Did we just become Best Friends? I think we did!


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Alrighty then!

-The most fun I've had in a fps was in Titanfall!
-I cringe far more than I should at super unrealistic fantasy arms and armour!
-I think Dark Souls feels rushed and unpolished, despite it being one of my favourite games!
-I don't get people getting super angry about spoilers in media! Like, at all. Srslyguise.
-I think that PC is indeed the 'best' gaming platform, but I can totally understand why other people wouldn't be into it!
-Tales from the Borderlands is the most fun I've had playing a Telltale game!
-Cyberpunk is an under-appreciated genre, and I for one am super glad that its slowly becoming more and more mainstream!
-I don't care about Half Life in the slightest, and don't understand why its seen as one of the best games of all time!
-I don't think any champion in League of Legends is explicitly 'overpowered', I think that just means the person saying that isn't aware of how they need to react to counter them in their current form!
-I dont think dogs are smart (as a species), they're just very responsive to training!
-I think colonizing Mars is a terrible idea, and that we should set sights on the moon instead!
-I think i'm super judgmental of things, but I'm also 100% willing to change my opinion on said things as I learn more about it!

Gawd I can probably say more, but eh. EH. EH I SAY.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Maraskeen said:
Casual Shinji said:
- Berserk (the manga) is the shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (No seriously, it's the best damn thing in the world.)
Given how much I found myself nodding along the rest of your post, I'm going to go look into it asap!
The true meat and potatoes starts near the end of volume 3 though. Keep that in mind should those first 3 volumes not seem as great as you would've thought. Also, prepare for very nasty things, there'll be a lot of it.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
- Sharks are the most beautiful animals on the entire planet.

- Night is more beautiful than daytime.

- Being in an open vehicle at night is one of the most pleasurable experiences the world has to offer.

- Don't fuck with the Culture.

- Tabletop roleplaying games with a good group are better than sex.

- Resident evil is better as an action series than a horror series.

- People who buy a console for exclusives are complicit in allowing anti-consumer practices to continue.

Spider RedNight

There are holes in my brain
Oct 8, 2011
Sure, why not~

- I hate uber possessive obsessive fangirls and, by extension, terrible fandoms!
- That's a reason why I've never gotten into Supernatural - because all the fangirls are obsessed with yaoi!
- In fact, the SuperWhoLock fandom in general scares me and I don't admit to liking Sherlock because of negative association!
- I hate non-canon pairings and OTPs!
- I'll only watch one or two very specific episodes of shows I don't care about because I love the actors featured in said episodes!
- I'm REALLY into voice actors!
- I don't like it when I see MLP fanart in all the things I like i.e. Silent Hill ponies should not exist!
- I think Nolan North is the best Deadpool!
- I don't see a good reason why mocap shouldn't be used for the Last of Us movie because Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson ARE Joel and Ellie and I don't think that can be replicated!
- I listen to voice clips from video games instead of music sometimes!
- I love quoting said voice clips even when they aren't applicable!
- I'm unhealthily attracted to Handsome Jack and Rhys!

I have lots more but eeeehhhh


Jun 5, 2013
T0ad 0f Truth said:
OT: -Markydaysaid is a hilarious genius whose work I can never show to anyone because he draws comedy porn
¬_¬ I uh, ...yeah, high five? Our perversions know no bounds! Also, you would probably enjoy Oglaf, if you haven't read it already.

-Anyway, I don't like Dr. Who. At all. Or Matt Smith.
-Pokemon X&Y sucked, and Kalos is boring. Gen V was better.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
Old Father Eternity said:
T0ad 0f Truth said:
They like poking things... with knives.
*puts down his knives*
You say that like it's a bad thing.

- Kirby is the best video game character of all time mainly because he is pink and no one in the history of ever has given him shit about being homosexual due to the fact that he is pink and is adorable as all hell.

- Kanji Tatsume and I have two things in common: we're both guys and we both love the hell out of stupid, cute shit.

- Celes Chere from Final Fantasy 6 is, imho, the greatest female character of all time.

- Though certain institutions and groups would like you to think otherwise, women should've been equals with men from the get go and should not be looked down upon/treated differently/made to feel inferior just because they weren't born with a dick.

- I think the best interpretation of Samus Aran, visually, was from back in the player's guide for Super Metroid in 1994.

