Discuss and Rate the Last Thing You Watched (non-movies)


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
It doesn't even make sense as a duelling outfit.

1) The armour is on the wrong side. The arm that's going to be sticking out thus likely to be hit is the one holding the sword, for obvious reasons.
2) You do not want to go round parrying with your forearm: this is a cod medieval fantasy, weapons can be pretty hefty, and you're asking for heavy bruising or a broken arm. You want that arm functional, because swordfights frequently involved punching and grappling. And besides, if you want to block with your arm you'd also really want that elbow guard and hand protection, as losing a hand or forearm wouldn't be much fun, and very distracting mid-fight. If you want defence on your offhand, use a bucker or sacrifice some defence for offence with a dagger.

There are conceptual similiarities between it and the Roman murmillo style gladiator. However, the murmillo had the armour on his sword arm (carrying a shield in the other). For the reasons above.
Well, to be fairer to the costume designer (who did an... acceptable job at best) the armor fits for the Children of Light. If you think about it they are most often only going to be opposed by unarmed peasants... or Aes Sedai. Any amount of armor is not particularly useful or needed against either. My guess, the armor is mostly ceremonial and minimized to lessen the amount of daily polishing necessary. Also, generally they are going to generally gear for what they do most often. Which is chase down individuals... with large groups. Its like fox hunting, but for people. More ceremonial than functionally attired.
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Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Star Wars - Visions

I mean, I quite (operative word) like Star Wars and I'll admit to being a bit of a weeb, but after watching much of it, all I could wonder was... why?!


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Well, to be fairer to the costume designer (who did an... acceptable job at best) the armor fits for the Children of Light. If you think about it they are most often only going to be opposed by unarmed peasants... or Aes Sedai. Any amount of armor is not particularly useful or needed against either. My guess, the armor is mostly ceremonial and minimized to lessen the amount of daily polishing necessary. Also, generally they are going to generally gear for what they do most often. Which is chase down individuals... with large groups. Its like fox hunting, but for people. More ceremonial than functionally attired.
At best one could argue it's armour-derived decoration (like Napoleonic gorgets). However, it still doesn't make much sense. The Whitecloaks are an overtly military order, holding temporal power in large part by force of arms. They should have armour.

There is a subdivision of inquisitors who don't do fighting... but then why do all those guys have swords? And IIRC the inquisitors have red markings.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Finished Season 2 of The Witcher on Netflix.
Last episode reminded me somewhat of this:

Lot of action, big monsters, and a tone of seriousness lacking in so many of our current entertainments.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Wheel of Time - a rant

(see thumbnail, the picture won't work)

What. The. Fuck.

Look, let's make something really clear. The first rule of armour is WEAR A HELMET. If you are going to put armour on any one part of your body, it should be that really, really important thing on top of your neck that allows you to think, see, speak and hear. If you look back at the early part of the 20th century where personal armour was of very limited value, you will of course note the one body part soldiers got some protection for was the head, because it's kind of essential. I can just about accept that in TV and film they want you to be able to see the actors' faces, so helmets are often dispensed with. However, the second place you might think to put armour is that big load of flesh in the middle, filled with squishy and important organs that contribute a huge amount to keeping you alive. I can assure you all, you can survive without an arm in ways you can't without a liver or intestines.

But NOOO. The chucklehead costume designers here decided the single most vital part of the human body was the left arm. And even then, where's the elbow guard and a gauntlet for the hand, for heaven's sakes? If that thing on the horses' heads is metal, they've armoured their goddamn mounts more effectively.
Yeah, that bugged me too. It makes them look like characters from a final fantasy game, where the armor is just there to look cool and no other reason. And when I say "Look Cool", I mean "Look cool in the character artists head and maybe to some of the weebs". And in Final Fantasy it works because FF is meant to be a bit OOT and have silly and unique character designs, but I get the feeling WOT isn't operating on the same kind of rules.

