Do games help you get to know your friends?


New member
Mar 4, 2010
I had a huge realization when my friend and I decided to play the same game (Persona 4 was the game). Even though we get along pretty well, we are very different and it shows right down to how we play a RPG. When my friend watched me play she asked "do you use mostly elemental attacks or melee," I really couldn't answer either/or because I like balance so I switch off in a battle. When my friend plays she goes in on the motto "hit hard and fast" while I'm more take it slow and feel out the enemy. When I came to this conclusion, I noticed that a game had helped me get to know my friend so much better, such as why she does the things she does and so forth and even though its a game, a part of you always shines through on how you play.

So I was wondering if any games has strengthen friendships with people and their friends?


New member
Dec 8, 2009
It sure as hell does for me. My first group of friends and I first bonded by talking about Halo 2 on the playground, then spent our first sleep-over playing James Bond games. Nowadays video-games usually aren't the point of hanging out, but they are usually played if there is an X-Box in the room.

I attribute a lot of my social experiences to Video Games.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Gaming is what actually brought me and my brother's closer together. We're not alike at all, never really had much in common and didn't interact all that much outside of the normal, sibling bickering about inconsequential things. Realizing we had the same hobby in general gave us something to talk about.