Do you attribute any meaning to your dreams?


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Eh, quite recently I had two dreams fairly close to another that I could tell what prompted them.

Talking to a guy on FB, and lots of people attacking Emma Watson over her speech at the UN, so I dream he's attacking her on FB.

Wake up, and people are still attacking her, and I'm reading a book in which a guy gets threatened by his GF's dad, and then I dream that Emma Watson's dad is threatening me over something.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
To me it means that I am VERY bored at work and want to get the hell out of there ._.


Jun 5, 2013
Most of the time, no. Because my dreams often consist of dragons that speak in dubstep, while leading undead armies. Also bears. My brain is whack.


New member
Feb 1, 2009
8bitOwl said:
You tell me.

Next time you have a REALLY weird nightmare, let a few hours pass... then, the night after think about it calmly. You'll be surprised to find out that nightmare was your mind telling you something that is being worried about.
Ok, so I get more Mom Science.
Read what I already posted about dreams and how the brain can't connect these memories to anything so you forget them almost immediately. Dreams are generally just garbage (or "weird" as you called it). The more plausible explanation about these oh so prophetic/insightful "dreams" is that you personally filled in the blanks subconsciously while waking up trying to piece together what you just thought about even though your brain already discarded most of it. Also the "mind" works with biochemistry not fucking magic so it can't "tell me" anything. And even if it could, it wouldn't have any insight and certainly not on the same level as my conscious self because I'm not a donkey.
Dreams are not too well understood scientifically. It's easy to "understand" them the way you do. Humans are good at imagining patterns in things.


New member
May 20, 2009
I think about a lot of random shit and my brain often goes from deeply philosphical to "that would make a great movie" in a matter of seconds. I think dreams are usually just a miss-match of random thoughts like this and somehow mixes them together into something coherent

I dont think theres much stake in interpreting dreams as there is interpreting you random conscious thoughts. It just that when you are a sleep your subconscious takes a front seat

Halla Burrica

New member
May 18, 2014
Dreams are a pretty strange thing for me. A lot of the time it's seems like random bullshit, I recently dreamed that a relative in my family was a crazy, sociopathic mass murderer Hannibal Lecter-style who was tormenting my family and admitted to causing his sisters death (just nonsense, she's alive and all and the relative I'm talking about is completely sane and friendly as far as I'm aware).

But sometimes it seems like there is a message, one time I was on a train and then a bunch of weird events (that in hindsight could probably have been a Cohen Brothers movie) take place, and then a guy walks up to me and wants me to take responsibility for absolutely everything, even though it really wasn't my fault all that happened and I couldn't have stopped it even if I tried so I say "How about no" and just walk off into the sunset (one of the few times my dreams end in a satisfying way). I believe my subconcious or whatever was trying to tell me: "Dude, you don't have to carry the entire wold on your shoulders" because I'm a type of guy who can get worried and angsty over relatively minor things, and I know it's probably not very healthy to think like that.

And sometimes it seems like dreams actually can tell the future. One time, before I started attending a new school, I had this dream of being in a classroom surrounded by people I hadn't met before with a teacher I had never seen before. It was only a couple of seconds, but weeks later when I attended that school for the first time, I experienced exactly those brief couple of seconds, it was really weird.


New member
Sep 17, 2014
I dream quite alot and have never thought of them having much meaning before.
But lately I've had this recurring element in my dreams where I look in the mirror and my face is covered with something awful. First it was barnacles, like the kind you see on the bottom of a boat. But it's also been acne, scabs or even tiny spiders. I never react in the dream but when I am awake and think back to it I always feel sick. If any of you want to try and analyse my insane dream you're welcome to. I haven't got clue what it could mean.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Once I dreamt I was eating a giant marshmellow.

I woke up and my pillow was missing.

The only thing people can really agree on is that dreams are something[/i]. Whether or not you believe in their significance or symbolism is up to you. It's an amusing middle ground between actual and pseudo-science.

There have been times where I have pre-empted my dreams. ~Usually when I'm at a low ebb I will go "I'm going to dream about her again." and promptly do. Fucks me over for a week.