Also the pure White, which I guess is very good if you want to see where you're bleeding from but it's gonna be a ***** to keep clean and god forbid you want to camouflage at all.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Katherine McNamara's character in Shadowhunters gets stabbed in the seemingly exact same place in Paris as Elliot Page's character did in Inception.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Enterprise season 1

This show is weird. It has its foot firmly placed in telling an overall story... but trying its hardest to be a episodic. I don't think I've seen a show doing it at such cross purposes.

The Vulcans are racists. The Klingons used to be cultured but very recently went militant. Many cultures don't show up in any other series leaving such a discordant note since these are the closest races to the humans. The grand villian of season 1 being the most obvious example

They focus on the wonder of exploring the universe and do a significantly better job than TNG. They dont rely on mind control as much and are way more focused on differences of opinions between races.

So far there is no real exploration of what it means to be human like with Data and The Doctor/Seven. They do try to give a deeper understanding of why the Feferation was set up. Its very interesting compared to TNG's exploration, heading towards DS9 territory. But try is the operative word, as Dear Doctor shows. It's a great dilemma but is broken by its own logic. It explores why the Vulcans did what they did and shows how no one learnt anything by it.

I don't like time travel generally but I think it's done better here. Things arent reset just because they are lazy writers. But far too often things are resolved by what I found to be bigger plot contrivances than even TOS. Oh, that big bad hurt us too much, let's make a prototype gun with materials from where exactly? Instead of returning to earth.

I do not care for Reed or Tucker. Hoshi is non existent. T'pol keeps changing personality. I don't know why they have Phlox, he's in the show for about 1 hr of the run time, not counting that one episode. Why is Travis here as well? He has no episode... I just realised. This is one of my main problems with Discovery. Focus on one main character to the detriment of everything else

This sounds like a lot of complaining but it's mainly due to the fact that its so close to being good. But I can't give it more than a 6/10.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Finished Season 2 of The Witcher on Netflix.
Last episode reminded me somewhat of this:
View attachment 5175

Lot of action, big monsters, and a tone of seriousness lacking in so many of our current entertainments.
I watched The Witcher s2 last weekend. I can't even remember the finale it made that little impact on me. I tried writing a review but realised I could remember last season more
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Wheel of Time (Amazon)

Fantasy by numbers. It's had enough money thrown at it that it can barely fail (see also Jack Ryan), and the acting is very good - outside Rosamund Pike basically I think they're all RSC pros mostly with little TV/film experience. But it's dull, formulaic, and cannot escape the leaden weight of its source material - portentious exposition about the past, too much worldbuilding to get the watcher interested in, and dear god those awful, stroppy, contrary youths who constitute the heroes. Season 2 is apparently on the way. Without some substantial improvement, I don't think it will last much longer.

* * *

And on rant number 2...

At some point the bad guys attack a fortified wall. In tried and tested medieval and cod-medieval fantasy fashion, they just run up and put ladders up against it. This is of course a recipe to get your army slaughtered, unless the defenders are extremely weak, because climbing ladders is just about the worst way to try to get over a defended wall. And yet...

For heaven's sake, people! Where's your fucking ditch? In front of a wall there should be a huge ditch. Possibly filled with water, stakes, and anything else to make life suitably unpleasant. And beyond that ditch, another ditch. And then probably another ditch after that. If you're feeling really adventurous, you could even have other walls / ramparts behind those ditches. Whilst your enemy is trying to navigate those ditches, being slowed down, you can shoot the shit out of them from your wall. Why on earth would you let them just run up to the wall? And where are the people on top of the wall dropping large stones and boiling water on the guys climbing the ladders? Why have you left so many defences and defenders in the city a mile or two behind the wall, which will be far harder to defend than that awesome choke point? Even if you are doomed because the enemy army is that big, don't you want to take out three times as many bad guys?

And yet even then, it still isn't as bad as the Battle of the Bastards or Battle of Winterfell from GoT.