- I play mono-red M:tG card decks and, apparently, this burns some people.

- I do not think it's a stretch of the imagination for gaming companies to remake old games and improve upon them or make them with all of the original content, like Secret of Mana. I do think that that will never happen until Jesus himself walks the Earth for a second (third?) time.

LostGryphon said:
- Music, of all kinds, has been a bulwark for me against the more depressing things in life and I'm 100% sure I'd be dead if it weren't for that outlet.
All of my yes, my man. I cannot recount the times I've put the controller down and listened to Secret of Mana music just to get myself back together.

And lastly,

- Since discovering Persona 4 and Danganronpa, I love my PSVita handheld more than any other portable gaming system. It's a shame that it doesn't receive the support that it should.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
Ok, I managed to dig up a few

- I don't care much about the console wars, possibly because I own all the previous gen ones and none of the current gen ones.
- I'm strongly against pre-order culture and believe that the quality of the game and the trustworthiness of the company have nothing to do with whether or not you should pre-order. Still, I have no argument against people who pre-order because they still buy physical copies of games that can sell out at stores.
- I like listening to metal if it's lighter than black or death, but I'm not really into metal culture as a whole. Also, I don't like going to their live concerts.
- I'm far more versed in video games than I am in any other form of media, but I've been interested in expanding my horizons with some anime, and a few western comics.
- TV has nearly vanished from my life. If I have time for TV, I'll probably play video games instead. The only exception is when I'm with friends or family, or when I need something to watch while on my elliptical machine.
- I carry a book with me everywhere I go, so I have something to do when I'm forced to wait.
- Thanks to a roommate who watches reality TV, I've learned that I have a very low tolerance for unscripted dialogues on TV.
- I'm working on getting over my fear of confrontation. Every time I'm notified that someone has responded to one of my comments on the Escapist, I subconsciously think, "Oh no! Someone's going to yell at me." Most of the time, I'm wrong.
- I like fishing for discussions on forums
- I enjoy activities that involve self-analysis and/or self-expression. Stuff like this thread for example.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Sure, why not?!

-I actually only got into Ponies because someone posted hate images on Facebook, and I had never heard about the show before.
-I play horror games for the soundtracks.
-Gender identity of any stripe doesn't bother me; what bothers me is everyone's rabid fixation with it despite proclaiming it doesn't matter.
-It bothers me when someone at my local GW doesn't have fully painted models.
-I always make an obvious Shakespeare reference when I first meet someone and judge their reaction.
-I looked up Rule34 of Ponies once. Wasn't able to watch it for a month.
-Whenever I come to a discussion choice in any game, I think "What would Shepard and/or Tali do?"
-I actually laugh at Family Guy.
-I've never watched a PewDiePie video
-I stopped watching Anime after Toonami's first Gundam Wing run in the 90s.
-My parents told me Santa Claus wasn't real when I was 10, and it never bothered me.
-I hate Multiplayer because I'm complete crap at it; bot-stomps are my thing!
-I never heard of Kotaku before GamerGate happened.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Aerosteam said:
- A Pokemon MMO is the worst idea in history.
- Squirtle stomps the shit out of Charmander and Bulbasuar.
I'm with you so far...

- Pokemon Gen 1 has the worst pokedex line-up.
And I'm gone! :p

Editing in the OT:

- I automatically go onto these forums daily, even if I don't post. It's a habit.

- Freelancer, with all its flaws acknowledged, is my favorite video game and nothing is going to change that.

- I loved the original Call of Duty and its expansions. CoD4 is my LAN party game of choice for FPS games. I don't need to buy anymore than what I already have.

- I dream about being in my favorite games. Yes, the Pokemon dreams are the best things ever. No, I can't do it at will. :/

- I have nothing against MLP and was swept into the first season hype but was a bit more restrained than some of my good friends here. I left the fanbase because of reasons but I'll always fondly remember the 'happy' controversy of the pony plague. More fun than what folks get angry about now.

- I don't give a shit about the 'sub' vs 'dub' debate when enjoying anime.

- I am eating a burrito.

- Writing and reading > Gaming > Movies > Most other activities.

- I have a Zapdos tattoo and some people think that's stupid. I don't care. :D

- I can't cook but I love eating. My free money goes to restaurants when I can afford it.

- I think arguing on the internet is a waste of energy that can be put into something more constructive.

