Do you believe early access ruins the game?


New member
Aug 10, 2014
I'm going to side with Consumer Choice. If one knew it was an incomplete game ( and some of the prices I've seen would warrant a full version) then you probably should have just put it on a " back-log" list for a later time when its done.

Now as far as affecting a person if they do make such a choice? Yes its probably a bad idea. You are basically re-warding the lazy developer to be even more lazy because at the end of the day, you are paying him/her in advance for an unfinished product... and thus... feeding that wonderful human attribute of rewarded procrastination. " Why should we continue these bug fixes and game advances when we are practically getting paid already?!?". When you think about it, its a pretty smart scheme. Make a half-way interesting title, create some form of a fan base...then slowly decrease progress because the word spreads about this neat game BUT ITS ONLY IN ITS ALPHA STAGE SO FAR --- and thus the money rolls in.

Now I am not saying all devs are like that but it seems to me that are plenty whom would be --- so it goes back to consumer choice. Buy and play at your own risk.

Me, I would much rather put pressure on a group of strong devs to make the best product possible --- you'll get rewarded when you've shown us a final version, not before.

I think this can go with anything you may buy or some service you are funding --- put it this way --- would you pay a contractor a full advance for a house you intend on living in? I think why would you buy a game for the same reason?