Discuss and Rate the Last Thing You Watched (non-movies)


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Watched Loki

Jesus it was good up until the cliff hanger ending.

Like they'd put real work into it and Sylvie was such a great character honestly I can see why Loki fell for her.

Also really loved the retro futurism aesthetic it worked so well with the show. It looked really high production value too.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Episode 2 of HotD.

Was good but man, judging by the preview for next week they are warp speeding through the whole king’s heir to the throne thing. Idk how many seasons are planned but from the looks of it it would seem they’re wanting to close the gap in a season or two. Sometimes previews can be intentionally misleading though.

Main takeaway for this one is a show about dragons needs to have at least a scene or two of impressive dragon stuff every episode. And yeah so far I’m impressed with how they’ve been represented. Their sound beats anything in the Jurassic park movies and they look distinctive from each other. Even if they screw up the plot, I guess at least they seemed to get that right.
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
So i've been watching She-Hulk and its odd. Its Marvel, so I like it, and Im well aware Im not the target audience for this show, but Im left wondering who is. I would say young single working women, but the show kinda hates women. And not just the standard evil white boss who after just meeting She-Hulk asks to watch her poop, which is a real scene. But the general tone and characterization is pretty anti-women.
Like She-Hulk is very pretty and successful. So pretty and successful she gets fired as a district attorney. No joke, her boss goes up to her and says because she's so pretty and successful, no jury can ever be empaneled in her cases because everyone thinks she's so pretty and successful and all her cases have been declared a mistrial. Im not joking, she's fired for being too pretty and successful. All the while having a cheerleader girlfriend who tells her how pretty and successful she is.
And then when training with Hulk, she tells him she's pretty and successful, therefore she's a good Hulk. And it works. She's used to being catcalled because she's so pretty, that she can control her gamma radiation mutation. And then she shits on Tony and Natasha and Hawkeye about them not being a pretty and successful as her.
But the whole show is so patronizing to her and women in general. Its saying that women need constant love and attention and admiration and need to constantly be told how great they are and how they were always perfect to begin with. Like She-Hulk has no flaws. At all. She's a single female lawyer who is pretty and successful and she gets angry if you don't know that.
And the self awareness isn't great, 'cause its not really 4th wall breaking self awareness. She looks to camera and says "men" and rolls her eyes. And its like...what's the joke? She sees a room full of male lawyers laughing and just rolls her eyes and...and what? Is she upset they're not praising her enough?
And what are her priorities now that she is She-Hulk? Shoes, and clothes and looking good and being pretty and successful. This show has a very poor opinion of women. As well as continuing phase 4's poorly conceived idea of belittling the Avengers and previous Marvel movies.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
House of the Dragons ep1

I've never seen a single episode of Game of Thrones. Still not sure why I watched this. Actually I know, I get to pester all the friends who kept telling me I should watch GoT by being chipper and clueless about the hot new thing while they're still embittered about GoT sucking dragon shlong because the showrunners were sick of it and GRRMHTTP wouldn't finish the story and bla bla bla. I haven't felt this out of the party since suffering all those trashy hospital soaps my sister binged back in the day.

Matt Smith in a Legolas wig is the eeeeeeevil brother to an aging monarch, who inexplicably tolerates him, and gets along with his one child. So far so Lion King. Actually I finished watching Wolf Hall not that long ago, which really makes House of the Dragons look like Lion King but with HBO gore and buttocks. I'm not sure where these people are. Is it King's Landing? They keep talking about King's Landing. Is the identity of the Mad King supposed to be a mystery or do we know who he is already? Why are these people the only ones to control dragons? What's this bullshit about dragon blood? Are they supposed to be controlling the whole world or are there rivaling kingdoms? What's the name of "their" kingdom again? Actually are we supposed to know what happens to all these people already or is there tension to the characters? I know I don't know shit about anybody.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
So i've been watching She-Hulk and its odd. Its Marvel, so I like it, and Im well aware Im not the target audience for this show, but Im left wondering who is. I would say young single working women, but the show kinda hates women. And not just the standard evil white boss who after just meeting She-Hulk asks to watch her poop, which is a real scene. But the general tone and characterization is pretty anti-women.
Like She-Hulk is very pretty and successful. So pretty and successful she gets fired as a district attorney. No joke, her boss goes up to her and says because she's so pretty and successful, no jury can ever be empaneled in her cases because everyone thinks she's so pretty and successful and all her cases have been declared a mistrial. Im not joking, she's fired for being too pretty and successful. All the while having a cheerleader girlfriend who tells her how pretty and successful she is.
And then when training with Hulk, she tells him she's pretty and successful, therefore she's a good Hulk. And it works. She's used to being catcalled because she's so pretty, that she can control her gamma radiation mutation. And then she shits on Tony and Natasha and Hawkeye about them not being a pretty and successful as her.
But the whole show is so patronizing to her and women in general. Its saying that women need constant love and attention and admiration and need to constantly be told how great they are and how they were always perfect to begin with. Like She-Hulk has no flaws. At all. She's a single female lawyer who is pretty and successful and she gets angry if you don't know that.
And the self awareness isn't great, 'cause its not really 4th wall breaking self awareness. She looks to camera and says "men" and rolls her eyes. And its like...what's the joke? She sees a room full of male lawyers laughing and just rolls her eyes and...and what? Is she upset they're not praising her enough?
And what are her priorities now that she is She-Hulk? Shoes, and clothes and looking good and being pretty and successful. This show has a very poor opinion of women. As well as continuing phase 4's poorly conceived idea of belittling the Avengers and previous Marvel movies.
So any particular requests for your spot in the proverbial pit with the rest of us "problematic" people?

