Rare as my opinion is, the first season is the best. After that, it goes 1>3>2>4.Finally checked out some of that Castlevania, and while it hasn't pulled me in that hard, that first episode though... That was dank, dark, medievil brutallity. Goodness me, I was almost blushing.
Alex Rider Season 2 episode 1
(IMDB Free)
Rating: Hard to tell so far but it's shot better but somehow doubling down on some of the stupid from season 1
Ok so this is Sony pictures doing an adaptation of the Alex Rider books for Amazon and because the first season was apparently a failure the series has been kicked off Amazon Prime and now being used as one of the new exclusive series to try and promote Amazon's other streaming service IMDB free which is a free streaming service.
How bad were the mis-steps of season 1? In an attempt to appear more diverse and progressive it ended up making a black woman Nazi character and having a racist henchwoman not defeated by a black male character but instead die in a gas explosion while switching the races of Alex's Nanny and highly competent Intelligence service handler such that the black character was now his nanny.
So what has season 2 brought?
Well they're apparently choosing to adapt Eagle Strike the 4th novel skipping over the 3rd novel for some reason (possibly due to the mention of the Chinese Triad in the novel) despite the fact Season 1 started on the 2nd novel because the 1st novel was already adapted into a film which didn't do that well. This already means they've had to change a few aspects to introduce secondary characters that appear in the 3rd novel into it now.
Jack (Alex's Nanny and legal Guardian) is now an intern at a lawyers office. The Lawyers agency is apparently all POC and they are focussing on racial equality cases with Jack working on right to remain cases (relating to the somewhat recent British Windrush issues of missing documents etc etc) because of course why would Jack now a black woman work at a laywers office which isn't entirely black or be taking on cases not linked rather heavily to race eh?
Oh and Sabina Pleasure who is Alex's love interest is a now an girl of Indian heritage, she also doesn't save his life like happens in the books. Probably not the best idea to decide that the flirtatious female character who in the novels is described as "shown to be very sexual for her age and extremely lustful....." in the novels should be a made into a POC because well the whole exotic beauty trope is a bit problematic or so I've been told but hey this is the show that previously thought it would be fine to have a black woman Nazi as a character so I'm not shocked at it falling into another problematic pitfall while trying to diversify characters.
Wait, they made Alex Rider into a TV show??? Didn't the books end like a bajillion years ago? Who are they making this for... Although admittedly the same can be said for the whole book series.Alex Rider Season 2 - complete
(IMDB Free, Amazons new free ad supported steaming service thing)
Rating - Well it's better than Season 1 in that it's now gone from being so bad I was watching it to laugh at how bad it was to just mediocre.
To carry on from what I was saying before and correct something.
So in season 2 they've re-named the character to Sabina Pleasance so she's no longer Sabina Pleasure, but she's very much meant to be the same character this isn't a "No this is totally a different character also called MJ" situation. The change is seemingly related to the weird decision that the Alex Rider series shouldn't be YA / Teenage classic era James Bond with over the top villains and Alex using a range of gadgets but instead the series should be trying to do Teenage / YA Jason Bourne with grim dark gritty spycraft the name of the day, only with all the stupid over the top villain plots still going on like clone armies trying to take over the world to bring about the 2nd rise of the Nazis. As such Season 2 opens with Alex Rider suffering from PTSD and having to see a counsellor due to the events at Point Blanc in Season 1
Season 2 is loosely adapting the 4th book only now the main villain isn't a pop star but a sort of high profile video game director whose made the worlds most popular video game called Feathered Serpent which is a mix between an MMO, a MOBA and a Battle Royale game based on what little is said about how it works and shown in the series, the game is also cross play between PC and mobile. Events and the order of events have been changed round and the villain has been given a new sidekick whose very clearly meant to be a somewhat autistic woman programmer but the overall plan is roughly the same only now Cray wants to win the war on drugs not at all war. Oh also the ending contains a reference to events that only some-one who knows about the books would understand because the series decided to either not film or cut the entire part it relates to (I am not so I only learned about this just by looking up about it online).
