because it didn't have to be dumbed down for Joe Schmoe. Though every time people act like they are smarter because they are on a PC, I can just point to WoW chat.

Lvl 64 Klutz

Apr 8, 2008
All I know is that at least console games, for the most part, either work or don't. I wouldn't have to go out and upgrade my 360 to run D3 on "optimal settings." Nothing against PC games, I just find Console games to be, if not cheaper, at least more straightforward.

UsefulPlayer 1

New member
Feb 22, 2008
I'm actually posting from the same computer that I still play diablo 2 on and I have to say that its shit(computer), so a console port would be the only way for me to play Diablo 3. So if they ever made one, I would just have to give more hugs to my xbox 360.

And I liked Civilization REvolution, why? Because I NEVER played it before until I got that demo off of Xbox live. So even if they dumb down the content a bit I'll be fine with it, because at least I'll have alot of that big tasty cake instead of none at all.

By the way, I'm appalled that someone suggested there needed to be more exclusives for the PC/Mac. I don't think any of us should really push for exculives for any platforms. If the game is sweeter just because you know some other people outside of your platform group can't play it, then we have already decended too far into maddness.


New member
Oct 10, 2007
UsefulPlayer1 said:
I'm actually posting from the same computer that I still play diablo 2 on and I have to say that its shit,
Could you perhaps take the time to explain why you don't like Diablo 2 on the PC?

And to keep the "Console Rumour" debate up... Blizzard did demonstrate an easier usability in the gameplay footage, and stated that most commands/actions could be done with just the mouse buttons and wheel. This leads me to believe that a console port would be enjoyable on the ole control system.

Damnit, edited in the quote so I don't look crazy!


New member
Mar 10, 2008
You do have a point Joshie.

Personally i had no idea what all the crap on the screen was in Civilization 4, or what use it had since everything just came down to research and some spare gold, so i found Civilization Revolution much more enjoyable because it actually had reasons for most of the icons on the screen but that's just experience/preference.


New member
Dec 20, 2007
Oh yay system war time. Anyway...

Lt. Sera said:
Technically, most games could come to the console. I doubt Blizzard will go through the effort of doing it though, they never made a console game and their market seems to be PC.
That and since most of their games are hardly demanding at all since they care more about art direction than technical prowess, so the chances are that if someone owns a PS3 or 360, they most likely have a laptop or a computer that doesn't suck.

This day of age though we're seeing less exclusives mainly due to development costs. If this is coming to consoles I'd imagine that it would be PC first so that Blizzard can focus their manpower on one version at a time. Like Halo Wars is keeping "PC version" out of it's head until the 360 one is finished so that they won't end up making mistakes on the 360 version.


New member
Jan 2, 2008
Hey, if they do it well, I'll probably get Diablo for the 360 instead of PC. My computer's shit anyway, and I hate dumbing down the graphics just to play new games.

UsefulPlayer 1

New member
Feb 22, 2008
GeeDave said:
UsefulPlayer1 said:
I'm actually posting from the same computer that I still play diablo 2 on and I have to say that its shit,
Could you perhaps take the time to explain why you don't like Diablo 2 on the PC?
My Apologizes but I meant my Computer was shit, I loved Diablo 2.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Well i just wanted to add that not only was Diablo ported to the PSX but also Warcraft 2, witch I bought and played. Now the game did not feel dumbed down to me. It was a very different game without a mouse and keyboard, but it was playable. I didn't get very far honestly because it was a hard game and the limited controls made playing it a chore instead of fun. However I do recall a few things being added, but for the life of me I can't recall them, and I've long since discarded the game. The only noteworthy thing that comes to mind were new movies of violence that the PC game did not have.

Frankly D3 on the Wii sounds like a big flop. On the PS3 it sounds like a mid sized flop. On the 360 I say BRING IT! If it's on the 360 and using Xbox live instead of B.net that means the PC gamers won't get a fresh influx of idiots yelling at us for loot and power leveling. Sounds good to me!

Even if the Xboxers get on B.net, that's still better than them getting PCs. Why? well, one way or another I will be able to Mute them on the PC. Diablo has always had good Ignore features.

Lastly there is the whole issue of them Paying for Xbox live and B.net being free. I would think if they are paying for it, they would want to keep playing on there beloved Live. With the familiar leader boards and achievements. If they CAN play it on there Xbox it will remind them of how much they miss there FPS and get them out of my hair. There will always be some amont of idiots, running around bringing everyone around them down, but that is unavoidable, so I say let the Xbox live crew stay in Live, so the PC guys don't have to mingle with them.