veloper said:
I don't think any man living in the western world can be honestly called a good guy.
We live relatively luxurious lives when the poor in the 3rd world live like trash. I'm sure we all give some to charity (or atleast I do), but if we were fools, we could give the majority of our incomes away and still have enough left for decent housing and quality food.
Ofcourse the problem is that money always has a tendency to end up going from the providers to the selfish (rich or not) and not necessarilly to other altruistic people, who happen to be starving.
So at best we are polite, law-abiding and not going out of our way to harm other people.
Actually, I don't give a flying fuck about the 3rd world. Hey, idiots, want to have food and LCDs?
Start a fucking industrial economy. We did.
I work (kinda) hard for my money, and I see no reason whatsoever to feed some schmuck who's too lazy to get his own.
And yet, I still believe I'm a good guy, actually, I believe I'm the BEST GUY EVER.
You know why?
The magical power of egomania.