Carrying on the tradition of Sony picture TV series not doing diversity well (which I mentioned initially with Sabina) Sony decided that being Indian in heritage Sabina's father Edward would live up to the stereotype of people of Indian origin of being really interested in cricket because of course he's into cricket what other sport out of all the others would they pick there's so few...... oh wait there not and once again Sony's attempts to diversify characters ends up looking rather racist. Add to that the main villains henchwoman a lady programmer who "Isn't very good with people" and is very obsessed with stats and numbers and coding while struggling to pick up on social cues and things like jokes being made such that it's said she has "No sense of humour". Yeh way to go Sony you managed to add in a level of ableism to proceedings too by having the Henchwoman show all the signs of autism and weirdly just not bother developing her as a character or explaining on any level why she's happily going along with the villains insane plan. Her whole purpose exists seemingly to be the doting dedicated henchwoman and to be some-one for Sabina to be able to fight at the end rather than her and Alex both fighting the main villain. Also this robs Sabina of one of her hero moments by fighting Cray while Alex is thought to be dead.
The series also has the issue that it was seemingly adapted by some-one who doesn't understand video games very well. In the novel the villains plan is to sell high powered game consoles all with copies of Feathered Serpent and use all the people online with their systems as a giant linked computer network to act as the worlds biggest super computer. The plan in the series is to use the release of Feathered Serpent 2 as a means to do the same only everyone has to download and install the game on PC or tablet or mobile phone and it will do the same. The only issue? The game is releasing worldwide all at the same time and it's mentioned the majority of people have to start playing the moment the game releases as they need greater than 89% of the global players to be online all at once for their plan to work. So the game launching at midnight UK time has to be played by people all round the world in different time zones where the game could be launching mid day or other times for their plan to work when people won't likely be there to play unless they took the day off work. Worse the series specifically mentions the game launch will be people downloading the new game and they need to optimise the download speed to make sure people can download it faster, at no point does the idea of pre-loading the game come up which is how most modern titles do it with the release of the game seeing a small bit of activation code sent out to activate copies.
The only good parts of the series are the seemingly far better cinematography with far better framing of scenes and far better shots veering more towards spectacle shots than the first seasons shot compositions, which were more in like with gritty spy fiction style shots like Jason Bourne etc. Also the return of new original character Kyra from season 1. Honestly if some-one told me Kyra was some fan fiction self insert character I'd believe them at this point but she's actually a good character and I'm more interested in her stuff than Alex Rider. She also brings a level of humour to the series with a sort of dry wit / level of sarcasm but also being a bit neurotic and awkward which adds comedy to. E.G. one plot points revolves around Alex and his best friend Tom having to get into their school and get Kyra (whose father was a tech wizard) to a computer room to use the schools networked computers to crack DRM on the game. One problem in Kyra's own words "I don't do school, I don't do people, I don't do crowds" so an actual plot point of the show is them having to figure out a way to empty the school because Kyra is too socially awkward / socially anxious / anti-social to be able to handle being in a school with people groups of people her own age.
Kyra is a new original character for the show as I mentioned and honestly I also liked the weird kind of awkward shipping bait stuff that's being introduced as there's implied to be some connection between Alex and Kyra still but also there maybe something with Tom (Alex's best friend) liking her and she and him have good banter as she understands of often counters his nerdy film buff references to stuff or shuts down his analogies but not in a mean way in a sort of "Snap out of it this isn't like in the films you dork" way.
Glad you are enjoying it. As far as my ratings for the seasons go: 2>4>1>3.Finally checked out some of that Castlevania, and while it hasn't pulled me in that hard, that first episode though... That was dank, dark, medievil brutallity. Goodness me, I was almost blushing.
The last book was Nightshade which came out in 2020 and apparently more as planned stillWait, they made Alex Rider into a TV show??? Didn't the books end like a bajillion years ago? Who are they making this for... Although admittedly the same can be said for the whole book series.
