DICE Confirms: No Microtransactions in Star Wars: Battlefront


New member
May 25, 2011
Something Amyss said:
Keep in mind, he said "not part of core design." This is a far cry from what's being presented.
Exactly what I was going to say. When asked a direct "yes or no" question, he very deliberately avoided saying no. If anything, this appears to be clear confirmation that there absolutely will be microtransactions in the game. The parts about "not core design" and progression suggest that they'll be cosmetic rather than pay-to-win, but certainly don't imply they'll be entirely absent.
Nov 28, 2007
Bobular said:
This just in: X-Com 2 will NOT have micro-transactions. And I'm getting reports that Dark Souls 3 will also NOT have micro-transactions.

(I hope I'm right about that or I will be very disappointed.)

It's sad how this is news, it shouldn't be, it should be met with the same response as if they announced that it will have controller support or online multiplayer.

The problem is that it IS news and it DOES actually change my opinion of the game for the better. I just hope that shortly we can go back to a time when this sort of thing isn't news.
That wouldn't be news for From Software, Firaxis, CD Projekt, or any company like that. It's only when EA does...well, anything, that it becomes news.