Disney May Ban Leia's Gold Bikini From All Star Wars Merch


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Randomvirus said:
Had sex with my wife last night while she was wearing this outfit (well, the cheap costume equivalent of it)

She bought it on her own.
Living the dream, man. Living the dream. T.T

Quantum Glass said:
That scene always bothered me.

Partly for the sexism, yes, but also because it was blatant fan service. There was no Watsonian reason for Leiah to be dressed like that. Jabba is a slug man, and probably breeds by dividing or something. He's not going to find Leiah any more sexually attractive than we find him.

In other words, the only reason that costume was added was because some shmuck said, "You know what? I know a way to get fans to buy merch and love this movie. Half-nudity."

And it worked. The fans loved it, like a bunch of teenagers watching Ecchi anime. It's disgraceful.
Because there is no precedent set in the movie for Jabba wanting a half-naked humanoid serving him grapes.



New member
Dec 4, 2011
What next? They will cover her up via photoshop in future re-releases of the original trilogy?

Disney is making Lucas's "Greedo shot first" BS look like a minor alteration.


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
Quantum Glass said:
Seanchaidh said:
Quantum Glass said:
Partly for the sexism, yes, but also because it was blatant fan service. There was no Watsonian reason for Leiah to be dressed like that. Jabba is a slug man, and probably breeds by dividing or something. He's not going to find Leiah any more sexually attractive than we find him.
Just to be clear about this, you are:

discussing physical attraction and rejecting any cause for it that is not about reproduction,
theorizing about how a fictional character of a fictional species reproduces itself, and
deciding that a slug man's actions should be dominated by these considerations?

What if Jabba just wanted to humiliate his prisoner? Then all of that (I guess I'll call it) reasoning evaporates.
Disregarding the bits of that post that aren't actually relevant to my argument (The reproduction thing wasn't exactly the crux of it, yanno), fine. There might be an in-universe explanation for the bikini Qui-excuse me, Leia is wearing.

That doesn't make my argument (or disappointment in the fanbase) wrong.
There was an argument in there? Without the flimsy premise that physical attraction must be based on reproductive compatibility, your reasoning again evaporates. All that is left is disappointment based on your disapproval of humans enjoying slight nudity. That's pretty weak.

runic knight

New member
Mar 26, 2011
Something Amyss said:
MonsterCrit said:
Neither. Straight up logic.
You can think of no other reason, therefore it must be what you say. That's not logic, that's a logical fallacy.
No, it looks like he is rejecting both given options and declaring the answer he intended. You present it as though the first two option available were wrong, so the third must be right simply because, which would be a logical fallacy. The problem being, that is not the case of his post, so your claim falls flat.

Also it is customary to actually explain and dissect logical fallacies when calling them out to properly show understanding of what they are and to show others how they are such. Simply claiming it is one, especially when the claim is wrong, can make people look very foolish.


New member
Feb 17, 2015
Something Amyss said:
MonsterCrit said:
Neither. Straight up logic.
You can think of no other reason, therefore it must be what you say. That's not logic, that's a logical fallacy.
Well since you are unable to point out hich specific part of my logic is fallacious... you'll understand if I don't give your statement wny more weight than an anorexic ant.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Redryhno said:
Well yeah...but what other outfit of hers is anywhere near iconic and purely "LEIA"? I mean, I said in another post the same thing, but Han got the wild west outlaw aesthetic, Luke the pilot outfit and medieval tunic collection, the droids alone are mascots of the franchise, Palpatine robes and lightning, Vader doesn't need explanation. Leia's just got hair buns, slave outfit, and an assortment of clothing every other background character is wearing in the same scenes as well. There's not a huge amount of things to choose from with her. Hell, even Lando has a more iconic look with his capes, and that's purely because nobody else wears them that you see in the series.
To be honest, that's what I think of when I think Leia. Not Slave Leia.

Redryhno said:
And this is ignoring that girls other than you REALLY liked the outfit and thought it was perfectly fine. I admit that I'm not really that big of a Star Wars fan, but I have a housemate that loves it. To the point that her girlfriend grumbles every once in a while about her collection. Not that it exists, just of how much of it she's got in her Star Wars memorabilia. And she still gets excited when she sees a model that she doesn't have yet of it for whatever reason. Hell, there's been better toys for girls in Star Wars for years if you don't want Leia, too bad Disney already canned most of them because they're EU-inspired...but, hey, they ran their course right?
Sure, girls other than me liked it. And girls other than me didn't. I'm not that fussy on it, but I'm not gonna pretend I'm the only girl who thought it was kinda dumb.

But yeah at the end of the day I don't really care one way or the other. I think it would be perfectly fine if it was gone, and I also don't give much of a shit if it isn't.


I've Been Having These Weird Dreams Lately...
Mar 17, 2012
United States
Even to this day, Star Wars related happenings manage to get people riled up. It might not be right kind (hype) but you whatever works

As for the whole shabang allegedly going on:



New member
Dec 7, 2007
I don't know how many times I have to say this: Depicting something is not the same thing as supporting it. In fact, you can't effectively protest something if you're unwilling to examine it.

In the context of the story, the outfit makes perfect sense. Jaba the Hutt is characterized as a greedy, unscrupulous, tyrannical thug; arguing that a character is lessened by him humiliating them is like arguing that Luke Skywalker's character was ruined when Vader chopped off his hand.

When you refuse to confront something in fiction, you don't express your disapproval of it, you deny it's existence.

