DmC looks great, what's with all the hate?


New member
May 18, 2012
Ok guys and gals, I'm a massive Devil May Cry fan ever since the first installment, I watched the anime, read the manga, so i guess I can call myself a big fan of the series. I'm super excited about DmC, ever since I saw the first trailer and the "Ninja Theory" logo preceding it, I was pumped I even kinda like the new-look Dante, so I gotta ask, what's with all the hate? I mean is it cause his hair isn't white (which it is in the new devil trigger) I mean, this is the story of how he became the Dante we all know and love, so of course he's going to have to be different otherwise the story can't make that transition, can it? also, if you have completely blocked this out since the first trailer or don't know what I'm talking about, here is the gameplay shown at E3 this year, it shaping up to be awesome.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
The gameplay I've seen looks alright, the cutscenes are shit though. When your idea of witty banter is two people saying "Fuck you" to each other repeatedly you're an idiot, simple as that. Also that boss fight isn't what I'd call interesting compared to Dante (fuck, even Bael had those feeler stripper things) in 4. Don't know if they were playing on easy or something but why show a boss who has a predictable pattern with pretty slow attacks one of which is everyone's favourite mechanic, "The floor is made of lava"? Because 2 had a lot of those and as we all know Devil May Cry 2 is the best of the series by far.

I'm hoping that boss is just the low point of that game but the fact they showcased it over any of the other ones kind of makes me doubt that.

Also why the hell does Dante not summon a coloured platform under him during air hike that changes colour when he changes weapons? That was important damnit! :(

Draech said:
Because more than anything it represents change.
I dunno, I'm not looking forward to the new one much but 4 was my favourite even though nobody liked Nero just because of the way he t-t-t-talks...


New member
Jan 3, 2011
Basically "CHANGE!? OH SWEET JESUS, KILL IT NOW BECAUSE IT MUST BE TERRIBLE BECAUSE ITS DIFFERENT" I guess would sum up most peoples opinions.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
Well, in case you havnt been following things, let me sum it up for you.

1)Some of us would like an actual sequel to tie some stuff up. Rebooting the series(which is what this originally was. Not sure how much it holds true now) kind of fucks that up.

2)We know what Dante was like before. Its called DMC 3.

3)This new guy just straight up isnt Dante. We like him as a fun character. Not some emo douch.

4)The Ninja Theory guys pretty much shit all over DMC fans verbally in every interview with the view of, "You're going to have to deal with whatever we do" That doesnt give me confedance that they will respect the source material at all going forward.

It isnt the fact that fans hate change. It's the fact that fans hate change that is done badly.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Actually there's a big bandwagon on this. But it all comes down to the simplest thing. Imagine your favorite icon of gaming. Now imagine him being changed into a totally different character in its sequel or remake. That's the feeling. Imagine making Mario or even GlaDos into totally different characters in their sequels or remake.

I almost got the same feeling when Cole McGrath in Infamous 2 early trailers got the treatment.

Even slightly changing the characters' personalities is enough to make fans rage. Remember DMC 2 and why it failed. They just made Dante way too seriously. Compare it to the awesomeness of DMC 3.

EDIT: Changes are OK but at least make sure those changes will improve the game compared to its old incarnations. As of right now, the new DMC is not proving it that well.


Tiger Robocop
Aug 29, 2010
Dante has a black hair now... So I guess that's bad?

I am excited too, at first the Ninja Theory worried me because their games have shitty gameplay, but the gameplays they released have taken a got a good shunk of concerned off my back.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Mirroga said:
Even slightly changing the characters' personalities is enough to make fans rage. Remember DMC 2 and why it failed. They just made Dante way too seriously. Compare it to the awesomeness of DMC 3.
No one who made this cutscene can possibly have taken things too seriously.


Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
They're letting Ninja Theory, a developer who couldn't create fluid gameplay mechanics to save their lives, make a Devil May Cry game. Sorry, if this doesn't inspire much trust in me.

Also Dante looks like a hipster crackhead. Dante was always an asshole, but atleast he was a loveable campy asshole, not Hilary Swank with an attitude.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Draech said:
Shadowstar38 said:
Well, in case you havnt been following things, let me sum it up for you.

1)Some of us would like an actual sequel to tie some stuff up. Rebooting the series(which is what this originally was. Not sure how much it holds true now) kind of fucks that up.

2)We know what Dante was like before. Its called DMC 3.

3)This new guy just straight up isnt Dante. We like him as a fun character. Not some emo douch.

4)The Ninja Theory guys pretty much shit all over DMC fans verbally in every interview with the view of, "You're going to have to deal with whatever we do" That doesnt give me confedance that they will respect the source material at all going forward.

It isnt the fact that fans hate change. It's the fact that fans hate change that is done badly.
I read DMC as Batman and Ninja Theory as Christopher Nolan.

And then your entire argument just sounded like fanboy whining.
I'm sure every complaint you disagree with sounds like whining. How about some constructive criticism? You know, to try and make an actual discussion.

