Did Twilight really ruin vampires? (Death of Vamps/Zombies)


New member
Apr 16, 2009
i've read bits of the book, and seen the film, and once again the answer is yes, but i think that vampires will heal themselves, but really, it is kind of kringeworthy.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
No, it IS basically all Twilight's fault. It gave Vampires to the (fucking) Emos, and now vampires are a fucking joke. Anyone who likes Twilight, stick the books/dvds/whatever up your arse and go read some Anne Rice. Lestat could swallow Edward Cullen whole without even noticing.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I read the cirque du freak books and loved them. The movie was disappointing though, especially to a darren shan fan of almost 4 years.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
I hold that no one has the power to "ruin" vampires. They're a workable concept; they always were. Now, our culture may have made it harder for authors to use vampires (in which case Twilight is partially responsible but not the sole culprit), but smart people will still be able to write books with all the bloodsuckers they want.

Twilight does not have the magical power to completely and permanently redefine our view of vampires or other supernatural elements. It can change it for a time, but our views will change again.

Also, regarding real life vampires and werewolves, you might say that they do exist. From the all-knowing Wikipedia:


Oh, reality. You're so weird.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
I dont think it did, but vampires where never really scary to me, sort of like the Fonzies of the monster world.
zombies were still scary in Shaun of the dead, especially near the end when they tore apart that guy. I see what you mean though action movies make the vampires less horrifying and more like a good time to kill.
Though Zombieland did a great job of balancing both horror and action.
A vampire movie like that is just what vampires need now.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
RoseBridge said:
I dont think it did, but vampires where never really scary to me, sort of like the Fonzies of the monster world.
You mean Vinnie Stoker [http://www.tvacres.com/horror_vampires_gravedale.htm]?

"Fonzy vampire" isn't the strangest thing I've ever put in a search engine (that honor would fall to one of these [http://lodo-bear.livejournal.com/13069.html]), but it's still strange.

RoseBridge said:
Though Zombieland did a great job of balancing both horror and action.
A vampire movie like that is just what vampires need now.
Quite right. I recall the vampire who made a brief appearance in "Runaways". Secretive, manipulative, powerful, sexy when he wanted to be, scary when he dropped the pretense, very vulnerable to sunlight - he was a good, well-balanced villain, and he might have won if Karolina didn't bleed solar energy.


New member
May 23, 2009
I once bought Bloodsucking Fiends on a school trip. For those who haven't heard me celebrating it, it is a novel about a vampire who, along with a nymphomaniac author, a team of Safeway night shift-workers who bowl with turkeys, and a homeless man who believes himself to be the Emperor of San Fransisco and keeps two dogs named Lazarus and Bummer as his "knights", must conquer an evil vampiric art dealer.

My teacher asked me if it was a teen romance novel. (To be fair, it is sort of a romance novel, but is an entirely different animal as Twilight. Read the above description again if you need to be convinced.)


Beware of Snow Giraffes
Jun 13, 2009
Twilight doesn't ruin the scariness of vampires or the image. If you want good vampires just watch a film with them in it.
The problem with twilight is that film studios will now make a bunch of vampire films in the same style and fill up the genre with shitty sub-par romances where you could swap the vampires for trees that sparkle and have the same film. And THAT is the problem with twilight.

Noone From Nowhere

New member
Feb 20, 2009
As I said in a previous Monster related thread, no, I don't think that Twilight ruined Vampires, nor did the action-horror/survival horror model of vampire story water down the impact of pre-existing stories retroactively anymore than Bozo the clown makes John Wayne Gacy or the Joker look cute and cuddly by association.

Not only does this go for other monster archetypes but any type of fictional trope at all.
It's as if a form of madness is creeping over the internet that causes people to froth at the mouth whenever something violates whatever mindspace territory the favorite authors of their youth claimed for themselves, whether it be related to giant robots, beast people or mystical ninjas, often missing the part about those interpretations themselves being 'bastardizations' of the previous versions of these concepts.

What really is 'killing' the older concepts of vampires is their creeping irrelevance. Badboys out for blood and the self-destructive women who love them have more resonance with teenaged girls and young women than corrupt aristocrats preying upon the lower classes do these days. Don't blame Stephanie Meyer, blame the passage of time and its effect upon modern society and, of course, the fact that nothing has really been done with the vampire concept outside of action movies in a while.
As is the case with nearly everything that becomes passe`, adults re-packaged Vamps and gave them to the youngsters as a gussied-up hand-me-down.
Hmm. Ironically, Old Age maybe be what is 'killing' Vampires.

Maybe if the Vampire is reborn as a crooked politician or the Totally-Not-the-Catholic Catholic Church psuedo-religion(from Count to Cleric?)or terrorists who feed upon terror itself (any of the complainers are free to use any of those ideas for themselves... if I don't use them first!), they'll suddenly become relevant to adult audiences again.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
the idea of vampires shining because they're in the sun is stupid... whats their weakness now?