Yeah, that bugged me too. It makes them look like characters from a final fantasy game, where the armor is just there to look cool and no other reason. And when I say "Look Cool", I mean "Look cool in the character artists head and maybe to some of the weebs". And in Final Fantasy it works because FF is meant to be a bit OOT and have silly and unique character designs, but I get the feeling WOT isn't operating on the same kind of rules.
I think the costumes did not work for me at all. Some of them look a little SF for my liking. Others just looked sort of... lazy.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I do not care for Reed or Tucker. Hoshi is non existent. T'pol keeps changing personality. I don't know why they have Phlox, he's in the show for about 1 hr of the run time, not counting that one episode. Why is Travis here as well? He has no episode... I just realised. This is one of my main problems with Discovery. Focus on one main character to the detriment of everything else

This sounds like a lot of complaining but it's mainly due to the fact that its so close to being good. But I can't give it more than a 6/10.
Reed exists to not be liked very much I think, it feels somewhat deliberate to set up later stuff.
Tucker is sort of meant as a more everyman character but also ends up falling far more into the Kirk / Riker role (I can't remember season 1 that much so I dunno how much goes on but if not that's where he's going, he's filling the Riker / Kirk role eventually)
Phlox gets stuff later more but he's here in part because of the The EMH in Voyager and to a lesser extent Dr Bashir being popular characters, you'll recognise element of his character archetype eventually.
Travis is....... OK I got nothing I can't defend kind of how bland Travis is.
Hoshi, we get to do a few things later but I'm pretty sure she's in part just there to be "Nerdy girl sex appeal" (it'll make sense later if it doesn't already in Season 1)
T'Pol is......... well it'll reveal struggling a bit with humanity and being the only Vulcan on board as she's really not used to being round humans.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I too watched The Wheel of Time

Basic thought on the series.
They blew $10 Million an episode on this an I swear most of that just went on sets they used once then never went back to. I have to imagine season 2 is only happening to get some more use out of existing sets they've built or it will be a huge waste. Sony must be making bank off this as they run away with some of the money that's the only way this makes sense.

I have the opposite issue to Agema of the series NOT explaining itself and barrelling through a lot of concepts and point without ever fully explaining things so the audience can follow them but then spending a lot of time on stuff that didn't matter so much.

Did we really need a full episode getting to know a character who joined the cast 1 episode before who would leave the cast a the end of said episode?

Did we really need to learn so much about the way of the Leaf really?

Did we really need to learn about the one character's love of an old children's book?

Did we really need to learn the history of some ancient armour?

I'd argue know but it would have been nice to know who various peoples were, why there were fighting and what certain places were and what various things were or how they operated when they seemed at least somewhat plot relevant at various times and potentially in the future.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave

It was a fun series, and glad I decided to binge instead of watching episodes as they released. The plot was solid, if rather unimaginative and I liked all of the main characters (or rather, the actors' portrayals of them), but it felt like it could've been told a bit quicker.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I too watched The Wheel of Time

Basic thought on the series.
They blew $10 Million an episode on this an I swear most of that just went on sets they used once then never went back to. I have to imagine season 2 is only happening to get some more use out of existing sets they've built or it will be a huge waste. Sony must be making bank off this as they run away with some of the money that's the only way this makes sense.

I have the opposite issue to Agema of the series NOT explaining itself and barrelling through a lot of concepts and point without ever fully explaining things so the audience can follow them but then spending a lot of time on stuff that didn't matter so much.

Did we really need a full episode getting to know a character who joined the cast 1 episode before who would leave the cast a the end of said episode?

Did we really need to learn so much about the way of the Leaf really?

Did we really need to learn about the one character's love of an old children's book?

Did we really need to learn the history of some ancient armour?

I'd argue know but it would have been nice to know who various peoples were, why there were fighting and what certain places were and what various things were or how they operated when they seemed at least somewhat plot relevant at various times and potentially in the future.
The answer is to that is yes... if they make like 15 seasons or something.

Way of the leaf pays off waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay later... so yeah they could have easily skipped it. It's strange its even in honestly, they apparently changed a lot of things, that's one part that could easily be changed.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
The Starved Rock Murders: I've seen it / I hadn't previously

Documentary about the murder of three women in Illinois in the '60s, the man who spent several decades behind bars for the crime, and the things that "don't add up" suggesting he might not have been the killer at all let alone one of the two the circumstances suggest was most likely.

