Creed III
This film was originally rumored to release at 2h43min. The actual theatrical cut was 1h57min with credits. I can't help but feel like theres a distinct chunk of the movie thats missing which then caused me great annoyance. There's very little "meat" to the movie. It's been out for a while, but I can't really talk about it without spoiling the overall frame. As shown in the trailers, Adonis friend from foster care comes out of prison with a chip on his shoulder, aiming to beat Adonis both mentally and physically.
The inciting incident is that as teens, they run into a foster case orderly who abused them, Adonis starts beating the guy up, theres a scuffle, the antagonist damian, pulls and gun, cops show up and he goes to prison.
I wouldn't call this a gripe, but they take great pains to make it clear they weren't sexually abused and the references to abuse are very limited, but it's enough for him to try and murder this guy. This is a manly man movie, that kind of thing doesn't happen. but there's not a doubt in my mind that it was in the original script.
Damian gets 18 years for brandishing the gun, while Adonis flees the scene. I think the logic they came up with is that Damien had priors, but on the surface it comes off as odd. Should have been murder or manslaughter. Very minor gripe.
Anyhoo Damian shows up, befriends Adonis, and then manipulates events (evil leg breaker stuff) so that he's immediately given a fight with the WBC champion, Adonis protégé. Directly out of prison, 18 years. Before the movie came out, I was confident they would say he's been boxing in prison, there is a competitive boxing organization, that's how Tyson started. Nope, nothing.
The blink and you miss it logic is that Apollo did the same for Rocky. That not actually true, Rocky was already fighting, they exhausted all options and it was meant as a kind of hype joke. This is pretty unsound logic, It would be difficult, he'd have to get a boxing license, it's a very complicated process. More on that later.
The fight goes as expected *pikachu face*, Damien "cheats" and maims his opponent and wins the title. Damian's cheating is arguable, some of it was perfectly legal and the film seems unaware of boxing rules, others are things you should expect and the fighter should have been more prepared considering he's the WBC champ.
The movie at this point sorta rushes into a Damian & Apollo revenge fight. This is the part of the film that, bias aside, I think is missing that needed 30-40 minutes. Theres an odd clue because in one fight Damian goes from being fresh out of prison and in poverty to being fabulously wealthy. Thats not how it works even in these kinds of fights. It does happen, but the way they do it, the small timer gets very little like maybe $10K-$50k, and even that is eaten up by fees. Not a small amount of change, but theres no world where he's suddenly a millionaire.
What I would have liked to have seen is A. Damian has one or two small fights, does well and then guilts/goads Adonis into giving him a shot. B. A Montage of Damian proving himself after getting the WBC title and making a big deal of trouncing all of Adonis former opponents. Calling Adonis out as a coward and a fraud. Theres a part in the trailer where Damian says "I'm coming for everything". That never actually happens here. By that I mean, we're missing the montage of Damian taking about Adonis legacy. He just talks shit and they end up fighting.
It's a weird movie. There's a solid amount of heart to the film and I'd kind of argue its the only one of Creed films where I felt like Creed becomes a tad more complex as a character. I would have liked more time spent on the build up to them fighting. I would have also preferred Damian be less scuzzy. I think him being a cheater undercut the weight of the conflict, without it Adonis is more at fault for abandoning him at the crime scene and never checking up on him in prison. I'm not saying Adonis should be the villain I just think the film would be more interesting if there is no clear villain.
This is meant to close out the films, at least with him as the main character. Overall Creed has always been a let down for me. I never quite gelled with his motivations. Keep in mind he starts out the first film as a successful fund manager and decides to box because he has anger issues. Rocky fights because he's at a dead end, living in poverty. In Creed II he fights the son of the guy that killed his dad. Some of it works but it ends up being more of a send off to Rocky than really about Adonis. This film is the first where I felt like the right intent was here, but I think it just needed more meat to it, better writing. Throughout this trilogy I never quite felt much empathy with Adonis. Shame really.