- I usually have a camera and an older generation Nintendo handheld on my person.

- I'm going to shut up. <.<


Resident Furry Pimp
May 8, 2011
-The human body is a shrine, we must care for it, so that our own will can be made to reality.
-Never fear the masochistic pull and embrace of XCOM Long War.
-Difficulty is good, but there can be too much of a good thing.
-Game soundtracks are often better than what you hear on the radio.
-Change what you can, survive what you can't.
-Why compete, when you can co-operate?
-Cats love cat food, cheers to cat food, cheers to cat food!
-Understand with your own eyes, never by word of mouth.
-Why console, when you can mods, baby?!
-Hurry up, reality, I need my own Cyberdeck!
-Hnnnngh, Bacon time!
-I'm multilingual! In English, C# and Java! :D
-Minecraft: Awwww-Yisssss~ Modpacks!
-Why take sides, when everyone is in the wrong?
-Nope, decided it's nachos tonight.


Lolita Style, The Best Style!
Jan 12, 2010
Silentpony said:
-Gender identity of any stripe doesn't bother me; what bothers me is everyone's rabid fixation with it despite proclaiming it doesn't matter.
Unfortunately it does matter, because trans people exist, and some people just love to tell us that our identities are invalid. If it wasn't for people like that driving misery amongst trans people, then it wouldn't be nearly as important, unless you wanna get, um... Naughty.


Get out while you still can
Sep 22, 2011
Redlin5 said:
Zapdos is one of my favourite pokemon...

But we're talking about a generation that includes piles of shit, ordinary objects with eyes on them, regular animals with a single alteration and is plagued by evolutions where adding one or more heads is all there is to it.



Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Aerosteam said:
Redlin5 said:
Zapdos is one of my favourite pokemon...

But we're talking about a generation that includes piles of shit, ordinary objects with eyes on them, regular animals with a single alteration and is plagued by evolutions where adding one or more heads is all there is to it.


I'll always value the Gen 1 line up more than the Gen 5 line up but I'm not going to get worked up about it. I know I'm biased because I used to play Pokemon Yellow five hours a day and into the night under the sheets.


New member
May 5, 2015
-Original Deadpool was far more interesting than modern "wacky" Deadpool
-I like historic novels, I like historic series, I like historic games DEAL WITH IT (if you can within historic context)
-There's no business like snowbusiness
-Storms actually are quite relaxing
-The most enjoyable swimming is swimming in the sea, whilst it rains and still is warm.


Get out while you still can
Sep 22, 2011
Redlin5 said:
We both grew up during different Pokemon generations so of course we're going to get different opinions on them. I'm biased towards gen 4 myself because I have fond memories of it whereas I wasn't even self-aware during gen 1 so I don't give it any emotional value.

Agree to disagree?


Opiner of Mottos
Mar 20, 2009
-I'm quite fond of this game called BattleBlock Theater. And by 'fond' I mean 'have sunk 36 hours into it [http://steamcommunity.com/id/Zed_Piscine/], have songs from the soundtrack as both my ringtone and alarm clock, and nearly cried at the ending'.
-The last console I owned was a Gamecube. If we include portables then the last one I owned was an original DS.
-I have a spot of honour on my shelf for my old Nokia brick. That phone lasted me nearly eight years.
-Most of the music I listen to was either released in the early 2000s or by bands whose early 2000s music I preferred.
-I own a copy of Mean Girls 2 on DVD.
-Fight Club is my favourite film, despite my dislike of Tyler Durden's philosophy.
-I didn't find Flatland that difficult to understand.
-I have lost count of the number of Mission Burrito loyalty cards I have gone through at this point.
-I am running out of things to say.
-I will edit this post with more ideas later.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
- I go on e621, but lack the account to favorite various pics...
- The first three seasons of The Boondocks were some of the best seasons on Adult Swim!
- Toonami's the shit!
- The original OVA of Tenchi Muyo is still my favorite harem anime series...
- I own 3 Wii U games, but lack the Wii U to play them...
- I'm addicted to Pokemon Shuffle...
- I still use my PSP as a MP3 player...
- I unironically like the first High School Musical movie...
- I only play Call of Duty locally at one of my friends place...
- Kingdom Hearts [the series] is the shit from start to finish...
- I own all of the Muppet movies on either VHS or Blu-Ray...
- Splatoon almost reminded me of the the multiplayer in Star Fox: Assault...
- I'm always happy and that scares [some] people...
- I only watch Arrow when it features The Flash...
- I still watch Salem...
- Paprika is the better Inception movie because it came first...
- Most of my Blu-Rays are anime-related...
- I keep forgetting to recommend the uncut version of the Ghost in the Shell manga...
- Rebel Taxi is the one constant Youtube channel I watch, but never talk enough about...
- I keep up with the hentai schedules more than the other anime schedules...
- I own every studio and side album from Gorillaz...
- I actively go through my past post just in case I might have to quote myself in the future...
- Because of Pokemon XY, my 3DS friends list is full...


