Did we just become Best Friends? I think we did!


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Base a quote posted the member DirtyHipster said to me because I and him have the same thought. Skeleton Warriors.
So this gave me an idea:

This Thread will be dedicated to the users who have same interest with others as well.
However Each user will put VERY specific things he/she likes in form of thoughts.

Think this Thread as Multiple One-Sentence thoughts you have to say for other Threads, that describe you at the same time.

Please follow my example:

- When I want to read a Disney Comics, the first things that come to my mind is Don Rosa's Comics.
- I love Fighting Videogames, but not for their gameplay, but for its characters and lore around them.
- Call of Duty is not a shitty franchise. Call of Duty 2 is one of my favourite WW2 Videogames.
- When I want to punch a fake character in reality, I can only Think Vanille from FFXIII.
- MLP and Adventure Time are one of my favourite cartoon, but if I had to choose, I would choose Adventure Time.
- Sometimes I think is better to read a specific Manga and not watch its Anime version, just to see the original vision of the writer and just enjoy the more mature visuals it have.
- If Doom Guy and Master Chief would fight, Doom Guy would had win. F*ck this specific Death Battle I saw!!!

I hope you get my point.
You can update you post as many time you like, like I will do in the future to share my thoughts.

Dalek Caan

Pro-Dalek, Anti-You
Feb 12, 2011
- I didn't like how MLP was showing up everywhere, but then I saw that Rainbow Dash Gif and now I want to watch it all.
- I really like Too Human, makes me sad there won't be a second one.
- I've never watched it but I dislike Twilight based on the CinemaSins Videos.
- I love CinemaSins.
- I prefer Marvel over DC but DC has my favorite Hero and Villain, Beast Boy and Joker.
- I think Beast Boy could kill Superman if he did it right.
- Rose Tyler is still my favorite companion.
- I dislike chocolate on it's own, chocolate with biscuit, caramel etc. is ok.
- The Super Best Friends Zaibatsu are my favorite LP's.
- Lee Evans is my No.1 stand up comic.


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
Why the hell not.

-World of WarCraft is the finest crafted MMO in history and has the best current content as long as you're willing to commit to a raid schedule and not live your life as an LFR Hero
-I'm a massive weeaboo that loves shounen, shoujo, seinen and moe
-I rip on Naruto [http://pastebin.com/FUNjY2cY] more than Bleach and One Piece combined but I actually enjoy Naruto and can't stand Bleach and One Piece (past their first seasons)
-I have spent over $1500US on an obscure Japanese mobile phone digital card game and I regret nothing
-I have spent at least $5000US on imported physical BDs, figures and general anime merchandise and regret nothing
-Despite being a massive buyfriend with next to no shame, the one thing I swear I will never buy is a dakimakura/body pillow
-I have a waifu and think people with multiple/seasonal waifus are the worst
-When people ask me what music I listen to I tell them "lots of foreign stuff" but really I just listen to Jpop/Kpop and Touhou remixes at all times
-Milk chocolate is the greatest invention of all time

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
- Berserk (the manga) is the shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (No seriously, it's the best damn thing in the world.)
- Harley Quin from Batman the animated series is the best Quin. None of this sexified gothgirl nonsense.
- And while we're at it, Pyramidhead does NOT have pecs and a skirt.
- The Incredibles is the best superhero movie.
- REmake isn't that good.
- My favourite Rockstar game is Bully. As a matter of fact, it's the only Rockstar game I actually enjoy playing.
- Troy is my biggest guilty pleasure.
- The TMP sucks. >: p
- Resident Evil 2 Ada is hotter than Resident Evil 4 Ada.
Dalek Caan said:
- The Super Best Friends Zaibatsu are my favorite LP's.
Well, obviously!

Pat needs to stop spouting nonsense in Bloodborne though. Seriously, just beef up Strength, you nerd!

Dalek Caan

Pro-Dalek, Anti-You
Feb 12, 2011
Casual Shinji said:
- Harley Quin from Batman the animated series is the best Quin. None of this sexified gothgirl nonsense.
Complety agree with that.

Casual Shinji said:
Pat needs to stop spouting nonsense in Bloodborne though. Seriously, just beef up Strength, you nerd!

- My favorite fanfictions are Legend Of Korra, Borderlands, Doctor Who and Guardians of the Galaxy.
- TMNT 2000'S had the best Shredder, but the newest TMNT has the best Splinter.
- I like the following web-comics: Go Get A Roomie, BittersweetCandyBowl, Spinerette, Misfile, CTRL ALT DEL, Grim Tales and Sandra On the Rocks.


