Xelanath said:
Thanatos34 said:
Writero said:
I can gather why the LGBT community is rather affronted by the theory that being gay is a choice. That would legitimatise a whole lot of measures against the LGBT community. For instance; If the choice theory is right than being gay is right back at being a mental illness. The argument most people tend to forget is that sexuality is also a part of you're identity. It defines you in a profound way. How you look at society and how you deal with things. Imagine someone coming up to you and said; "what you are that is wrong and will not be accepted, change or else". At the tender age of puberty this alone has the chance of destroying you. A fact rises up. By not being accepted in a group (Not even talking about sexuality here) drives the suicide numbers up.
I will go with you on how you act out you're sexuality is being a choice. Behavioural therapy focuses on the acting out part. For some it succeeds, for most however it does not.
If you want a confirmation on how the homosexuals were treated please refer to history. Especially when the Victorian age crept up.
Why would it make a mental illness? They choose to be gay because they want to be. I choose to be straight because I want to be. I choose to become, (or at least try to become, finals are killing me at the moment), a college-educated person rather than a worker out of high school. Why does a choice automatically make "gayness" a mental illness? That is a ludicrous argument, and one I would expect out of homophobes, not the GLBT community. It makes no sense coming from their side.
And again, if it isn't a choice, then how do you explain the people who were once GLB and now have returned to being straight? The majority of the GLBT community's response, and shame on them, is to say they never were GLB, or to claim they don't exist.
It would make it a mental illness because there are many people who still don't like it, and knowing that it's a choice would mean that they have much more licence to hate, and try to change, them. Anti-GLBT movements would gain so much pace, and the progress made in the last few decades would likely be erased. See Writero's point about treatment of homosexuals in history, some of it is ridiculous.
To provide an example:
Is disliking someone for being black not more wrong than disliking people who eat at KFC? The difference between something that is a choice and something that is inherent is HUGE.
To support what Xelanath said, if you choose to be straight, than by definition you have tried the other side. What deterred you from pursuing that love interest, the lack of desire? When did you choose? It is mostly the false presumption that being straight is the default and everything else is a choice. Ever think of that one?
And another thing, if you are gay, and you live in a very very strict society concerning homosexuals (punishment and that kind of thing), would you choose to be gay?
If this is a choice then therapy would help. Alas the "conversion therapy" helped not that much. Not only that these methods are also highly controversial.
Let me show you some sucses rates;
Exodus International (1978): The conversion rate, based on the study is 3 in 800, on the order of 0.4%
Masters and Johnson (1979): This study claimed an impressive conversion rate of 50 to 60% which was maintained for 5 years after treatment. Unfortunately, only five of the 67 participants (7%) began the study with a homosexual orientation. From the available data is quite possible that none of these five converted to heterosexuality. No estimate of the conversion rate can be obtained from this study.
And the list goes on and on and on, so the success rate you claim is not there. If you wonder that the later versions of those conversion therapy's had a better affect...
Nicolosi (2005): failure to convert any of his patients No go, sorry
Notable mention; These therapy's were delivered by highly religious groups.
This alone would explain why the GLBT community reacts in this way. The fact that the converted are mostly not there, or if the converted are there, the subjects stop all sexual activity, or are inherently bisexual (Which makes their conversion debatable).
The "mental illness" thing. Ah yes, why go with this ludicrous argument. This stems from the fact that at first this has been diagnosed by the good doctors way back as an illness. It was wrong and against nature, they claimed. The sad fact is that the majority of the good towns folk in combination with their religious background took this up as a sign to help these poor people. From that moment on, it became an illness. For some it became something to shoot at, to put them out of their misery.
Thanatos34 I gather that you are straight. It was never questioned before. That is the sentence you must focus on, never questioned. If I would declare that you have an illnes, you would strike me down.