It's a documentary. About murder.
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
The Witcher season 2 on Netflix was amazing. The plot got less hard to follow, but some of the book readers hated it for what it changed to one of the witchers(that person became a womanizer, and died as a result of the plot), and one of the starting characters(A grey character to a rapist).

I personally found it annoying that one of the characters whose whole point was magic had no magic. Very annoying.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
The Witcher season 2 on Netflix was amazing. The plot got less hard to follow, but some of the book readers hated it for what it changed to one of the witchers(that person became a womanizer, and died as a result of the plot), and one of the starting characters(A grey character to a rapist).

I personally found it annoying that one of the characters whose whole point was magic had no magic. Very annoying.
I haven't finished the season yet, but I find it funny that you said you found it amazing but gave only negative criticisms. What exactly did you like? No spoilers though please!

My own thoughts on the show so far: Yeah I hated what they did with one of the main witchers. They also made the witchers more plentiful, so why they felt the need to foist that role unto a "beloved character" is beyond me. The action so far has been unremarkable, especially when the first season started with the Butchering at Blaviken.

In general, it just feels too much like another Netflix show. Aka, lots of violence and sex and characters making the dumbest decisions possible until it all gets tidied up at the end. I much preferred the first season's "monster of the week" format than the overarching plot of the second. I was excited to see wholesome Ciri and the witchers content, but so far it's been lacking. My SO and I were really keen on watching this season together, but we dropped off after a few episodes. I'll still probably finish it, but I'm in no hurry to.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I haven't finished the season yet, but I find it funny that you said you found it amazing but gave only negative criticisms. What exactly did you like? No spoilers though please!

My own thoughts on the show so far: Yeah I hated what they did with one of the main witchers. They also made the witchers more plentiful, so why they felt the need to foist that role unto a "beloved character" is beyond me. The action so far has been unremarkable, especially when the first season started with the Butchering at Blaviken.

In general, it just feels too much like another Netflix show. Aka, lots of violence and sex and characters making the dumbest decisions possible until it all gets tidied up at the end. I much preferred the first season's "monster of the week" format than the overarching plot of the second. I was excited to see wholesome Ciri and the witchers content, but so far it's been lacking. My SO and I were really keen on watching this season together, but we dropped off after a few episodes. I'll still probably finish it, but I'm in no hurry to.
Not seen it myself but I did hear in an interview they gave a certain character that role because they figured if they had 2 named known Witchers walk in and then some brand new guy no-one had heard of then people would automatically suspect what was going to happen and what would happen to the new guy.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Not seen it myself but I did hear in an interview they gave a certain character that role because they figured if they had 2 named known Witchers walk in and then some brand new guy no-one had heard of then people would automatically suspect what was going to happen and what would happen to the new guy.
I already knew something like that would happen the moment they had more than the 5 witchers from the books. Hell, I knew exactly what was going to happen to the character about 20 seconds into his introduction.

EDIT: And can I just say, I am so fucking tired of this kind of shit? The ONLY reason what happened to this character would have any meaning at all to people is because they were a named character from the books. They aren't even an actual character in the show. It's so obvious that they did this for shock value (yet another classic Netflix move), and that's just horribly lazy writing. Everyone's trying to copy Game of Thrones but completely misses what made that show work.
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
The Book of Boba Fett - Episode 1

Was... alright. I was hoping for a lot more. I love Temuera Morrison in the role, and even though he is obviously too old for this shit he gives it his all. It's a little odd that he spends so much time in action scenes without his helmet, which really hampers the flow since they can't always use a stunt double. I don't know if I like them turning Boba not even into an anti-hero but just seemingly a hero, but this has just been a single episode. It's a much smaller scale than The Mandalorian, which is fine, but it also comes off as a little cheap. Especially with the sets and the costumes. Goransson does the soundtrack again, which is good, but also feels a little too similar to the Mandalorian's.

All in all, still excited for the rest of the season, but wish this one had been longer.
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