Discuss and Rate the Last Thing You Watched (non-movies)


Oxy Moron
Sep 5, 2014
down a well
I've been on a vikings binge lately, having watched Vikings: Valhalla, the Lost Kingdom season 5, the 13th Warrior and read Eaters of the Dead. Skol.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
I'm finishing up Season one of Atlanta. Man what an amazing show. It's sort of mind-blowing how in tune and self-aware it is. The balance between depressing reality and humor is just perfect. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time as I did at the end of the "Club" episode. The Juneteeth episode was so cringe though I almost couldn't watch it. I feel like if I talk about the show too much it would be impossible to avoid political debate so I'll leave it there. I'm not sure if it's for everybody, I think pretty much all the jokes work without context, but idk. I'm white, but I grew up inner city poor so everybody in the show was all the type of people I've encountered and every character is just so on point.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Watched the first episode of Moon Knight. It is, in my opinion, the best first episode of any Marvel show, including the Netflix shows. The soundtrack was great, Oscar Isaac does a fantastic job of portraying a guy who is not just a bit of a loser, but knows he is a loser and is just trying his best to cope with it, on top of realizing there is something seriously wrong with him, and the way the episode is aired does a great job of making you feel just as confused about what's going on as the main character.

In addition, even after only about 10 minutes of screentime, Ethan Hawke has already completely sold me on his "religious zealot" villain, coming off like a street preacher, but one with some evidence to back his claims up, and make it believable that he can gather a cult around him. Add in some very dark moments already, along with some brilliant comedic beats (most of the lines by F. Murray Abraham's Khonshu qualify), and you have a show that I am quite looking forward to the next episode of.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Moon Knight

It's fine. Would've been better with more ketamine and throwing of random bullshit.
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Moon Knight

It was cool. I'm sorted over saturated at this point where if there weren't ads every where I'd probably forget to watch next week episode. It's not bad it's that were reaching this era where there is so much on TV anymore if you're doing something to stand out I don't have time for you. This isn't Peacemaker or Raised by wolves. What you saw in the trailers? Thats what happens in the show. No surprises other than that the dialog and writing is tight and well done. Id say so far this has the most cohesive quality of any of the marvel shows. There weren't any moments where I was like "ugh this looks cheap" or "ugh no one talks like that". Even Loki had some variation in quality.

Oh ha I already forgot Hawk-eye was a thing that happened. Yeah if you liked Hawk-eye this is kind of around that level of quality. Fairly snappy writing. No big mistakes so far.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
The Slap (Prime)
Australian darkish comedy about a wealthy group of friends at a birthday BBQ that ends abruptly after one adult slaps another person's kid. Each episode is shown through the perspective of a different character, so it's rather pleasantly contained to a mini-series. Not read the novel it's based on, but I rather enjoyed this. Everyone's messy, full of flaws and selfish desires, all of which start unraveling once the kid gets it.

Should warn, however, that there's allegedly an American adaptation. An adaptation I am confidently willing to assume is the least good version so have no interest in watching to ethically compare the two. And cannot see the point in existing anyway, I mean like at least with foreign language entertainment there's an intended audience who just can't handle reading, or different cultures, or, dare I say it, a different melanin level to pander to. But this is Australian....they're still talking English! And mostly white! And rich! Whhhhhhhhhhhhy???

Anyway, avoid the American one cause I said so, the Australian one's right there. Just. Right. There. A single click to the left. I don't care that it has modern Spock in it!
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Should warn, however, that there's allegedly an American adaptation. An adaptation I am confidently willing to assume is the least good version so have no interest in watching to ethically compare the two. And cannot see the point in existing anyway, I mean like at least with foreign language entertainment there's an intended audience who just can't handle reading, or different cultures, or, dare I say it, a different melanin level to pander to. But this is Australian....they're still talking English! And mostly white! And rich! Whhhhhhhhhhhhy???
Same way they have to do a US Kath and Kim, or the Office, or an attempt at Red Dwarf, or 3-4 attempts at Faulty Towers,or...
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
It is, in my opinion, the best first episode of any Marvel show, including the Netflix shows. The soundtrack was great,
Agree, although admittedly the bar isn't set so high. WandaVision and Hawkeye didn't really have first episodes, can't remember what happened in FATWS, Loki was entertaining but had that "hey let's watch all the old MCU movies!" moment.

Same goes for the soundtrack. I'd say the soundtrack is definitely good on its own, but also the only noteworthy soundtrack in the whole Disney+ MCU slate. Which is sad, considering the Star Wars stuff generally has stellar soundtracks.

