Disney May Ban Leia's Gold Bikini From All Star Wars Merch


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Had sex with my wife last night while she was wearing this outfit (well, the cheap costume equivalent of it)

She bought it on her own.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Imperioratorex Caprae said:
God dammit. Its really just stupid, it never was a controversy before someone decided to bring it up and complain... fucking hell. I mean it doesn't remove it from memory or the movie but its really dumb IMO. I said something earlier that "Slave Leia" was in no way demeaning to women, and actually when taken in context to the whole character arc (from IV-VI) makes Leia an empowering character, even with the "slave" scenes as she ends up being the one to take out Jabba with just the chains of oppression (literally). But hey, whats context mean to people being offended, right?
Its really weird how all aliens seem to want to check out mostly naked human hotties. Hmm, they never even address it as an alien fetish, its just something to be expected. I wonder if there are alien hummys, like furries but turned on by humans. Do you think Jaba got an alien boner watching Leia?

Hutzpah Chicken

New member
Mar 13, 2012
I'm fairly sure that it's supposed to be a costume that objectifies women. If you look at the context, Leia infiltrates Jabba's palace as a no-nonsense bounty hunter, then is discovered and captured by a very sleazy and brutal crime lord. So, wouldn't that mean her demeaning outfit is representative of her captors?


New member
Mar 6, 2008
PatrickJS said:
...portrayals of Leia in modern board games [https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2015/8/1/leaders-and-assassins/] properly display her as a bad-ass rebel leader, rather than a damsel needing rescue.
So, this would be a bad time to point out her card in FFG's CCG is literally designed to be a reusable damsel in distress?

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
What next? Are they going to use digital editing to turn all the blasters into walkie-talkies [http://articles.latimes.com/2001/nov/05/entertainment/ca-505]?

Worgen said:
I wonder if there are alien hummys
Maaaaybe that's not the best term to coin....


New member
Nov 23, 2008
I don't have much input because I always thought that thing looked gaudy, uncomfortable and every time it showed on screen I was uncomfortable seeing it.

But on the other hand I believe that was the entire point.

But yeah I don't think it should be sold as a 'toy'. That's...fucking creepy. She's wearing a slave outfit. No getting around it, and no matter if it gets your rocks off. It's not a kid friendly ideal, or really a friendly ideal at all.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Anyone who had a problem with the Slave Leia bikini has probably never seen Return of the Jedi. They need to go frak up some other fandom.


New member
May 4, 2009
I love that all the comments seem to be along the lines of "oh my god this is just political correctness." Especially the ones that are all "actually she was really empowered in that scene."
Bollocks, was she. I mean, I'm not gonna say that the scene itself was this attack on women, because that wouldn't be true, but don't try pushing it the other way and start with this "she was a badass in this scene." She waited for the main men in her life to come distract the armed baddies, then choked a physically-incapable slug-monster with a chain.

However. Disney are making the right move, if they are indeed making a move, in my opinion because that slave outfit existed for a small part of a single film that screened decades ago. Why are there still action figures being released with that outfit? There is no real reason for it to happen in future, so let's not make it happen.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Worgen said:
Imperioratorex Caprae said:
God dammit. Its really just stupid, it never was a controversy before someone decided to bring it up and complain... fucking hell. I mean it doesn't remove it from memory or the movie but its really dumb IMO. I said something earlier that "Slave Leia" was in no way demeaning to women, and actually when taken in context to the whole character arc (from IV-VI) makes Leia an empowering character, even with the "slave" scenes as she ends up being the one to take out Jabba with just the chains of oppression (literally). But hey, whats context mean to people being offended, right?
Its really weird how all aliens seem to want to check out mostly naked human hotties. Hmm, they never even address it as an alien fetish, its just something to be expected. I wonder if there are alien hummys, like furries but turned on by humans. Do you think Jaba got an alien boner watching Leia?
He probably got the Hutt equivalent of a chubby (I'm fairly sure they spawn like reptiles or amphibians so I don't think they can actually get chubbys but you get it) from making her subservient and humiliating her more than anything.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
MarsAtlas said:
Its over thirty years old, its run its course and that alone is a good reason to no longer produce it. Then there's the fact that it would be placed in the toy aisle next to Disney princesses and Pokemon plushes because, and some people have a hard time understanding this notion, they're produced as toys for children. .
Well...if that's the case, then pretty much everything before the Little Mermaid needs to stop getting toys made for them too from Disney...they've run their course after all...

And I do sorta like how you pick up Pokemon too...we have now got documented proof that a character in a gold bikini(that honestly covers more than pretty much even the most modest of swim spots the last thirty years) is more offensive than kids running around kicking the shit out of each other's captured magical pets for "fun". I mean, if you wanna play the children's toys card, you've gotta be able to come up with something better...