Interesting, they've released three more books after what I assumed was the final entry in the series. They really wanna make him James Bond huh?The last book was Nightshade which came out in 2020 and apparently more as planned still
Who the series is for? Fuck knows at this point it's not fans of the books because a lot of the more over the top fantastical stuff is gone, except for the silly over the top villain plots. It's not really for fans of gritty spy fiction either because while it's seemingly trying to make the series into that to follow the trend it's also trying to keep it as a series for teenagers so it's a lot of people threatening to shoot others or very bloodless off camera / out of frame people being shot except in Season 2 where they've decided bullet holes and blood splatter are now fine but over the top violence such that it's clearly silly isn't ok.
"...???"Get your own personal monastery!
What you Get:
1 - User Manual
1 - IDL22 Monastery Box 6.25”x6.25”x6.25”
6 - Phi Ratio pyramids gilded with 24kt gold
1 - IDL-22 Monastery Core which contains the following items:
1 - Blue Diamond, Ruby, Amethyst
1 - Andara Crystal
1- Shungite Crystal
1- Psychic Activator Stone Set
12 - Aaron's Breastplate Stones
1 - Sterling Silver 24kt Gold Plated Ankh Pendant
1 - Biotheric Energy Medicine Disc - Removes Negative Imprints and Contracts
1 - Grabovoi Manifestation Well
Neo Monastery IDL-22
The Neo Monastery IDL-22 meditation cube was designed based on specs from Saint Germain. The Monastery sphere core contains a Blue Diamond, Purple Amethyst, and a Red Ruby along with a 24kt gold plated Ankh pendant, Biotheric Energy Medicine Disc, Aaron's stones, Andara Crystal, and Shungite and much more all inside a IDL22 layered core consisting of gold, platinum, silver, copper, and aluminum. Saint Germain was known as the 'Wonderman of Europe.' He was known to write with both hands at the same time, he could teleport, turns rocks into diamonds, and lead into gold. He sported a magical elixir of life which allowed him to never to age past the age of 30. According to Germain, “It is the activity of our nerves, the flame of our desire, the acid of our fears, which daily consume our organism. He who succeeds in raising himself above his emotions, in suppressing in himself anger and the fear of illness, is capable of overcoming the attrition of the years and attaining an age at least double that at which men now die of old age.” And now with your own personal monastery you can attain increased power to access treasures once thought to be impossible.
Additionally your device contains six 24kt gold gilded plated pyramids which will help activate your god consciousness through the shape power of sacred geometry. Each pyramid has a 51.4 degree slope, which is same slope of pyramids at Giza. This is the PHI ratio and found in the Fibonacci sequence which contains patterns repeated all throughout nature. These pyramids produce chi energy which pumps into the core of the device and creates a star gate; shifting you into another timeline and or parallel reality containing the desires of your heart. Gold gilded cones are higher vibration, enhancing health and manifestation. Because this device is a consciousness generator the effects created is dependent on the psychic ability and intent of the operator. It is the operators responsibility to be of positive mind and intention when playing around with consciousness technology as the device manifests more of who you are. It is also conscious and just like a person, needs to be respected for it to function properly. Thirty percent of all people are not energy sensitive and may not feel or manifest anything until the DNA begins to relax and unwind after many hours of meditation usage.
Unit Core
The monastery core contains a blue diamond which is the frequency of wealth, value, and energy transmission. This along with a combination of Amethyst and Ruby will allow your monastery to decode and energize the transmissions within your meditation experience. According to Saint Germain this configuration will help calm our minds, activate our DNA, and allow users to synchronize to the wisdom of the ruby ray and the coordinate systems of cosmic energy from Orion. For stronger transmissions we recommend that you face the north star system of Orion during your meditation and visualize your desired manifestations inside a dodecahedron.The core also contains Aaron's Gemstones, Andara Crystal, Ankh Pendant, Shungite, Six Psychic Stone Set, Biotheric Energy Medicine Disc all inside a 3d printed sphere with Grabovoi Numbers.