New member
Feb 1, 2014
- Starbucks coffee is average from experience.
- Y The Last Man is my favourite lets say graphic novel series because I like Yorick and the interactions he has with everybody else.
- I'm somewhat iffy on using the term graphic novel. For some reason I'm rather hesitant to use it.
- I'm not a fan of the current DC shows because they seem too gloomy. I like the show Luther thats gloomy as shit but I like it.
- Only reason I watched Arrow was for the flashbacks.
- Evangelion is great series but suffers from not having time to tell its story and a bad ending.
- I hate Leon the Chameleon. I want the nerf hammer to come down hard on him.
- My favourite books are The Good The Bad and The Infernal by Guy Adams and the Holy Machine by Chris Beckett.
- I sometimes wish I had friends to talk about cars to.

Dalek Caan said:
- I like the following web-comics: Go Get A Roomie, BittersweetCandyBowl, Spinnerette, Misfile, CTRL ALT DEL, Grim Tales and Sandra On the Rocks.
- I too like Spinnerette and Sandra On the Rocks.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
tm96 said:
- Y The Last Man is my favourite lets say graphic novel series because I like Yorick and the interactions he has with everybody else.
Preach it!


That ending though. Why?!

Yes, I'm still a little sore.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Ummm... triple post?

Fucking hell Escapist, fix your captcha bullshit.


New member
Jun 30, 2012
Zhukov said:
Ummm... triple post?

Fucking hell Escapist, fix your captcha bullshit.
***** please, I got a 37 long string of posts in a user group once. Get on my level.

OT: -Markydaysaid is a hilarious genius whose work I can never show to anyone because he draws comedy porn

-The amount of people who angrily murder NPC's in Skyrim because they're "annoying" (i.e. said something to someone twice) is disconcerting even if it's just a game

-The Majora's mask remake was infuriating because it tried fixing a game that wasn't broken and took away my dolphin swimming ability.

-Leliana is better than Morrigan

-Ashley Williams was a great character up until the third game where the romance kind of fizzed story-wise


Get out while you still can
Sep 22, 2011
- Rarity of best pony.
- Pearl is best gem.
- Sword Art Online sucks.
- A Pokemon MMO is the worst idea in history.
- The Mass Effect series does "choice and consequence" the worst, The Witcher does it the best.
- Henry was the character I married in Fire Emblem: Awakening. Noire is my favourite character.
- Squirtle stomps the shit out of Charmander and Bulbasuar.
- Dark Souls is a flawed masterpiece, the sequel is an uninspired golden turd that tastes good.
- Pokemon Gen 1 has the worst pokedex line-up.

Old Father Eternity

New member
Aug 6, 2010
T0ad 0f Truth said:
Zhukov said:
-The amount of people who angrily murder NPC's in Skyrim because they're "annoying" (i.e. said something to someone twice) is disconcerting even if it's just a game
They say that everyone is actually insane, just that some are better at hiding it.
On a side note, sanity is subjective anyways.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
- Samurai Jack vs the Lava Monster is one of the most emotionally moving bits of entertainment I've seen in my life.

- I never found MLP that interesting, but watching it with my god-daughters is very amusing.

- I have a soundtrack mind.

- I visualize videos for songs in my head, they are awesome, and confuse people when I start crying due to the awesome images in my brain while listening to a song.

- Life is Strange has found a special place in my heart, for the way it has effected people who play it.

- Tell me a story about people working together in defiance of a threat, or sacrificing themselves against said threat, and you will make me cry like a baby.

- Legacy stories are awesome, screw "X person is the only Y character" stuff. Give me someone carrying on that tradition, and I'm a happy camper.


New member
Jun 30, 2012
Old Father Eternity said:
T0ad 0f Truth said:
Zhukov said:
-The amount of people who angrily murder NPC's in Skyrim because they're "annoying" (i.e. said something to someone twice) is disconcerting even if it's just a game
They say that everyone is actually insane, just that some are better at hiding it.
On a side note, sanity is subjective anyways.
I'm not concerned with people's flimsy and very human grasp on reality, just the ones living on the crucible side of New Sheoth. They like poking things... with knives.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
- Neon Genesis Evagelion is overrated!

- One Piece is the greatest long running Shonen anime out there!

- I view Markiplier to be the Ned Flanders of Let's play (this is a bad thing)!

- Clone Wars (Genndy Tartakovsky) is far superior to the The Clone Wars series!

- I actually liked LoZ:OoT more than LoZ: WW when I played it on the Gamecube (Master Quest)!

- Wall-E is my favourite Pixar movie ever!

- Daft Punk is the shit!

- I want Young Justice and Thundercats (2011) to come back!

