Do american's dislike canadians?


New member
Apr 19, 2011
aba1 said:
I have noticed over time that americans seem to dislike canadians esspecially in there industry. Also in there media canadians are either very stereotyped and ussually portayed very negativly despite us essentially sharing the same culture. I have even heard various stories from fellow canadians who have been to the states for college or work and have activly experianced prejudice in various levels some to the point they even had to leave. Now I am not saying all americans are prejudice or anything of that nature but its more of a question of whether it is uncommon or not to have american people activly disliking anything canadian or anyone canadian taking part in there society?
No one I know hates Canadians or any nation, except my Grandpa and my best friend being a bit spiteful for some middle eastern Countries. All I see are jokes that are not demonizing, but parodies that make fun of both sides. Americans are portrayed as patriotic zealots and Canadians are portryayed as well different silly stereotypes (many made up).

Most Comedy Central shows make light jokes, but never mean them. I am sure there are a few people that have some kind of hate, that comes from ignorance, but that is a small minority.

I have friends that live in Canada or born from Canada and they never had problems that I know about. I live less than 45 miles away from Canada though.


New member
Aug 10, 2011
Me hate the Canadians? Not one bit.

My older brother on the other hand, he hates the guts out of Canadians. Mostly because he's in the US army and had to work with what I am assuming were some of the laziest soldiers ever conceived, and had poor control from their superiors. From what he told me, one of their pilots nearly crashed a Chinook while trying to show off.

But personally, I don't think there is anything you can hate about Canada. They really mind their own business (though they did make flavored tobacco illegal)


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Its because they're jelly of our everything.
Kidding aside, I interact with Americans (online) alot, and some of my best friends are American.
I have not met a single American that hates Canada.
There are lots that mock us, but never outright hate.
Americans save their hate for each other /shrug.


New member
Aug 14, 2010
It's just mock-hate. I mean, what is there really to hate Canada for? But, American humor likes to make fun of *everybody*. It's just how it is. There is some ignorance about other countries, though. At least in my experience, we don't get taught a whole lot about them. It's really strange.

Matt Dellar

New member
Jun 26, 2011
It's more a joke than anything else. There might be a few people who genuinely hate Canadians, but those are the types who thought Paranormal Activity was real.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
How did I know the OP was going to be a fellow Canadian? It's this weird obsession with Canadians on the internet; what do other countries think of us? Do they think we're "cute"? Do they hate us? Are we the butt of jokes? Do people want to move here? Do they think of us as England's *****? Do they think of us as the U.S.'s *****? Do they think ice-skating and lumber is as cool as we do? etc. etc.

Anyway, what's far more important than Canadian identity... you guys don't use milk bags?! What madness is this?


New member
Nov 15, 2009
To the norm. I think it's more treated as a friendly joke, most of those people will probably be able to take a joke about themselves being Americans, fat and gun wielding psychos.
Then the fox news watchers, Insane patriots and other trouble makers of course will hate Canadians, just because they're the nearest thing to yell at and Brilliant targets to yell at because they're much more peaceful. Then again those kind of people usually just hate everything in general.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
I don't like anyone who posts grammatically incorrect topic threads, regardless of nationality. Bad grammar hurts me inside.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
I remember a lot of hate coming from the media when we decided not to support the war in Iraq. For about two weeks the news called us everything from cowards to traitors (how we can be a traitor to a foreign country is beyond me). Without getting too involved with Geo-political issues Canada was willing to support the States as long as they could prove there were WMD's; obviously they couldn't so we stayed out of it and got roasted in the media (looking back it proved to be a good decision).
While the States is obviously one of our biggest allies it pissed me off how quickly their tune changed from friendly to hate when we decided not to go to war. I will grant much of the hate came from Fox news (which I think we can all admit is more of a parody of news)but I saw MANY others jump on that band wagon. It all died down when they realized there were no WMDs.
I like the States quite a lot; they have many redeeming features. Lately though (politically) they have been reminding me of that kid in class who has a hard time making friends because of his tantrums, and an even harder time keeping them.
Love you America, but try not to treat your good friends like shit next time.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Of course we don't hate Canada. Where would we be without our hat? We'd like totally get pneumonia or something.

