Do other countries really think ALL americans are stupid?


New member
Mar 1, 2010
"Why they think that all Americans are fat" Well for starters Americans have a LARGE variety of genes from various races from around the world, and doesn't help that technology is also a factor in that too.
"Why does everyone think that Americans are stupid" Well for that it doesn't help that a good chunk of the money that goes into the education system keeps getting cut, and most of the money that does go into the educational system goes right to the sports department. Then also the parents who are raising their kids factors into why more and more generations of dumb@sses keep showing up in the world since the parents just don't give a flying F*ck what there kids seem to do these days, which also goes into other factors like the whole "Kids becoming violent after playing video games."

But to really get at the root of the problem for really every country is simply straight up money, money makes the world go muhahahahahahahahahaha.


New member
Jul 16, 2011
Just a stereotype, like how all Canadian's live in igloo's and drink maple syrup, or how all French are snooty cowards and so on.

Jelly ^.^

New member
Mar 11, 2010
Mostly because:

oh, and


New member
Aug 9, 2011
Griffolion said:
I don't really care. Though I was once on holiday in Canada and we were talking to this American couple on a bus going somewhere (I forget). Now I speak with a very distinctive English accent (with a northern twinge, for those who know what that is), yet I was asked if I was Irish. Irish. You know, that accent that couldn't be more unique if it tried. I had to suppress a lot in order to just say, "no, England". How do you mix Irish and English? Seriously? It's like mixing Italian and French, ridiculous.
i've spent years mastering suppressing my native hartlepublian accent. its just really annoying whenether i go to newcastle and people there are telling people to hide their monkeys, or if you go to the south and they think your from yorkshire.

accentless is just easier.


Tea & Grief
Nov 9, 2009
Nelson LaQuet said:
The funny thing about this sentiment (every American is STUPID except for me) is that it is shared by virtually every 13-20something American I have met.
americans are so stupid they don't understand what the concept of 'average' means. :p


New member
Aug 9, 2011
Voration said:
gobby400 said:
Everywhere Has this issue, and frankly, its bigotry. I'm not Americas biggest fan, but that's for political not personal reasons, and once you get into the "all Americans are stupid" and "all English people are in love with Margaret Thatcher" (you Americans would be AMAZED how hated she is over here, its brilliant :) )its just plain wrong. Its getting out of hand, as well, you get it in-between different areas of the same country; I'm from the north of England, and everybody from the south assumes I'm a racist pudgy flat cap wearing son of a steelworker.
Its Annoying, and needs to stop.
Brilliant, its generally south Britain thats more racist, the northerners are just poorer and have cooler accents.

As for the America hating thing, its all just generalisations and stereotypes, any individuals I meet are treated the same by me wherever they're from. (Until they match themselves to their stereotype, then I stop caring)
In the north were not even poorer any more, though. Newcastle is as economically developed as London, and Liverpool is one of the most famous towns in England (thanks, John!) and so generates a good economy due to tourism.


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
Stupid isn't the right word. I think Americans are just as intelligent as other people around the world. I do have a feeling that a lot of Americans can be a bit ignorant and naive about anything outside their comfort zone, the ridiculous patriotism and conservatism (hell, an American liberal can pass for a right winger where I live) are good examples of that. So no, I don't think Americans are stupid, but they tend not to look beyond what's familiar.

MatsVS said:
Nelson LaQuet said:
The funny thing about this sentiment (every American is STUPID except for me) is that it is shared by virtually every 13-20something American I have met.
americans are so stupid they don't understand what the concept of 'average' means. :p
"Would you like medium, large or King Size?"
"Do you even know what medium means?"


New member
May 16, 2011
Jelly ^.^ said:
Mostly because:

oh, and
I truly hope that you aren't posting these links as some sort of proof that America is collectively incompetent. At best, those clips were offensively unrepresentative of the people that were being mocked, and at worst, they constituted harassment. There were no studies, no facts, no logical or philosophical arguments that in any way proved this matter one way or another. I am deeply troubled that you felt the need to post any of these in this thread - and even more so if your intention was to substantiate this ignorant sterotype.


New member
Feb 9, 2008
I'd say most are pretty dumb, but some are passable as smart but get classed as dumb because they are pretty sheltered from the rest of the world.

It's just one of those things that a lot of americans find foreigners silly for not knowing the small things about their country, while they don't know some of the major things about others.

