Watched the new Dave Chappelle netflix special, and it's just so lazy.
Like the first 15 minutes of the special don't even feel like Dave wrote them because they're just repeats of a bunch of bad jokes from twitter. Like the joke about going to women's prison. It's not a new joke, it's not an original joke, and he didn't even tell it particularly well.
Dave later makes a joke about people saying his comedy is lazy, but it's true. The jokes were lazy and hacky. It feels like Dave has nothing left to say at this point, but either because of stubbornness (or more likely because people who liked his comedy 20 years ago are still willing to throw money at him) he just keeps plowing ahead.
I didn't laugh once during the special, and I think I smiled twice. Dave also talked about Chris Rock's recent special, and he talked about it in a positive way and described Chris Rock as the best comedian on the planet, and I have to say, that special was also fucking terrible.
There is also a new Ricky Gervais special. He did a PSA about it before it released -
“In this show, I talk about sex, death, paedophilia [sic], race, religion, disability, free speech, global warming, the holocaust, and Elton John,” he said.
“If you don’t approve of jokes about any of these things, then please don’t watch. You won’t enjoy it and you’ll get upset.”

Ricky Gervais explains why Netflix didn’t promote divisive stand-up show
Comedian’s special has become a blockbuster hit anyway
It still went to number one. Chappelle was at number five but it only had one day in the charts.