Nah but seriously I've been hearing a fair bit about the show and it seems like it might be a case of poorly done writing where the joke is meant to be that Jen is kind of an awful person in the same kind of vein that Rick in Rick and Morty isn't meant to be a figure people look up to but seems as a character you pity and is a lamentable character. It's a Poe's law issue were the joke may well be "Yeh we women can be awful sometimes" (the writer is a woman, who also has worked on Rick and Morty) but it's so close to actual rhetoric be it from actual people or in the media that people can't really tell it's meant to be satire of that kind of attitude.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
So i've been watching She-Hulk and its odd. Its Marvel, so I like it, and Im well aware Im not the target audience for this show, but Im left wondering who is. I would say young single working women, but the show kinda hates women. And not just the standard evil white boss who after just meeting She-Hulk asks to watch her poop, which is a real scene. But the general tone and characterization is pretty anti-women.
Like She-Hulk is very pretty and successful. So pretty and successful she gets fired as a district attorney. No joke, her boss goes up to her and says because she's so pretty and successful, no jury can ever be empaneled in her cases because everyone thinks she's so pretty and successful and all her cases have been declared a mistrial. Im not joking, she's fired for being too pretty and successful. All the while having a cheerleader girlfriend who tells her how pretty and successful she is.
And then when training with Hulk, she tells him she's pretty and successful, therefore she's a good Hulk. And it works. She's used to being catcalled because she's so pretty, that she can control her gamma radiation mutation. And then she shits on Tony and Natasha and Hawkeye about them not being a pretty and successful as her.
But the whole show is so patronizing to her and women in general. Its saying that women need constant love and attention and admiration and need to constantly be told how great they are and how they were always perfect to begin with. Like She-Hulk has no flaws. At all. She's a single female lawyer who is pretty and successful and she gets angry if you don't know that.
And the self awareness isn't great, 'cause its not really 4th wall breaking self awareness. She looks to camera and says "men" and rolls her eyes. And its like...what's the joke? She sees a room full of male lawyers laughing and just rolls her eyes and...and what? Is she upset they're not praising her enough?
And what are her priorities now that she is She-Hulk? Shoes, and clothes and looking good and being pretty and successful. This show has a very poor opinion of women. As well as continuing phase 4's poorly conceived idea of belittling the Avengers and previous Marvel movies.
I've seen a number of takes on She-Hulk but not this one. Interesting.

American Horror Stories Hulu Season 2 Episode 4

Gets a D from me. I like the show but this one is, wow, what if we had a bunch of people killing each other, wouldn't that be scary. The story telling and writing really aren't there for this one!

It is so hard for a writer to get work in this industry it baffles me that ANY story put to video would be anything other than great.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
I've seen a number of takes on She-Hulk but not this one. Interesting.
Its a very odd show with a very weird tone. Like we have She-Hulk literally making light of Hulk's depression and suicide attempt and losing the woman he loved and being enslaved for years and saying she deals with more pain and anger on a daily basis than he's done in his whole life because...sometimes her shoes don't fit. And its like wow, okay. Either women are completely shallow and self-absorbed to the point of emotional blindness, or women have the emotional maturity of a toddler and something as small as shoes that don't fit is enough to completely overwhelm them.
Either way She-Hulk has some very ugly things to say about women and how they fit in a superhero world.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
It is so hard for a writer to get work in this industry it baffles me that ANY story put to video would be anything other than great.
I think it's hard because there's a zillion aspiring writers and which ones become successful mostly seems to be totally unconnected to talent.
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Damn when the fuck was this?
Second episode, when SheHulk gets the job at her new lawfirm. Her creepy European coworker comes into her office and says he made a map of the best bathrooms to poop in, but he can't show her right now he's busy. And its like oh...he wants to watch her poop. I guess that's just a thing Europeans do.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
The Bear
This Hulu.. mini-series? Series season 1? I dunno... it's this family drama in a sandwich shop that is critically acclaimed, my mom and sister love it, Marty Sliva loves, it was really hyped for me. And it was... ok?
It's mostly like a bunch of assholes yelling at each other in a kitchen. I guess if you like Uncut Gems you'll like this? Also who's that jagoff cook that yells at people, Gordon Ramsey? Some people like to watch yelling cooks for some reason, I don't but if you do this show has that vibe.
Cast is pretty great and the core emotional engine of family tragedy is simple, relatable, and honest. And when they ratchet up the tensions, boy does it work. So it is a "good" show, it's fine.