Overall happy with what we seem to be getting with Moon Knight. It's the first show that doesn't immediately give off that "mass produced" vibe. The camerawork, the colors. On location shooting, finally. Oscar Isaac is also a joy to watch, with his canonically stupid accent. Now I'm just hoping the action scenes can at least scratch the surface of what Daredevil had, but apparently that's not the case.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Same way they have to do a US Kath and Kim, or the Office, or an attempt at Red Dwarf, or 3-4 attempts at Faulty Towers,or...
There's...there's an American version of Red Dwarf?

Nonono, you may try to tempt my morbid curiosity, but I will resist all urges to peek at this eldritch horror to the bitter end!


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
There's...there's an American version of Red Dwarf?

Nonono, you may try to tempt my morbid curiosity, but I will resist all urges to peek at this eldritch horror to the bitter end!
I think there was just a pilot episode that worked about as well as you'd expect, and someone sensibly decided not to pursue it further.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
I think there was just a pilot episode that worked about as well as you'd expect, and someone sensibly decided not to pursue it further.
Whoever that person was, they deserves a bloody Nobel peace prize for their contribution to humanity. 👌

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
Nowhere, Middle of
United States
The Slap (Prime)
Australian darkish comedy about a wealthy group of friends at a birthday BBQ that ends abruptly after one adult slaps another person's kid. Each episode is shown through the perspective of a different character, so it's rather pleasantly contained to a mini-series. Not read the novel it's based on, but I rather enjoyed this. Everyone's messy, full of flaws and selfish desires, all of which start unraveling once the kid gets it.

Should warn, however, that there's allegedly an American adaptation. An adaptation I am confidently willing to assume is the least good version so have no interest in watching to ethically compare the two. And cannot see the point in existing anyway, I mean like at least with foreign language entertainment there's an intended audience who just can't handle reading, or different cultures, or, dare I say it, a different melanin level to pander to. But this is Australian....they're still talking English! And mostly white! And rich! Whhhhhhhhhhhhy???

Anyway, avoid the American one cause I said so, the Australian one's right there. Just. Right. There. A single click to the left. I don't care that it has modern Spock in it!
Only thing I know about The Slap is this amazing video from Youtube;


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Devs. Damn that show is good, its got some real artistry to how shots are put together with music and sound to give the series a really haunting vibe. The characters are interesting and so is the mystery, I don't want to go more into the plot since its one of those that feels like its better to just go into blind.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Slasher (Seasons 1-3, Netflix)

Ah, Slasher. A Canadian production that's the lower common denominator horror anthology series on the go (certainly when compared with American Horror Story of the "Haunting of..." series). Season 1 involves a woman whose parents were brutally murdered when she was born returning to her home town only for the killings to srping up again. Season 2 involves some twentysomethings with a dark secret returning to camp where they were camp counselors, albeit in Winter and the camp is now a retreat for people with personal problems. The third season is set in an urban apartment block with a killer slaughtering the inhabitants. The series combines baseline slasher horror conventions with a "Whodunnit?" murder mystery element as you figure out who the murderer is.

I say lower common denominator, but if you like your horror it's... pretty decent. It's well short of the artistry and thought that's gone into the aforementioned others: it's a combination of pretty basic horror and "Whodunnit" crime staples so it's got slightly hokey elements, but overall I think it's quite well executed. The script and characters are above par, the acting's pretty good, and it's effectively directed. I think, however, it will severely struggle to engage viewers who don't much enjoy horror as there's just not that much else to it. I doubt I'll watch later seasons as it's moved to Shudder, and I'm not shelling out more money for additional channels with ever diminishing returns.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Truth Be Told: S1, E1-8: Good / Great

Octavia Spencer plays a woman who runs a podcast she uses to try and prove the innocence of a man her celebrity helped indict of murder nearly 20 years previously.

It's a bit convoluted, but then, I think it's supposed to be. A lot of unlikeable people, and you think they each committed the murder at one point or another which I'm pretty sure that's what they were going for. The imprisoned man is portrayed by Aaron Paul (Jesse from Breaking Bad,) and he does an absolutely brilliant job; he's easily the best part about the show.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Moonknight episode 2

Ok Im on board now. I think they would have been better served doing the first two episodes as a single launch. The first episode sets the stage as feeling like just another marvel show, but the second makes things a tad more interesting. I dont want to spoil anything, but episode really leaves you thinking "well shit I wanna see where this goes". I hadnt really felt that in anything but Loki and Wandavision. Not to say its good or bad so much as its interesting, it could easily go splat on the landing, but unlike America Falcon where it felt like I was watching a bad 90s tv comic adaptation Im genuinely intrigued by this and find the characters a pleasure to watch.
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Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Moon Knights been interesting so far, I'm just waiting for it to fall into that trap that seems to be in-vogue (Marvel and otherwise) of everything finally happening in the last two episodes with no breathing room and lots left on the floor.