Grabovoi Number Manifestation Well
Grigory Grabovoi is a Russian Doctor of Mathematics, psychic, and healer who developed a system of manifesting using numbers as described in his book "Salvation and Harmonious Development" of all beings. The monastery core contains the Grabovoi number 519 7148 to connect you with "All Things Are Possible", and 318 798 "Financial Abundance."
Biotheric Energy Medicine Disc
Dr. Gary Kersey came up with a method of teaching patients how to help themselves using a form of quantum entanglement. He found certain flower essences with regenerative or meditative frequencies can help reset the bodies own vibration and bring about a integration process. The disc inside the monastery core will help you release negative soul attachments and self limiting patterns so you can become the best person possible. If you have some other health issues or seeking to manifest abundance we can include discs to your requirements please send us a email for a custom price quote.
Aaron's Gemstones
The 12 stones on Aaron's breastplate was used as a way to channel entities. These stones are Sard, Peridot, Emerald, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Hyacinth, Agate, Amethyst, Chrysolite, Carnelian, Jasper. Priests would line all 12 stones up and when you gazed through all 12 stones entities would appear and provide messages from the other side. Likewise the vibration frequency of these stones inside the cube can help you contact the astral realm during your meditation to help aid you in the answers you seek.
Andara Crystal
Andara crystals first originated in the High Sierras of Northern California following an earthquake in the mid-1960's. It is believed they were created through an interdimensional energy implosion in a no-time hyper dimensional field by beings known as the "Time Walkers." They are composed on monoatomic glass which is the etheric state minerals before it entered this third dimensional reality of duality, or more specifically, meditating with these stones will create a kinsothemitic time continuum (a moving time field) which is not constricted or affected by Earth's positive/negative polarity field. This will help bring love into your life and lives of those all over the world in a giant manifestation wave of wellness.
Ankh Pendant
Inside your core is a sterling silver 24kt gold plated Ankh pendant. After Atlantis was destroyed due to experiments and the misuse of powers; groups of inhabitants fled to other continents. The Atlanteans arriving in Egypt brought with them the Atlantean Ankh and the knowledge of the effect of this geometrical form with them. The Ankh symbolizes life and has a "human" form to it, with its head, arms, and body; it holds both the female energy (circle at the head) and the male energy (extending legs or phallus). Thus it reflects the basic Polarity of Existence. We are all polarized between gathering within the psyche or soul (the female circle) and radiating out into physical "reality" (the male focused line). By focusing and transmitting of these various energies a user can enhance the healing process of the mind, body, and spirit.
Shungite is a rare stone that originates from the Karelia region in Russia. The stone contains Fullerenes which are know to strengthen the immune system , contribute to youthful appearance, relieve rheumatic pains and headaches, help to cope with insomnia, stress and depression, and protection from harmful EMF radiation. Shungite is sometimes called the "Stone of Life" due to it's healing and antibacterial properties as well as its ability to alleviate a wide variety of physical complaints such as heart difficulty, allergies, skin diseases, arthritis, hair and skin rejuvenation. "Shungite cures, rescues, purifies, heals, protects, normalizes, restores and even stimulates the growth. Amazing rock: it kills and devours anything that harms people and other living beings, and concentrates and restores all that is good. The scholars who have studied shungite in one voice declare, it is a miracle! " - From the book by A. Doronina "Shungite - the stone-savior"
The Fullerene is one of 4 known crystalline modifications of carbon (except diamond, graphite and carbon). Only recently discovered, fullerenes were among the scientific sensations of the 20th century. A fullerene is any molecule composed entirely of carbon, in the form of a hollow sphere, ellipsoid or tube. Fullerenes in our bodies behave as the most powerful and most long acting antioxidant as a means to fight free radicals. It is a natural antioxidant that can increase human immunity against many illnesses and diseases and suppresses the development of many allergies and systemic illnesses.