Sandman ep 1 & 2
The conventional wisdom was that this comic series was unfilmable because it's abstract and moody and weird and after watching two episodes so far I agree with the conventional wisdom. I love the comic series but an abstract moody and weird TV show with mumbly serious talking about magic and rubies is so freaking boring.
I'm a keep watching cause I'm running out of stuff to watch and I'm curious enough to see if the pace picks up when Death is introduced and Dream goes to hell etc. But so far this is just a reminder that often, adaptations are not worth it- stories are created in their original mediums for a reason.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Flinch: Ep1-2

A gameshow for sadists, 8 contestants are put through the wringer of three challenges wherein the object is to simply not flinch; flinching results in various physical tortures. The show's three hosts (who are each assigned a random contestant for each challenge) get points for each flinch their contestants accumulate. At the end, the host with the most points has to undergo their own "Flinch Forfeit," a challenge similar to the ones the contestants go through, but basically impossible not to flinch.

It's a hoot. Dumb fun. People get electrocuted, dunked in water, stuff dropped on their heads, etc. It's basically like fraternity hazing but overseen by TV executives and professionals (if you can call a creepy guy in overalls and scraggly hair who's manning a cattle prod a "professional.")


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
The first episode of the 2002 Bird of Prey TV series.

Verdict: Late 90s early 2000s and hell and kinda great in a dumb way for it.

For various reasons DC kept messing with the show and saying they couldn't use certain stuff or had to change stuff from the comics.

Basic premise. Bruce Wayne has left Gotham and no-one knows where he's gone after the events of "The Killing Joke" due to not wanting his actions as Batman go lead anyone to be harmed ever again. The Joker is no more (it's somewhat implied he was given the death penalty and executed) and it's years on with Barbra Gordon teaming up with Helena Kyle the secret daughter of Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne that Bruce never knew existed until Joker killed her mother just before doing the events of the killing joke went down.

So Helena Kyle is Huntress but not the crossbow shooting huntress of the comics this version basically has the powerset of Vixen. In comes Dina Lance who unlike Black Canary in the comics this version is a psychic powered teenage girl who has been having psychic visions of Barbra and Helena.

The oddly most interesting thing it does is present a version of reality where Harley Quinn fell for the Joker but she didn't snap and become a sort of force of chaos but well more into the calculating working from the shadows kind of villainy where she puts in a respectable from while carrying out her (and its hinted aiding Joker in his) plans
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Second episode, when SheHulk gets the job at her new lawfirm. Her creepy European coworker comes into her office and says he made a map of the best bathrooms to poop in, but he can't show her right now he's busy. And its like oh...he wants to watch her poop. I guess that's just a thing Europeans do.
Something's shitty, but I can't tell if it's the character or the writing.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
So i've been watching She-Hulk and its odd. Its Marvel, so I like it, and Im well aware Im not the target audience for this show, but Im left wondering who is. I would say young single working women, but the show kinda hates women. And not just the standard evil white boss who after just meeting She-Hulk asks to watch her poop, which is a real scene. But the general tone and characterization is pretty anti-women.
Like She-Hulk is very pretty and successful. So pretty and successful she gets fired as a district attorney. No joke, her boss goes up to her and says because she's so pretty and successful, no jury can ever be empaneled in her cases because everyone thinks she's so pretty and successful and all her cases have been declared a mistrial. Im not joking, she's fired for being too pretty and successful. All the while having a cheerleader girlfriend who tells her how pretty and successful she is.
And then when training with Hulk, she tells him she's pretty and successful, therefore she's a good Hulk. And it works. She's used to being catcalled because she's so pretty, that she can control her gamma radiation mutation. And then she shits on Tony and Natasha and Hawkeye about them not being a pretty and successful as her.
But the whole show is so patronizing to her and women in general. Its saying that women need constant love and attention and admiration and need to constantly be told how great they are and how they were always perfect to begin with. Like She-Hulk has no flaws. At all. She's a single female lawyer who is pretty and successful and she gets angry if you don't know that.
And the self awareness isn't great, 'cause its not really 4th wall breaking self awareness. She looks to camera and says "men" and rolls her eyes. And its like...what's the joke? She sees a room full of male lawyers laughing and just rolls her eyes and...and what? Is she upset they're not praising her enough?
And what are her priorities now that she is She-Hulk? Shoes, and clothes and looking good and being pretty and successful. This show has a very poor opinion of women. As well as continuing phase 4's poorly conceived idea of belittling the Avengers and previous Marvel movies.
Not that this show is very good, it's not, but I really didn't get the 'she got fired for being too pretty and succesful'. She got fired for being the only lawyer who can crush a bear and looking like she can too, and being obviously related to the Hulk. Maybe if I really squint I could interpret this as being fired for being too pretty and succesful, but I think this has to do with a jury and a judge automatically being intimidated by her and making them partial to her.