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
- If you saw me on the street (in my backwards cap and baggy [because they're comfy] jeans) you'd likely figure me for some sort of bro.

- I'm a bit of a closeted animu lover and only close friends know about my figures/BDs/merch, but I'm working on becoming a bit more expressive in that regard.

- Rin's route in Katawa Shoujo made me cry.

- I'm deathly afraid of tornadoes and, frequently, make basements by home during bad weather.

- I enjoy Nickelback and Creed unironically, with the latter band having produced one of my all time favorite songs ("Never Die").

- Music, of all kinds, has been a bulwark for me against the more depressing things in life and I'm 100% sure I'd be dead if it weren't for that outlet.

- Spice and Wolf is just all kinds of amazing so I'm waiting, impatiently, for a season three.

- Holo is muh waifu for laifu.

- ME!ME!ME! made me realize I'm actually kinda into femdom.

- "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time," is a mantra of mine, because if I believed the opposite to be true, I'd be one whole hell of a lot more depressed.

- Justice > Plot.

- Konata is my spirit loli.


- I view the scene in Evangelion where Asuka is desperately and ineffectually struggling to get her dead bio-mech to move as a genuinely heartbreaking metaphor for what our brain/consciousness is doing/going to do during the last fleeting moment of our mortality.

- I occasionally, inwardly at least, refer to my body as a biological mech with my brain being the pilot.

- Hitting an animal in my car, no matter what it is, always prompts a good several hours of self loathing, anger, and sadness.

- I want a pet racoon or armadillo, without rabies or leprosy respectively.

- More often than not, I watch hentai, ecchi, and the like for the story.

- BabyMetal, Deardrops, and various anime OPs are often blasted in my car, but usually only at night so other drivers can't actually see me singing.


Lolita Style, The Best Style!
Jan 12, 2010
I'll bite.

-I adore sweets, sometimes to excess which gives me awful stomach aches, but doesn't stop the love.
-I love dressing in lolita fashion and other super girl styles, because it makes me feel like a princess.
-Anime, Manga, and most typical weeaboo things are totally my thing(despite having a fair bit of Japanese blood in me), because I love Japan!
-Nothing is cuter, or makes me happier than a kitten or puppy when they feel cuddly.
-Mass Effect 3 convinced me to appreciate BioWare's older work more, and disregard the new.
-EA, Activision, Ubisoft, and other big publishers pulling their BS makes me laugh at how dumb they are.
-Sharing my unique experience as a trans person makes me happy, especially when it helps someone understand trans people more, or when it helps another trans person.
-Nathan Fillion and Robert Downy jr are my favorite actors.
-Minecraft is exhausting to play, which helps with my insomnia, and is still a great creative outlet.
-I contend that Master of Orion 2 is still the best 4X turn based strategy game, and more developers should take ques from it.
-FTL: Faster than Light is the most fun rogue like game I've ever played, even though it really likes to screw me over.
-Media that includes gender dysphoric characters gives me hope for the future, and for equality, even when it's just a webcomic.
-Rain and Validation are the best webcomics ever.
-I believe the little things in life that make you happy have a more profound effect than the big things that make you sad.
-I think that the most fun you can do is emptying an automatic weapon at a range, and everyone should try it if given the chance.
-Reading novels that can make you laugh and cry at the same time are better than ones that get good reviews.
-Science Fiction, Post Apocolyptic, and Cyper Punk are superior genres to Fantasy in my mind, but Fantasy is fun too.
-The Last Starfighter is a massively underrated movie.
-Brutal Doom is the most fun you can have with a FPS because of how ridiculously gory and satisfying it is.


New member
May 14, 2014
-I never really saw what was so game-changing about Skyrim, as much as I like playing it.
-I'm a huge fan of MSPA and Homestuck - mostly because of time-travel shenanigans and mid-nineties nostalgia. As far as webcomics go, I also like Oglaf.
-I'm too young to be able to experience actual mid-nineties nostalgia.
- I'd take Sword of Mana over all of Final Fantasy. With that being said, I enjoyed X-2, as silly as it was, so yeah, I've got terrible taste.
- A conversation the other day taught me that yes, I'm still mourning over Terry Pratchett's passing.
- I have many favourite movies, but ExistenZ is the only film I actively dislike. What a piece of shit.
- I may like Mass Effect's Garrus Vakarian more than I'm willing to admit. And I'm already willing to admit much.

Casual Shinji said:
- Berserk (the manga) is the shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (No seriously, it's the best damn thing in the world.)
Given how much I found myself nodding along the rest of your post, I'm going to go look into it asap!