Speaking of, Picard Season 2. Even if this was self-contained and I had no prior reference for any of these characters, my damn head would still hurt trying to parse the logic in this. And the show clearly expects you to know (some) prior trek lore just for any of its premises to work. Jurati is engaging with the borg queen stuff going on, but thats held back by the fact that the premise that generates that situation is monumentally and unbelievably dumb to begin with. Also yeah, its like 6 episodes in and only just loosely identified what their objective is. And is still stapling on more new characters (to faciliate cameos more then anything it seems) and c-plots


At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020

Not so much watched as listened through, but it's an interesting dissection. You can argue that the artist shouldn't be confused with their art, but in Rowling's case that's harder than usual. I haven't given a shit about HP since the 7th movie came out and it's been like a decade since I last read the books, so it's interesting to rethink many of the things I just saw as silly fantasy as a kid. Some of it doesn't translate though: I read the books in another language, so a lot of the names were completely different, and also being divorced from a lot of the cultural context went a long way to not raise any alarms in my head. But yeah, on reflection the concept of house elves as presented in the books is fucked up, the way Rowling presents wizard racism is fucked up, a lot of the characterization becomes fucked up as the series progresses etc.

Like with the Fantastic Beasts movies, I'm left thinking that Rowling wanted to have two conflicting stories in one: one is a whimsical children's wish fulfilment story about learning magic in a wizard school and dealing with bullies and the mean teacher. The other is a grim fable about prejudice, fascism, responsibility, abusive institutions, regret, generational trauma and all that fun stuff. If you dropped the entire "boy who lived" angle and just made Harry a normal orphan, and had all the Voldemort stuff in a separate, more adult series it might have worked way better. And now I'm starting to understand why people write so much HP fan fiction.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
WeCrashed: S1: Ep1-6: Crazy / Great

Based on true events, Jared Leto portrays Adam Neuman, co-founder of a company called WeWork that specializes in shared workspaces. This might be the most Leto-esque casting ever. Save for the Israeli accent he has to put on, he's basically just how I imagine he probably is in real life. The show is intriguing in that it's like watching a train wreck as Adam makes extremely risky business decisions over and over again; it's like watching someone confidently build a house of cards in a wind tunnel that's set to be turned on any minute. He eschews stability and sustainability for unsustainable growth. That, and his shared workspaces are mostly 24/7 parties while shareholders look on with a side-eye. Doesn't help that he and his wife Rebekah (played by Anne Hathaway) are in a codependent relationship wherein both encourage poor decision-making that idealizes idealism over rationality. And Adam's partner Miguel, who's mostly the backbone of the whole endeavor (Adam's the idea guy while Miguel makes those ideas a reality,) plays the wallflower at this corporate orgy and clearly has no idea what's going on. Worth the watch if only to see how it all plays out. Still hard to believe this actually happened.

Oddly enough, a couple weeks ago, we went to an Elton John concert at American Airlines Center (where the NBA's Mavericks play,) and we saw a WeWork office space about 100 yards from the front doors, and having only seen the trailer at that point, thought I might actually like that kind of environment. 6 episodes in? No-fucking-thank you.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
But yeah, on reflection the concept of house elves as presented in the books is fucked up, the way Rowling presents wizard racism is fucked up, a lot of the characterization becomes fucked up as the series progresses etc.
Alright, I'll bite. How? Bear in mind that every time I hear the "house elves are slaves!" claim I lose a brain cell.

Like with the Fantastic Beasts movies, I'm left thinking that Rowling wanted to have two conflicting stories in one: one is a whimsical children's wish fulfilment story about learning magic in a wizard school and dealing with bullies and the mean teacher. The other is a grim fable about prejudice, fascism, responsibility, abusive institutions, regret, generational trauma and all that fun stuff. If you dropped the entire "boy who lived" angle and just made Harry a normal orphan, and had all the Voldemort stuff in a separate, more adult series it might have worked way better.
Completely disagree.

The books get mature as they go along - the fascism stuff for instance is only really there at the end of the series, but not towards the start. The books mature along with Harry, and in theory, the reader themselves. It's not the only JF/YA series that does this (see A Series of Unfortunate Events), but IMO, does it really well.

And now I'm starting to understand why people write so much HP fan fiction.
As someone who's written HP fanfiction...um, because it's insanely popular? Look at the top ten IPs on FFN based on no. of entries, and I don't really see anything out of the ordinary.

Speaking personally, I find HP one of the harder IPs to write for, but it's more due to the nature of the setting (there's not really much I can add to it) than inherent elements. That, and HP's bit of an oddity for me in writing, in that I generally go for high rather than low fantasy.