Also didn't get any of the 'wanting to watch her poop', but then I'm not too well versed with interacting with people, so maybe telling a new co-worker where all the good bathrooms are is synonymous with wanting to watch them poop. I can't think of examples of the top of my head, except Coming to America, but I'm sure I've seen scenes where someone new to a building is shown where the bathroom is, unless I'm just out of the loop in understanding this means characters want to see eachother poop.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Watch Mojo
Top 10 Best TV Shows of 2022 (So Far)

I am kinda embarrassed to write I've seen most of these!
Gotta catch
Our Flag Means Death
Abbot Elementary (I think my daughter might like this and will watch with her).


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Not that this show is very good, it's not, but I really didn't get the 'she got fired for being too pretty and succesful'. She got fired for being the only lawyer who can crush a bear and looking like she can too, and being obviously related to the Hulk. Maybe if I really squint I could interpret this as being fired for being too pretty and succesful, but I think this has to do with a jury and a judge automatically being intimidated by her and making them partial to her.

Also didn't get any of the 'wanting to watch her poop', but then I'm not too well versed with interacting with people, so maybe telling a new co-worker where all the good bathrooms are is synonymous with wanting to watch them poop. I can't think of examples of the top of my head, except Coming to America, but I'm sure I've seen scenes where someone new to a building is shown where the bathroom is, unless I'm just out of the loop in understanding this means characters want to see eachother poop.
But the problem is she was already related to the Hulk. That never changed, just her Hulk abilities did. And when she's fired, she's in a bar in Hulk form, literally having people chanting her name and singing her praises, her boss tells her to revert back to normal and then says because she saved the jury and judge from death she can't be a good lawyer anymore. And then her montage is a constant stream of people saying she's too successful, too good at her job to be hired. That in a world where the most famous man ever is Spiderman, where the Hulk is one of the few surviving Avengers, where people literally devote their lives to being Avenger fangirls, we're expected to believe a cousin of an Avenger with the same powers as an Avenger saving people like an Avenger is not only a downside to being an employee, but enough to make them social pariahs.

And yes, telling a coworker where to poop, like using that language instead of just "bathroom" or "restroom", is really fucking weird. Especially opposite gender and on a first meeting. And the way he said it and had a hand drawn map raises a lot of warning flags. Very good chance this "joke" comes back in later episodes.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
She-hulk Ep 3, way too fucking fast paced. I'm enjoying the show more than I thought but good lord, yet another show that could be easily improved with literally just a few sentences added to the script or seconds to the run time.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
But the problem is she was already related to the Hulk. That never changed, just her Hulk abilities did. And when she's fired, she's in a bar in Hulk form, literally having people chanting her name and singing her praises, her boss tells her to revert back to normal and then says because she saved the jury and judge from death she can't be a good lawyer anymore. And then her montage is a constant stream of people saying she's too successful, too good at her job to be hired. That in a world where the most famous man ever is Spiderman, where the Hulk is one of the few surviving Avengers, where people literally devote their lives to being Avenger fangirls, we're expected to believe a cousin of an Avenger with the same powers as an Avenger saving people like an Avenger is not only a downside to being an employee, but enough to make them social pariahs.
Sure, but her attractiveness didn't factor into this particular bad writing.

And yes, telling a coworker where to poop, like using that language instead of just "bathroom" or "restroom", is really fucking weird. Especially opposite gender and on a first meeting. And the way he said it and had a hand drawn map raises a lot of warning flags. Very good chance this "joke" comes back in later episodes.
I guess. I didn't get poop fetish vibes from this though.