I've had to explain UK countries to so many Americans since a bunch think Scotland is not part of the UK, that it's in England, ask what state it is in (not kidding, someone actually asked me that) or just say they have a cousin from Scotland...who is from Wales


New member
Aug 9, 2011
Ok, lets get something straight, America is anything but stupid, I know of 5 people whos's parents had successful jobs in foreign countries but moved their children and spouse to America so the could have an American education. If you're an American who says that other Americans are stupid, then as far as I'm concerened you should be locked up for treason. I'm not saying that America has dominion over the entire world but we are the world super power right now, just as England was 300 hundred years ago and just as Portugal was 500 years ago. And stereotypes exist for reasons like tv, movies, and sometimes they have some truth in them. Now not all are kind of true, like the ones that italians are mobsters, scotts drunks, english rich, and americans loud and stupid. But like I said some have truth in them, like how the french surrender, (I dont mean any offense but look at y'alls track record when it comes to wars, not exactly the best in the past 200 years) or how africans are fast. On a different note, George W. Bush was anything from stupid, sure he made bad decisions but you dont learn three languages, fly in the air force, and go to princeton and be stupid, and dont even say his dad pulled strings, you could be the Pope and still not get your son to fly. And I'm sorry if we're not like Europe, call me crazy but I like that, I've been to Europe several times so I know not to trust stereotypes all the time or even some of the time. I love Europe but I like America better, I like that we're not socialist like some countries, I like our free enterprise, our culture, and our independence. We're great. And how did you get that IQ statistic, when it compares the IQ of Americans on an below-average to above-average scale, who do you think is the average, OTHER AMERICANS,so of course a lot are gonna be average.

P.S. Dont act like America isnt culturally diverse, in my school system you have to learn a foregin language to graduate and in college they make you continue that language, and we have quite a few multicultural stores, resturaunts, and festivals.


New member
Aug 9, 2011
Anoni Mus said:
"Do other countries really think ALL americans are stupid?"

Yes I do. Out of 310 million or so Americans, none of them has intelligence above average.

Of course not. But it's mostly american's fault that foreigners think badly of them. And the whole "Fuck Yeah" thing doesn't help at all. Also the excess of conservationists isn't healthy at all. They stop society from evolving.
I'd hate to restate but: And how did you get that IQ statistic, when it compares the IQ of Americans on an below-average to above-average scale, who do you think is the average, OTHER AMERICANS,so of course a lot are gonna be average.

Oh and what do you mean by conservationalists, do you mean dont be conservative! Conservitism is a great policy, it keeps the "wealthy" who worked all their life from being over taxed by a goverment who will give the money away to a( the disabled who cant work, I support this, b( goverment workers who deserve the money because they work, and c( the lazy S.O.B's who do nothing all year but cheat on taxes, collect unemployment, collect undeserved welfare, and cheat the system by collecting tax returns for stuff like owning a hybrid that they never did. Welfare should be a saftey net, not a hammock.

And btw universal health care is a flawed system that in the end bankrupts the country and kills more people then it saves!


New member
Feb 9, 2011
I better lock the goats up before the troll eats them.

"Conservitism" also allows for the stinking rich to remain stinking rich, and pass it on to their children who don't work at all and live of interest.

Not all rich people have worked hard.

And to me the idea of Universal Health Care system (we have the NHS) is a good sign of government at least doing their job right.

What's the governments job? To look after its people, but to allow them their freedom too. Things like NHS, clean water, clean food and housing should all be no brainers.

How backward must people be to argue AGAINST Universal Health Care. Shouldn't that be a basic human right?

Now On Topic:

I think its more that a lot of people dislike America. Mainly because of what the government does, but also tourism and the T.V. that comes out of there doesn't help either.

Personally when I think of America, I think of it as a 12 year old. Very loud, Very immature but still trying to act like a "Big Boy".

That's just the general vibe I get from the country.

But that's not to say all Americans are idiots, its just I think the press focuses on them too much.
You always get a percentage of idiots in every country.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Well I don't. Lets face it, America has some stupid people in it. But not more so than most countries.


New member
Apr 28, 2009
I don't feel Americans are stupid at all - a little bit jingo-istic and a bit arrogant about the rest of the world, but thats really the fault of US government. Not the everyday people.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
In response to this thread i have a question for you

Do all Americans think British people are Top hat wearing rich folk or 18th centuary chimney sweeps?