This prevalence in journalism of neglecting the nuance of art is as old as dirt, and it's only gotten more annoying.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
MarsAtlas said:
Saltyk said:
Because there is no precedent set in the movie for Jabba wanting a half-naked humanoid serving him grapes.
It was there because Carrie Fisher wanted to show her body off. They weren't basing Jabba off of a sex slave trafficker or anything like that, they wrote in an excuse to have Leia in a sexy outfit. Its blatant fanservice and it was even acknowledged as such. And you know what? Thats fine. I usually despise blatant fanservice but they didn't drag it on for too long and sidetrack the whole scenario of a wizard saving his friends from a mobster to have the audience oogle her. No sexy dances or close-ups of her arse or anything like that, just showing her in the outfit in a few cuts while the movie proceeds without delay. Its still fanservice, however. Its there for the explicit purpose of appealing to the sexuality of heterosexual men.
Roleplaying has its roots in wargames, orcs started out as tech-minded war machines, in the same vein, Dwarves started out as what we now call trolls in folklore, DOTA as a stupidly buggy and unintuitive mod in Warcraft. Alot of things happened because of something else. Jabba may have not have started out as that, but his entire character is ALL ABOUT IT. The Twi'Lek, the decadence and personal guards and slaves he's surrounded himself by, the fucking RANCOR IS HIS ENTERTAINMENT for crissakes.

Jabba may have well started out differently before Fisher wanted to show off her body, but he evolved into something more. And so did Leia, because despite her being in that outfit, it didn't diminish her actions that were placed much more in center focus. And no matter how much you wish it, it doesn't change what that outfit represents to alot of people out there.

Phasmal said:
To be honest, that's what I think of when I think Leia. Not Slave Leia.

But yeah at the end of the day I don't really care one way or the other. I think it would be perfectly fine if it was gone, and I also don't give much of a shit if it isn't.
So powerless and begging for help and mercy is better than defiant and resourceful? Ok, agree to disagree?


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Redryhno said:
Ok, agree to disagree?
I kinda snipped out the first bit because I totally don't care for more back and forth, it's clear we have very different opinions on this.
But yeah. Agree to disagree. Isn't that grand, how people can do that?
Isn't life wonderful.
Oct 22, 2011
I see no other reason for that than Disney enforcing it's family friendly image.

If it was a case of "moving on" then they'd have similar plans for Luke and Han, rather than cramping the variety of a merch of the most recognizable female character in the franchise, so far.


New member
May 1, 2014
Considering Disney had fuck all to do with the original movies, only bought the whole thing piecemeal from Lucasfilm, there is no need at all to mess with what has gone before (only maybe release the unfucked versions on Bluray).
It's largely irrelevant what figures get released. The new movie/s will add plenty of new characters to milk the figure market dry with.
The older figures might start a resurgence if the film is good, it would be a bad marketing decision on their part to exclude any character/outfit to satisfy some agenda, considering the majority of action figure buyers would be collectors (who spend the most money on this stuff, lets face it) not some kid who loved the robot bollock thing.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
MrCalavera said:
I see no other reason for that than Disney enforcing it's family friendly image.

If it was a case of "moving on" then they'd have similar plans for Luke and Han, rather than cramping the variety of a merch of the most recognizable female character in the franchise, so far.
I assumed her most recognizable look among fans is the white clothes with the honeybun hair-do


New member
Nov 29, 2008
Not super familiar with Leia's slave bra. My eyes usually only travel in that direction if a woman is a DD or larger. Even if Disney gets rid of it, raging hormonal fanboys who think it was the most important thing about her character will always be able to find their way to DeviantArt.

Does this have anything to do with that story from several months ago about a dad complaining about how a Leia doll his daughter found at ToysRUs was dressed? Is Ariel's shell bra going to be replaced by a seaweed T-shirt in future DVD releases?

::Looks on internet:: Well, it seems it got a resounding "meh." Maybe one percent of earth feels something important was lost.
Oct 22, 2011
irishda said:
MrCalavera said:
I see no other reason for that than Disney enforcing it's family friendly image.

If it was a case of "moving on" then they'd have similar plans for Luke and Han, rather than cramping the variety of a merch of the most recognizable female character in the franchise, so far.
I assumed her most recognizable look among fans is the white clothes with the honeybun hair-do
I think it's on par with Slave Leia when it comes to popularity.(I prefer her Hoth rebel outfit, but whatever.) Just like with Luke; depends on whom you'd ask, it's either the Tatooine farmboy rags or the black jedi robes that are the most recognizable look, with maybe a little indication on the former.
In Han's case, the coolest vest in the galaxy outlook is the only one that matters.


Red in Tooth and Claw
May 6, 2010
Eh who really cares I ever since internet porn became widely available most nerds have put that masturbatory object aside along with their old VHS's and spunk mags. Only the diehard fans probably still jack to that anyway.


The shadow remains cast!
Apr 27, 2011
There's something profusely wrong with people who equate a naked body with something sexual or shameful. On that note, I'm so glad I didn't grow up in the US.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Davroth said:
There's something profusely wrong with people who equate a naked body with something sexual or shameful. On that note, I'm so glad I didn't grow up in the US.
Some people just have a maddening hatred of other people enjoying something they've found some reason to be offended about. How dare they enjoy something without critically thinking about who may be offended it by it? The nerve.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
likalaruku said:
Not super familiar with Leia's slave bra. My eyes usually only travel in that direction if a woman is a DD or larger. Even if Disney gets rid of it, raging hormonal fanboys who think it was the most important thing about her character will always be able to find their way to DeviantArt.
Well, to be fair to them the scene actually was the most important aspect of her character. The badass hops up and strangles her captor (who happens to be an interglobal mob boss) before grabbing some weapons and going gangster on the rest of Jabba's crew and saving the other character's lives despite the fact that they were there to save her. In every other scene she's wearing a bland white rob or a generic rebel uniform and doing very little to progress anything. To say that there is another scene that is more iconic of her isn't really true, no matter where you stand on this whole topic.