WoW Killer

New member
Mar 3, 2012
Ha, the trailer immediately made me think of this:

I dunno, it just seems like yet another game aimed at an adolescent audience. I didn't play the previous games, but I wasn't under the impression that they were particularly mature and nuanced. Were they?


New member
Jul 20, 2009
I don't really have a horse in this race, but it's probably got something to do with this:

Kind of seems a bit narcissistic?

That said, Ninja Theory initially claimed that Capcom gave them the go ahead to troll the shit out of their fanbase, and that's certainly one way to do it. It's kind of been backpedaled since then, but remake dante still looks like the lead dev or whoever that guy is.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Well I'm not really one of the fans but if an established badass character people love gets turned into some emo shithead I can imagine some will be upset.
The current character look is actually far from what they planed initially, but he still acts like an angry teen that ate a few to many anti-depresants.

Gameplay at least looks same old DMC, but I'll need confirmation that all cutscenes can be skipped before I go near it, or preferable they should put in another character to select.

King of Asgaard

Vae Victis, Woe to the Conquered
Oct 31, 2011
Because us fans of DMC up to this point remember the days when DMC meant a goofy story, amazing combat and funny dialogue.
The E3 trailer showed me that the combat looks very floaty, ie your hits look like they don't have any impact.
The dialogue is just blegh. That whole 'fuck you' back and forth was not clever or funny, it was pandering to the lowest common denominator. I could be wrong, but to my recollection the word 'fuck' was never uttered once in the series, or at least in DMC 3.
THAT'S why we have a problem with DmC.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Draech said:
Nazulu said:
I'm sure every complaint you disagree with sounds like whining. How about some constructive criticism? You know, to try and make an actual discussion.
No not every.

Only this one. Especially when I change DMC into Batman and Ninja Theory into Christopher Nolan. Its funny how every aspect of his argument more or less makes a perfect transition.

Want some constructive criticism? How about "Being a fan doesn't make your opinion more important". Yeah you are going to have to deal with Christ... sorry Ninja Theory not respecting your image of Batm.... I mean Dante. The quality of their work will stand on its own. Not on how much it pandered to the fanboys.
He makes sense, you don't. Draech is talking about pointless changes and you are just generalising. You haven't discussed any thing, all you've done is gave this childish response to just be annoying.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
WoW Killer said:
I dunno, it just seems like yet another game aimed at an adolescent audience. I didn't play the previous games, but I wasn't under the impression that they were particularly mature and nuanced. Were they?
No, far from it but it was a different feel. The other games had terrible jokes, puns and voice acting in general that made it the enjoyable and campy kind of bad. This one says "fuck" a lot. Criticising the cutscenes is kind of missing the point of DMC though since they were made with the thought "How do we make this character look awesome and do more awesome stuff than in the last cutscene?" rather than "How do we tell a complex and compelling story?". I think the game will make or break depending on the fluidity of gameplay which you can't really tell from trailers. You can show as much gameplay as you like, all that shows us is that the interface hasn't changed too much and some moves make a return, it doesn't tell you how smooth the combos are to use.

Example - in Devil May Cry 4 the combos are based on the timing of your button presses. Mashing triangle will do a 4 hit combo and leaving a pause between any of those 4 button presses will give a different combo. You can break the combo instantly with a jump, a gun attack or one of the character specific abilities. You'll never be in a situation where you can't get yourself out of a combo in time and it's possible to go through the game without ever taking a single point of damage.

In Devil May Cry 2 the combos are much weirder, based on the analogue stick. Also once you start a combo you'd better make damn sure you plan on finishing it because cancelling is far more awkward. Watching a video of 2 doesn't tell you how weird it is to control or how inflexible the system is, only playing it for yourself lets you see that.

Cowabungaa said:
Does he ever whine? Pay way too much attention to his looks and clothing?
All the time in 3.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Shadowstar38 said:
Not some emo douch.
This really rustles my jimmies, all the DmC fans complaining about him being an 'emo'. Since when does having black hair mean you're an emo? Does he ever whine? Sigh at the futility of life? Write bad poetry? Pay way too much attention to his looks and clothing?

No, what he does is look like a hobo and swagger around acting like a complete jerk. That ain't emo.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Pearwood said:
Mirroga said:
Even slightly changing the characters' personalities is enough to make fans rage. Remember DMC 2 and why it failed. They just made Dante way too seriously. Compare it to the awesomeness of DMC 3.
No one who made this cutscene can possibly have taken things too seriously.

Well, the writers at least certainly tried to be what Dante failed to be in DMC 2.

EDIT: Long time have I seen the gameplay. I liked it. Especially when the whole stage becomes your enemy. Although I kinda hate the whole "GET OVER HERE"-style of combat that started from Nero. I'd rather use Dante's demonic speed to bum rush my enemies with the tip of my sword.

Although my problems would still lie on how Ninja Theory handles Dante's personality. I certainly am not fond on how they wanted Dante to look. He looks like a teen drug-addict.