Do people that hack actualy think its them doing well when they get high scores?


New member
Oct 6, 2010
I have been playing PC games for years and have always had to deal with bullshit hackers tearing up games with their aimbots, wallhacks, chams, flying, OPK, nametags, team switching, unkillable......

Anyway, I have recently been trying out War Inc. Battle Zone and some asshat was botting, shooting from way accross the map going 24 - 0. So I do what I always do on occasion, google hacks for the game and see what im up against.

The plethera of hackers ruind my ability to enjoy Combat Arms, just too damn many of the bastards, every game had at least one aimbotter, and every 3rd had an OPK.

I spent more time reporting hackers than playing the I stoped. My reporting pictures...

I do not hack, and probably wouldnt talk to any of my friends in real life anymore if I found out they hacked.

But while googling I read o post on Artificial Aiming that reads....

Ravenlane- "War INC Just came out with a new Map which means its gathering a larger group of followers. So I hope this message reaches someone that can do the haxor magic. I play it and without the Haxor I do barely average. With thew Haxor I would totally rock, So please show the love and hack the bad boy, that would be most awesome"

This person seems to believe that "He would rock" with hacks.

How do you deal with that mentality?

Does that person think that letting a machine do it for them, that they have acctualy achived something?

Iv played game where it was so obvious that someone was cheating, and yet they deney it repeatedly, and even start calling people noobs....while they are flyin with HP lock.

So, am I wrong, does downloading skills actualy mean you are playing the game well? Is hacking just an extention of trolling so many people seem to love these days? Are hackers the scum of the Earth and should just go away so the rest of us can play in peace?

What do you guys think?


New member
Mar 17, 2009
I think most hackers just hack so they can annoy people, it's a common form of trolling. But the people that actually hack so they can get a high score and feel good about themselves? Well that just a new low on the pathetic meter.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Thinking that they're skilled when they hack? That just makes them stupid. Are we really at that point now?


New member
Apr 6, 2009
they usually find it hilarious how people across the planet get enraged by such a petty thing as losing at a video game

I can relate

As for score, it's just to make their e-penis larger


New member
Dec 27, 2009
HerbertTheHamster said:
they usually find it hilarious how people across the planet get enraged by such a petty thing as losing at a video game

I can relate

As for score, it's just to make their e-penis larger
This. I once used hacks for counter-strike because my friend wanted us to increase our clans rank for whatever reason, only thing that was entertaining about that type of gameplay was to listen to 14 year olds cries when they were killed by a headshot for the 15th time in a row, but it got boring pretty quick.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Take it from a guy who is on his 5th steam account from a hacking obsession. I didn't lose very much each of the old steam accounts only had Half-Life and CSS on them. Though the reason I hacked was because:

A. I was in my early teens. I eventually grew out of it because I actually wanted to get good at the game.

B. Hacks were free then and it took a good amount of time to get caught if you kept updating your hacks.

C. It was more fun just harassing people. I didn't care about my score, but clearing out servers was a lot of fun.

I am actually glad I did spend time hacking tbh. When I was running three CSS servers about 2-3 years ago. It helped me spot hackers and train other admins on how to spot hackers. I probably used about 50 different hacking programs and can tell a lot of their flaws. Though I am clean now. Been hack free for almost 4 years now =P

EDIT: The only thing that sucks is that it is actually honorable to have an early steam account now. Which I did. Think my first one was 6 or 7 digit steam ID, but it is lost forever now =(


New member
Oct 6, 2010
HerbertTheHamster said:
they usually find it hilarious how people across the planet get enraged by such a petty thing as losing at a video game

I can relate

As for score, it's just to make their e-penis larger
Its not just losing, its the whole sale waste of people time. If some jerk is blowing your head off from where ever they happen to be, then you can not win, you can not improve your skills, you can not play the game as it was ment to be played, so that thing you spent $50 to enjoy can not be enjoyed because of the unfair advantage.

Most people hope to get better in games they play, and if some one is crushing you unfairly you can not learn from that death, you cant understand what you did wrong to avoid it in the future, because it is unavoidable. Thuss, your time, energy, and money are all for nothing.

To further anger the person on the other end of the hackers bullshit, is the though that some asshat is enjoying wreking the game for you and everyone eles.

It is not just losing that enrages people, it is more that some lowlife thinks their fun is more important than anyone eles fun, and will have their fun at the expense of others.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
My friend developed "hooks" for the original CS and I tried some of them out. It gave me a weird kind of rush knowing that I held complete domination over the other player's limited time with me. I never for once thought I was awesome at the game because of the hacks (Though I was awesome without them...Cal-M)


New member
Sep 26, 2009
I didn't know what OPK was, so I Googled it and one of the first results was "Ovulation Prediction Kit".


It's a form of trolling, and that one guy who wanted "haxor magic" was saying it in such a way that he knows he's bad and he wants the hacks to preform better.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
KingWeasel said:
HerbertTheHamster said:
they usually find it hilarious how people across the planet get enraged by such a petty thing as losing at a video game

I can relate

As for score, it's just to make their e-penis larger
Its not just losing, its the whole sale waste of people time. If some jerk is blowing your head off from where ever they happen to be, then you can not win, you can not improve your skills, you can not play the game as it was ment to be played, so that thing you spent $50 to enjoy can not be enjoyed because of the unfair advantage.

Most people hope to get better in games they play, and if some one is crushing you unfairly you can not learn from that death, you cant understand what you did wrong to avoid it in the future, because it is unavoidable. Thuss, your time, energy, and money are all for nothing.

To further anger the person on the other end of the hackers bullshit, is the though that some asshat is enjoying wreking the game for you and everyone eles.