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Zombie_Fish said:
-The last console I owned was a Gamecube. If we include portables then the last one I owned was an original DS.
I'm more up to date in handhelds but I too have only a Gamecube for a console. My PC kinda kept me content. <.<

Aerosteam said:
Agree to disagree?


Lord of the Salt
Mar 29, 2012
-I am the most honest person most people will ever meet, if only for the fact that I simply do not care what anyone thinks of me.

-I can listen to/enjoy any music so long as it is neither country nor 'gangster rap', normal rap is fine, I just draw the line when the goal is to make money by glorifying abusing women, selling drugs and bragging about the money one has made doing so.

-Basilisk and Vampire Knight are utter garbage animes. One kills all the interesting characters in the first 2 episodes and then you're stuck with the most boring ones for the rest of the series and the other is populated by robots programmed to have no personality.

-I tear up at the end of V for Vendetta every time.

-I love just about everything Shadowrun (books, videos games, roleplaying) with the exception of that xbox 360 game.

-Bulbasaur is infinitely better than the other 2.

-Immortal Regis is a great manga, and its sequel "Cavalier of the Abyss" is pretty damn great so far too, though it is a complete tonal shift.

-I have a Love/Hate relationship with SquareEnix. I love Squaresoft but I hate Enix.

-Jade Empire may be the best thing that Bioware ever created, but playing it makes me depressed when I think of how far they're fallen.

-The thing that makes me rage more than anything is people spreading misinformation.

-Every single one of you has listed things that made me think,"wow, we're alot alike" and then read the next line and decided you must be destroyed.


New member
Apr 15, 2011
This thread sounds like a good way to pass a few minutes while I wait for World of Warships to finish installing.

-Stan Lee is overrated. Seriously, have you read any of the stuff he wrote? The first issue of The Avengers?
-Nu Metal isn't that bad and a lot of is is pretty cool sounding
-Frank Miller is a hack and doesn't deserve his reputation as a competent comics writer.
-I don't care how many expansions they release, I'm still probably going to stick to D&D 3.5
-People need to read more books.
-Reading comics and Manga counts as reading more books
-I have no idea why Katniss Everdeen is even remotely considered a heroine. I would be very dissapoint if my daughter began to look up to her and emulate her actions
-I hate it when authors name their characters in such a way that it tells you their role in the book before you even begin reading it. Examples Phayte, Lyte, Allgood, Dharken, Fell.
-I hate The Hunger Games trilogy with a burning passion, but I'll defend the first book, since it was awesome
-One of the first dates I ever had with my now wife was a phone date where we both rented Twilight and watched it at the same time. We laughed. A lot.
-I despise One Piece simply because the main character looks stupid and his name is stupid
-City of Heroes was the best superhero video game. Long live CoH!!!
-I love playing support characters in League of Legends, but seriously, we get no respect.
-In the early 2000's, all I listened to was J-pop from maybe four artists because I thought everything on the radio was crap
-James Patterson is a hack and doesn't deserve his reputation as a competent fiction writer. Seriously, does he even write his own books any more?
-I liked the new rehash of COSMOS with Neil Degrasse, but at times, it felt like I was watching "Anti-creationisim with Seth McFarlane"
--Power Rangers sucked after the second season
-Modern cartoons are garbage. Except for Gravity Falls. That show rocks
-Hideo Kojima is nuts. And I'm ok with that.
-The first season of the new My Little Pony is one of the most overrated things on the planet. Having said that, I still enjoyed it.
-Updating the client to the World of Warships closed beta test takes way too long

And I guess I'm done, since the client still isn't finished installing and if I keep listing things here until it does, I'm probably gonna use up like 60 pages.