The Fullerenes react readily and at a high rate with free radicals in your body, which are often the cause of cell damage or cell death. They are known to behave like a "radical sponge" as they can sponge-up and neutralize 20 or more free radicals per Fullerene molecule and have shown performances 100 times more effective than the current leading antioxidants such as Vitamin E . The major advantage of using Fullerenes as a medical antioxidant is their ability to localize within the cell to mitochondria and other cell compartment sites, where in diseased states the production of free radicals takes place. Fullerenes are water insoluble and when used in cosmetics help to negate the harmful effects of UV rays from the sun.
Additionally inside the core of your cube is Bismuth which helps promote concentration, visualization, and shamanic journeying. It helps move reality from chaos to order and promote cooperation in groups and relationships. All of these stones are found within your IDL22 layered core consisting of gold, platinum, silver, copper, and aluminum . Each unit contains human hair from psychic individuals fortified with our proprietary mix of crystals including lemurian quartz, topaz, tourmaline, onyx, moldovite, agate; as well as rare earth monatomic elements such as iridium, palladium, rhodium, and much much more. The core is surrounded by multiple layers of crystal powders . For added power the cone panels are gilded with 24kt gold for a higher vibration.
Psychic Activator Stone Set
Upgrade your device to contain a six psychic activator stone set including.
1 - Citrine Quartz
1 - Green Peridot
1 - Yellow Apatite
1 - Blue Azurite
1 - Purple Sugilite
1 - Auralite-23
Citrine Quartz
Quartz has strong amplification abilities, and most people are aware of the energy emitted by this lovely yellow stone. One of the less well known Citrine properties are their strong ability to soothe fear and anxiety. By allowing you to let go of your fear it may aid you to be able to accept into your life the good that is coming your way. Citrine will aid you to boost your imagination.For aiding you to be able to better imagine anything you desire, it will open up the third eye chakra and aid you to think more clearly. This opening may be powerful as Citrine Crystals have the effect of deepening your level of mental clarity and accelerating spiritual vision.
Green Peridot
Peridot gemstones resonate with the frequency of increase, so it is a noteworthy gemstone for manifestation of all desired things. It may increase confidence and assertiveness, balanced by patience and clarity of thought. It is known as a stone for prosperity and happiness. This lovely green stone helps you to be aware of the perfection of your physical body, and to appreciate the beauty of the earth on which we live.
Yellow Apatite
Yellow Apatite promotes prosperity. The energy of the color yellow makes this a helpful manifestation crystal. It will enhance manifestation, and its action to activate the solar plexus, also known as the seat of the will. This energy may aid you to strengthen your willpower, and may also help you to become more assertive and confident, and its energy may aid you to discover what you really want in life. Its action within both the third and second chakra is an excellent aid for helping weight loss. It is a fire element stone and has strong metaphysical properties that strengthen mental clarity. Helps to neutralize any anger, as well as to infuse you with greater self confidence and courage. It also enhances your feelings of self-worth, and it will help you to have a more positive and enthusiastic outlook on life and may help you overcome shyness. Useful to boost the manifestation of money or other forms of prosperity, that you feel are desirable in your life. It is a helpful stone to heighten your individual attraction or appeal, and it may assist you to develop inspired ideas. This makes it a favorable adjunct when you are starting a new business, and need to develop ideas to make it financially viable. Like many yellow stones, it has a male or solar vibration.
Blue Azurite
Helps to enhance mental clarity and stimulate the mind and attune it to spiritual guidance. This is a stone of insight and inner vision, and this makes it an excellent stone to use in meditation and develop your psychic abilities.
Purple Sugilite
One of the strongest crystals to wear to give protection from negative entities, and its energy helps to remove negative attachments. If you have emotional problems it is an asset to use, as it is strongly nurturing. It assists you to let go of worry, and it stimulates positive feelings that help you to let go of stress. These beautiful purple crystals accelerate positive feelings that aid the release of stress, and bring peace of mind, calmness and emotional healing.
