Digital Foundry Challenges Wii U Graphics Claims


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Not surprised, really. I always thought the point of the Wii U was to be on par with current systems, thus keeping its lower price-point advantage in the next generation.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
wombat_of_war said:
sooo nintendo have released their next generation console and its a half assed x-box?

well you kids enjoy your consoles
this. You know, nintendo didnt release the next-gen. it FINALLY released current-gen console. when the current-gen consoles are dieing. way to go nintendo.

Only "kids" play consoles? Don't know why but that sentence irked me.
ive seen some 30 year old "kids". and if you ever play consoles online you will know the statement to be true.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
And here's me not giving one lick about the graphics difference between any of them. I don't even know if it will matter the Wii had a vastly different game line up then other consoles and that could be true again.

Oh and obligatory this pissing contest is pointless, its about the games not the graphics, yadda yadda yadda, I've posted this before and I know the thick heads who didn't care before won't care again.


New member
Oct 28, 2012
Sounds to me like they skimped on the processor (or possibly also the ram, but I'm leaning more towards the processor).

Either way not a smart move. The processor and ram honestly are pretty much the most important things for gaming as it keeps the frame rate steady and as such the action fluid and fast.

That said, I'm not really going to call the strength of the Wii U yet. I mean it's an Activision port, and if the PS3 version is shit (when the system is in fact far stronger than the 360) then they probably didn't work their asses off on the Wii U version.

I don't think we'll find out how strong this baby is until the first big Nintendo title (SUPER MARIO IN THE FOURTH DIMENSION!!!!).


New member
Jan 20, 2012
I'm not really bothered by graphics, that's not what's had me wanting a WiiU

To me it just looks interesting, and I want to give it a go. That also being that Nintendo sell some of the only consoles I actually buy (Granted the Wii wasn't THAT great, but I still had some fun on it). Other than that I'm a PC gamer.


New member
Jul 25, 2012
I just don't understand why Nintendo would release a new console that meets or barely beats 6 year old consoles. I know no one bought a Wii for the amazing graphics (Which were barely better than the Gamecube), but if Nintendo wants to compete with the other powerhouses, a weak cpu with old gpu is not going to do it. Developers aren't going to be interested in porting over dumbed down versions of their major releases.

More OT, if he wants to claim third party games look better on the Wii U when compared side to side with the other consoles, he deserves every last bit of crap he gets when he's wrong


New member
Nov 19, 2009
so a bunch of assholes are just mouthing off for hits because Reggie said something? Slow news day, I guess, though Eurogamer has been suspect for awhile.