And this is ignoring how pretty much ever Disney Princess has something associated with it that's WORSE than clothing choices and an alien fetish that isn't exactly focused on at any point...there's like two minutes total she and the Twi'Lek are even onscreen like that.

Not to mention it's about the only visually iconic thing that Leia gets in the original trilogy. Han has the wild west aesthetic, Luke the dark tunics for the medieval callback, and the lightsaber, can't forget that, Vader goes without explanation, Palpatine the robes and weathered appearance, Chewie and the droids, etc. Leia's got the hair buns, white robe-dress and the slave outfit. Everything else she's got is just a copy of something else that's already there.

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
So many people are shot to death and dismembered in the movies but it's the bikini that has to go. Oh Disney, you crazy psychos.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I have to ask myself, if this costume is actually that bad, why are there so many cosplayers who volunteer to cosplay into it without anyone forcing them to do so.

I give no damn one way or the other about this specific outfit but I take a moment to reflect on the culture that decides history needs to be whitewashed and presumes to tell me what is alright for me to experience and what isn't.


Malapropic Homophone
Jun 24, 2010
I'll form an opinion when we have more information than the speculation of a low-ranking comic artist in a sub-company of Disney who has like a bajillion layers between him and the marketers over at Disney who are in charge of the Star Wars brand.

Seriously, I'd hardly call this a rumor, its just one guy's speculation. It isn't even worth discussing.


Knower of Nothing
Oct 9, 2010
Not gonna stop people from cosplaying that outfit.

I just remembered something from Episode I: The 2nd least bad one in the prequels. Anakin and Schmee Skywalker explain how slaves on Tatooine have bombs implanted into their brains to prevent them from leaving or deserting or being flippant I suppose. Did Leia have one implanted in her brain? What about that one that displeased Jabba just before her? Did the Empire being formed result in Tatooine changing their policies on handling slavery? But Tatooine is on the outer edges of the Empire with no real presence of law and order; street justice if you will, so law and order wouldn't matter anyways to them. I don't think they even have representation in the Senate. Maybe Leia was fast-tracked into the slavery position. It doesn't give an exact time frame of when events happen in Jabba's palace, but the way the scenes are presented to us it seems like it happened in the span of about 3 days until the whole sacrafice to Saarlak thing. Maybe Jabba was planning on implanting the chip into her after the post Saarlak sacrafice sand barge party.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
circularlogic88 said:
Not gonna stop people from cosplaying that outfit.

I just remembered something from Episode I: The 2nd least bad one in the prequels. Anakin and Schmee Skywalker explain how slaves on Tatooine have bombs implanted into their brains to prevent them from leaving or deserting or being flippant I suppose. Did Leia have one implanted in her brain? What about that one that displeased Jabba just before her? Did the Empire being formed result in Tatooine changing their policies on handling slavery? But Tatooine is on the outer edges of the Empire with no real presence of law and order; street justice if you will, so law and order wouldn't matter anyways to them. I don't think they even have representation in the Senate. Maybe Leia was fast-tracked into the slavery position. It doesn't give an exact time frame of when events happen in Jabba's palace, but the way the scenes are presented to us it seems like it happened in the span of about 3 days until the whole sacrafice to Saarlak thing. Maybe Jabba was planning on implanting the chip into her after the post Saarlak sacrafice sand barge party.
It may have not been considered too. If the Rancor pit scene was any indication, I don't think his personal slaves live long enough for that to be an option. Or at least one that doesn't make it a complete net loss.


Knower of Nothing
Oct 9, 2010
Redryhno said:
circularlogic88 said:
Not gonna stop people from cosplaying that outfit.

I just remembered something from Episode I: The 2nd least bad one in the prequels. Anakin and Schmee Skywalker explain how slaves on Tatooine have bombs implanted into their brains to prevent them from leaving or deserting or being flippant I suppose. Did Leia have one implanted in her brain? What about that one that displeased Jabba just before her? Did the Empire being formed result in Tatooine changing their policies on handling slavery? But Tatooine is on the outer edges of the Empire with no real presence of law and order; street justice if you will, so law and order wouldn't matter anyways to them. I don't think they even have representation in the Senate. Maybe Leia was fast-tracked into the slavery position. It doesn't give an exact time frame of when events happen in Jabba's palace, but the way the scenes are presented to us it seems like it happened in the span of about 3 days until the whole sacrafice to Saarlak thing. Maybe Jabba was planning on implanting the chip into her after the post Saarlak sacrafice sand barge party.
It may have not been considered too. If the Rancor pit scene was any indication, I don't think his personal slaves live long enough for that to be an option.
This is true. It seems like he goes through slaves and droids frequently enough not to warrant it. It's late here for me tonight and my brain just started trying to work out whether or not Tatooine still upheld the whole bomb-in-heads method of slavery established in Episode I.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
So does this mean Disney will also be banning their other lines of scantly-clad princess toys and their toy lines featuring characters brandishing deadly weapons?