It is not just losing that enrages people, it is more that some lowlife thinks their fun is more important than anyone eles fun, and will have their fun at the expense of others.
Having fun at someone else's expense is the very best kind of fun.

for some reason disconnecting seems very hard for many people today. maybe I should start a group to help people realise that other servers for their game exist.

"just press escape"

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
I'm often amused by people's attempts to make me mad when I play video games. Even more so when they are trying to do so by cheating. Here is a spoiler for you: you can't make me mad. The only thing you might make me do is leave and even that isn't a victory for someone who's cheating as far as I'm concerned. My free time is better spent in the company of a better class of person than the sort who feel the need to cheat for any reason they might contrive.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
....Did he seriously think that him cheating was him being actually good? Thats just stupid. When I was younger I used cheats in single player games and I KNEW I sucked. This is when I was 7 or 8. If this guy is dumber than I was when I was that young then...yes, it is just trolling.

captcha: grain of salt.
This is just getting wierd, my last quoting captcha was "carbon copy". The internets is watching me.


Tech Head
Oct 18, 2009
It's either for trolling or to make them appear better to others...I don't think anyone beleives that they are good by using hacks. Though being the best hacker can be aweful fun (I've made some pretty awesome ones in the past and hacker on hacker battles are awesome).


New member
Mar 10, 2009
I've heard that excuse before. One of the reasons that I quit playing Counter-Strike was because there were a pair of hackers in my Clan, and I couldn't prove it. (That was one of our rules; don't accuse without proof, let admins do that.) Oh, eventually the pair of them were found out and booted.

That said, I also have been playing WARINC , the new free-to-play game that is in beta stages now. And I can reasonably assure you that no-one was hacking.

It's true that there are some people who have way too much time on their hands. They spend that time figuring out the best hiding spots. Figuring out just how far they can effectively shoot on the maps. Choosing the best rifles for one-shot killing. You've probably noticed that there are now two classes of successful players in WARINC; Snipers, and Recon builds who move unbelievably fast (to avoid getting sniped).

This is generally why I avoid playing F2P games. I join for the novelty, figure out how the gameplay works, get bored and go on to something else. In WARINC, I'm happy to try to help them by providing feedback. I'm not that crazy about their rank rewards system, I think they are giving away too much power to players, at a time when it is important to get gameplay balance right; so that they do not alienate the new players.

People who hack don't seem to have the patience, or the ability to adapt to the game. But the people who make spurious accusations, sometimes they're just whiners. I get sniped a bunch too. I may not like it, but when I've had enough, I'll stop playing the game.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Blame Captain Kirk for this mentality. A victory is a victory, it doesn't matter how you came about it.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
HerbertTheHamster said:
KingWeasel said:
HerbertTheHamster said:
they usually find it hilarious how people across the planet get enraged by such a petty thing as losing at a video game

I can relate

As for score, it's just to make their e-penis larger
Its not just losing, its the whole sale waste of people time. If some jerk is blowing your head off from where ever they happen to be, then you can not win, you can not improve your skills, you can not play the game as it was ment to be played, so that thing you spent $50 to enjoy can not be enjoyed because of the unfair advantage.

Most people hope to get better in games they play, and if some one is crushing you unfairly you can not learn from that death, you cant understand what you did wrong to avoid it in the future, because it is unavoidable. Thuss, your time, energy, and money are all for nothing.

To further anger the person on the other end of the hackers bullshit, is the though that some asshat is enjoying wreking the game for you and everyone eles.

It is not just losing that enrages people, it is more that some lowlife thinks their fun is more important than anyone eles fun, and will have their fun at the expense of others.
Having fun at someone else's expense is the very best kind of fun.

for some reason disconnecting seems very hard for many people today. maybe I should start a group to help people realise that other servers for their game exist.

"just press escape"
"Having fun at someone else's expense is the very best kind of fun."

nah, that's bullshit. That sort of mentality is for jerks. In fact, if I know that what I'm doing is making another person's experience miserable, that doesn't make it better for me at all. If it's something I'm doing wrong, then I stop it, but if I'm obeying by the rules, then that person best wise up.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
FoolKiller said:
Blame Captain Kirk for this mentality. A victory is a victory, it doesn't matter how you came about it.
Except victory in battle is not the same as winning a game. A game is defined by a set of restrictions, or rules. If someone breaks a rule to meet the conditions of victory, then the person hasn't "won the game", because he/she ignored that which defined the activity that they were engaged in.

If you're playing basketball, and you cheat to score, then you didn't win at basketball, you won at something else, which is not basketball.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
TheYellowCellPhone said:
I didn't know what OPK was, so I Googled it and one of the first results was "Ovulation Prediction Kit".


It's a form of trolling, and that one guy who wanted "haxor magic" was saying it in such a way that he knows he's bad and he wants the hacks to preform better.
Since this seems to be a popular resonse to this question, I have to speak up.

Having played Combat Arms since it's beginnings, I know exactly what OP's talking about. It's amazing the number of people who play that game who genuinely believe that they are good at the game because of the hacks they use.

It's staggering. The whole cheating system for that game is built for poor kids with terrible self-esteem needs.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
zehydra said:
FoolKiller said:
Blame Captain Kirk for this mentality. A victory is a victory, it doesn't matter how you came about it.
Except victory in battle is not the same as winning a game. A game is defined by a set of restrictions, or rules. If someone breaks a rule to meet the conditions of victory, then the person hasn't "won the game", because he/she ignored that which defined the activity that they were engaged in.

If you're playing basketball, and you cheat to score, then you didn't win at basketball, you won at something else, which is not basketball.
I know. But who says what the victory conditions are in the mind of the cheating gamer.

I don't cheat because I like the challenge but I was just explaining why some do as some think victory is more important than how you won or what you won at technically.