More seriously, mostly people just joke about hating Canada. Also, part of it can be blamed on a South Park based meme with the whole 'Blame Canada' song.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
aba1 said:
I have noticed over time that americans seem to dislike canadians esspecially in there industry. Also in there media canadians are either very stereotyped and ussually portayed very negativly despite us essentially sharing the same culture. I have even heard various stories from fellow canadians who have been to the states for college or work and have activly experianced prejudice in various levels some to the point they even had to leave. Now I am not saying all americans are prejudice or anything of that nature but its more of a question of whether it is uncommon or not to have american people activly disliking anything canadian or anyone canadian taking part in there society?
Mike Meyers. Alanis Morrisette. The Kids in The Hall. Jim Carey. No, I wouldn't say this is true at all.

Americans make fun of Canadians, almost always in a lighthearted way, for two reasons: 1. We don't understand you and 2. It's a more minor form of racism/xenophobia that for the most part we can actually get away with.

Neither of the above is really justified or makes any sense but, just as with every other country on the planet, a lot of folks is ignorant. Forgive me if my southern witticisms seem a bit reductive, but that's as apt an explanation as any.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
I can't speak on bahalf of any americans, not even one, but i may offer you an explanation.

I have learned from reliable sources [], that Danes (peopel from Denmark) are the canadians of europe, which in turn would mean that canadians are the danes of america.
This will of course cause you a lot of problems, since it by logic means, that you're the vikings of america. You can beat a bear in a fist-fight, you got public healt-care and you are used to snow and can, even if you don't know it, sail a longboat full of pillagers, cause it is in your genes.
This can only lead to one thing: Envy.
If you look through history, the vikings have been the subject of a lot of envy, the latest beeing that of hitler. He was so jealous of the danish viking for beeing the happiest people alive [], and was so jealous, that he turned all his adoration into despicable hate, and biggotry.
Luckily, most of the world united and slaugthered him, while denmark shipped it's jews to safety in sweeden, which is also part of scandinavia, the countries of vikings, and where the most beutiful decendants women in the world live [] and made sure the german invasion never reached the rest of scandinavia, mainly by letting the nazi troopers settle for occupying Denmark, by using the aforementionned happiness to douse their bloodlust.
Then at the end of the war, the british (who has some viking blood as well, due to many a viking loot-rape-and-churchburning trip centuries past) liberated denmark of the nazis.

So the thing you need to know, which as just shown, history, logic and the power of interwebz can teach you, is that haters gonna hate, and they're just plain jealous, cause you canadians are the vikings of america.

If, despite now understanding why, the hate from below is still too much to take, you can always set sail for japan
They're renown for not having any envy of vikings, but just mutual respect, due to their ninja origins, which is just as envied as vikings.
It is the ocuntry where any man of the north can set sail to, and raise his horn of mead and have it greeted by a cheer from a black-clad man holding a cup of sake in one hand, and a katana in the other, and drink the night away while sharing stories of past battles with dragons, and other fierce monsters.



New member
Dec 4, 2010
I've noticed that Americans tend to stereotype us alot, though we do it and equal amount to them. Mostly Canadians don't mind because most of the stereotypes are true...I say "eh" in almost every sentence, occasionally pronounce about as aboot and I like maple syrup and beer...I've also hunted, cut down a tree in a plaid shirt and ridden on a sled so therefore I am the canadian stereotype (minus an igloor and a polar bear).

FortheLegion said:
That's more over in Quebec with the French Canadians.
I'm from Quebec and let me tell you, EVERYONE hates French Canadians for the most part, EVERYONE. Other Canadians, other Quebecers, even other french people. See there seems to be a small line between two groups of french canadians. French Canadians who are trying to be English and French Seperatists (or at least this is what I've observed living in Montreal, I could be wrong and there could be very normal francophone canadians but I've never met any).


New member
Apr 8, 2010
I don't know about the rest of the States, but mine isn't a fan. We make fun of this one Canadian kid in our class all the time. It doesn't help that Bieber is from there either.

I don't hate Canada personally.