Happiness Assassin

New member
Oct 11, 2012
There is some meaning, but it mostly comes from trying to find narrative purpose from random and nonsensical elements. I definitely don't prescribe to Freud's ideas on, well... anything really, but especially dreams.

Mister K

This is our story.
Apr 25, 2011
I always though that dream consists of: a)my day experience; b) things that trouble me; c) things that make me feel nice; d) things that had some impact on me prior to act of sleeping and e) ridiculous fantasies all mixed together. When I dream I analyse my experiences, my thoughts about future, my ideas, etc., in most visually effective forms.

BTW, a thingy happened to me that didn't happen since my childhood. I downloaded Eliza ( a DLC character for Skullgirls) and messed around with her in training mode. For those who don't know anything about her, her main gimmick is separating her skeleton from rest of her body anf controlling it. So, night after playing her I had a dream about woman ripping first her skin and then her muscles of herself. That is strange, at the very least. I do not remember when was the last time my dream was affected so much by, well, anything.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Nope. They are either nonsensical or me visualising things that I think about, but I never think that they are some kind of vision. I don't think that I can recall a single dream that has ever come to pass or be important in any way.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
I've had a dream where I was a woman a couple of times.

Also I've had load of dreams where my teeth fall out, or I pull them out myself. God knows what that means.

Everything else just seems to be meaningless bullshit, or nightmares about aliens.


New member
Apr 23, 2011
My dreams are the most heart-wrenchingly amazingly emotional stories never told

Then I wake up and realise they make no sense whatsoever.

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
I have remembered like 3 dreams in the last 10 years. So no. Something about chipmunks and ak47s. I think a flying car. And something about a girl.


Note to self: Prooof reed posts
Sep 4, 2013
Yeah, I dream extremely often.
My dreams are usually very fantastical,otherworldly and abstract. Sometimes I wish I could paint them.
Very rarely do I dream about myself or anyone I know, so surely they must be metaphorical. I even bought a book on dream analysis to get an idea about what it all might mean.

For those oh so curious, common themes in my dreams include:
Being chased
Being in an unusually large, usually colorful environment (Theme parks, huge malls, oceans, ect.)
Usually has animals of various kinds
Flying or floating
Gods or Powerful beings, which are often not me or the character I have the perspective of

Oh, I realized I didn't exactly answer the question in the OP!
Well of the points I made:

Not dreaming of myself: means I'm not taking responsibility or removing myself from a situation. Or in life I pretend to be something else. Which is not surprising for me at all because I've been through an existential crisis for as long as I can remember, it has only gotten worse as I get older.

Chasing: which basically means anxiety. Not surprising since I go to college.

Large environments: perhaps meaning that the world and everything around me is daunting and larger. I like to believe it is my dreams telling me that there's a bigger world out there than my small house in my average town. I think I want to travel more.

Theme Parks/Malls that are colorful and inviting: I treat myself too often and I've been having fun or relaxing a lot. I find school stressful yet fun, hanging out with my family is fun to me and I do that every day. I also treat myself way too often either with a new game, an extensive lunch, or whatever.

The animals can really vary. I like animals and nature in general though. I do dream about wolves a lot so might be a prideful thing? Or a solitude thing? I'm not so sure. I generally keep to myself.

Flying/Floating: A carefree attitude or freedom. I'm never falling when I do this. It might be an Independence thing.

Gods/Powerful beings: I'm sure they are authority figures. As in representations of my parents and professors. Or just my superiors. I don't mind this, I have a very fine relationship with authority, in real life. I have practically no backbone, don't desire to have one either.

Wow that was really fun, I don't expect anyone to read all that though.


New member
Jun 19, 2010
When I can actually remember my dreams, I like to use them as jumping-off points for introspection. It's not an exact science, but, like with things with tarot cards, one's interpretation of dreams, if not the dreams themselves, can offer insight into one's thoughts and feelings. Of course, it's rare that I dream, and it's even rarer that they actually lead me to thoughts that I wouldn't have had otherwise. Even then, however, sometimes it's just fun to talk about some of the ridiculous things that happen in dreams.