Camp Camp: Season 4 (3/5)
Well, this is a new low for the series.
Actually, that's not fair. The season isn't bad by any means, and only has one bad episode. But right now, it's a case of 1>3>2>4, with only the first season being genuinely good. I mean, I still like this series, and I've got Muack as my avatar for a reason, but...
Okay, let me elaborate. You can look at my reviews of the previous seasons in this thread, but basically, up to this point, every CC season has had a theme of sorts to it. Season 1 was the different outlooks of Max and David building up before coming to a head at the season's climax - a climax that could have easily concluded the series. Season 2 expanded on the side characters, and explored Max's parental issues. Season 3 had the issue of what would happen to the camp. Season 4, however? It's hard to say what the overall theme or arc is. I mean, the first episode of this season more or less reverses the conclusion of season 3, making a point that Max hasn't changed, despite coming to appreciate Camp Campbell by the end of season 3. You might think it's "nah, he's still insisting that he hasn't changed," but no, that's kind of the angle it goes for, that he's still a little shit. I mean, it fits in with the show's cynical nature (cynicism that's a close cousin of the kind presented in South Park), but still, it's a bit too heavy on "status quo is king."
So what does that leave us?
Well, what we have are various sub-plots. Campbell has a redemption arc...sort of. Quartermaster has the whole supernatural thing that culminates with squirrels invading the camp for the death of their king in season 1, but after losing the camp, they just build a new one, and it's never brought up again. At the very final episode, Max remembers that obstensibly a character arc was written with him improving as a person and tries to cheer up Gwen, but there's nothing connecting this moment with the start of the season. So what you're left with is various sub-plots that don't really go anywhere. There's a microcosm in a very episode which has the kids change personalities effectively, with Max railing against it before accepting that people change, including him, but then it pulls a "yeah, no" move and everything goes back to normal.
And technically that's not bad. As I've said, the series is character rather than plot driven. It's not uncommon for shows like this for a character to undergo meaningful development in a given episode, but the events of that episode not really impacting anything else in the future. Homer Simpson can lose weight, but will always be overweight. Meg Griffin will sometimes stand up for herself, but will remain fated to be the family's punching bag. Bob's Burgers (the restaurant) may do good business, but it'll never become the next Burger King. Camp Camp is in the vein of these shows, so is it fair to criticize it for not shaking things up? In my mind...maybe. Maybe, because the past three seasons may not have broken the status quo, but did give me a sense that some characters were changing, even if that change was limited to Max and David for the most part. Season 4 however, either reverts any kind of character change, or brushes it to the side. So while the humour is still there, the heart isn't as much.
So, still fun, but also the weakest season I've seen.