Auralite 23 is so named because it has 23 different mineral energies, primarily Amethyst and Citrine and gets the majority of its energy from the Violet colored quartz it contains. Auralite-23 stimulates higher awareness and telepathic connection with one's guides and guardian spirits, according to Robert Simmons, the author of "The Book of Stones."
Weighs approximately 6 pounds.
I think one of the nice things is that it does fulfill those little cliches, they're very... comfortable for a viewer. And I certainly agree, I like the idea of people doing some proper sort of investigative work, rather than just kicking heads in or finding extraordinary deus ex machina clues that lead them to the evil mastermind.Lot of fun. Has it's TV issuesbut he still does a lot of smart things which is fun. Nice to have the guy do foot work that matters, take chances, figure other stuff out.the bad guys monologue in the opening of episode 8 spilling a ridiculous amount
Damnit this forum won't let me edit the video back in for whatever reason, so have to quote post it in I guess;Winning the Lottery Neo Meditation (and by extension, the neo meditation cube)
"Oh my...What is this otherworldly concept?"
I hear you ask. Do not fret. The answers you seek lie at the end of this journey we share together
"No, seriously. Wtf am I looking at?"
Ok, settle down. Understandably, new concepts for the human mind can cause a natural emotional rejection upon first exposure. Take a closer look at these relevant wares...
"Wares?? You've got to be kidding me."
No kiddos here, I'm afraid. Hope you like mystical sci-fi cubes though.
View attachment 5539
View attachment 5540
"'Black goo shield'?? I just... What's in the box?"
*Chuckles condescendingly* Now these are the questions.
Testimonials? But of course!
Instantly Transported
"The Neocube is amazing device. It throws me instantly into a deep meditation, the likes of which i have never experienced in my life. WOW. I never reached the height or depth that im instantly transported to with the neo"
A Sense of Connection
"The meditation cube, whoa. One of the deepest disconnects to rational five sense perception I have ever experienced. A sense of connection so deep my body began to numb as if I was no longer in need of a physical body."
Turbo Button Law of Attraction
"This cube is awesome . I feel it on my hands and eyes calming awareness. I’m really calm. Receiving input “Turbo button for law of attraction.”
Hello? Helloooooo?? Have they gone? It looks like they have. Thank fuck! This is just terrible, 0/10 complete bollocks. Am not getting paid enough for this.
Ah, decided to start your own cult to get in on the whole wellness / spiritualisms grift, eh? I can dig it. Get that holy moolah.Damnit this forum won't let me edit the video back in for whatever reason, so have to quote post it in I guess;
She doesn't look or move like she's out of her mid-thirties. Rather rude of her.But never mind all that... how the hell is Ming Na 58?! Sure, make up, but she genuinely doesn't look out of her mid-thirties.
If you go and grab a Legacy title from the relevant thread you can get the ability to edit all posts instead of only those posted under ~10 minutes ago.Damnit this forum won't let me edit the video back in for whatever reason, so have to quote post it in I guess;
Don't know how true this really is, but I heard East Asians tend to have skin that shows age less than caucasians (by about a decade).But never mind all that... how the hell is Ming Na 58?! Sure, make up, but she genuinely doesn't look out of her mid-thirties.
A colleague of mine from that part of the world likes to say that, 'Asian don't raisin'. I've also heard, usually in regards to Samuel L. Jackson 'Black don't crack'.Don't know how true this really is, but I heard East Asians tend to have skin that shows age less than caucasians (by about a decade).
Well, Ming Na Wen is a career model and actress; presumably she learned very early about good diet and exercise to help her physical upkeep in both worlds, psychotically ruthless about looks that they both are, and was smart enough to not indulge in drug abuse (so far as I can determine). Plus she might just have scored a decent string in the genetics lottery.Skin also ages from damage - often harsh weather (wind, rain, cold, heat, sunlight). What someone consumes matters - poor diets and numerous recreational drugs tend to damage or impair skin, although some of that might be drug-induced lack of personal care. So if you avoid that stuff, you'll look better. Exercise should help withstand some signs of ageing. With good care over the years, cosmetics can do the rest.