do you belive you are a good person?


New member
Jun 22, 2011
I consider myself not so. I'm apathetic, and live for myself. I won't help people if I have to go out of my way, or if I don't benefit from it. I just don't care that people suffer, because I don't. I used to be very emotional and sensitive, the sort of guy who would be depressed for hours from watching the news. So I've closed myself off almost completely emotionally just so I don't get overwhelmed.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Rule Britannia said:
Not meaning to be an arsehole but to spelt 'belive' wrong it's 'believe'.
Did you use that sentence when you were a grammar Nazi? really? Spelt is spelled wrong and the grammar is completely wrong. The OP is full of grammar errors though.

I am more of a chaotic neutral. I don't do anything bad, but I don't go out of my way to do anything good. Except for favours for friends and helping out those nearby if it's obvious. However I am also a nit rude at times. There are enough who gets fooled into thinking I'm a good guy though.

Matt East

New member
Apr 4, 2011
I won't go out of my way to harm another person, unless of course they have it coming to them, but I will always put myself out to help somebody.
So I'm kinda like an anti-hero.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I actually help my family out a lot, but I ascibe this behaviour more to my desire to not be bothered by their problems. So I try to help them out as much as I can so they can leave me alone again afterwards.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
people generally overestimate their "goodness" and it also depends on what one would define as "good"

Im not overly good or nice and I do have some lazyness and apathy

but I dont think Im a douche..the last good thing I did was the asian lady at the small store gave me an extra $5 in my change when I got a drink (gave her a $20 note) I knew I would feel terrible all day if I kept it so I gave it back


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
I do think that I'm a good person.
I am not the most polite- social interactions, and all...
I am not the most generous- not that I have any money to spare...
I am a sarcastic little *****- Yeah, no excuse for that...

But I know that I would never consciously harm another person. I am not specifically told that I am a good person very often, but I don't really need others to tell me that.

I don't feel that one has to go out of their way to help others to be classed as "good"- that sort of defeats the point of charity in the first place, right? If one is *expected* to do such things, then they are hardly a mark of goodness, but rather a standard of normalcy.

...Not that I have any problems with charity, I was just musing.


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
No. I know I can be sly, manipulative, evil, nasty and use them to my advantage.

I am kind and stuff too, especially to family and friends, but by no means am I one of *those* nice people.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
Nouw said:
Yes I am. I believe my principles, views, morals and values are of a standard which is 'good.'
This is basically how I see myself as well.

That said, having me around is certainly not always fun. I define myself through my actions, and being a good person does not necessarily equal being a nice person.


New member
Oct 16, 2009
veloper said:
I don't think any man living in the western world can be honestly called a good guy.

We live relatively luxurious lives when the poor in the 3rd world live like trash. I'm sure we all give some to charity (or atleast I do), but if we were fools, we could give the majority of our incomes away and still have enough left for decent housing and quality food.

Ofcourse the problem is that money always has a tendency to end up going from the providers to the selfish (rich or not) and not necessarilly to other altruistic people, who happen to be starving.

So at best we are polite, law-abiding and not going out of our way to harm other people.
Actually, I don't give a flying fuck about the 3rd world. Hey, idiots, want to have food and LCDs?
Start a fucking industrial economy. We did.
I work (kinda) hard for my money, and I see no reason whatsoever to feed some schmuck who's too lazy to get his own.
And yet, I still believe I'm a good guy, actually, I believe I'm the BEST GUY EVER.
You know why?
The magical power of egomania.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
I'm a little disappointed by the number of the people on this thread trying to be modest by pretending they don't think they're a good person, hey even Hitler believed he was a good person. Me, I know I'm a good person as I could easily get pleasure in a way that would hurt some other people badly but I choose not to.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
erztez said:
veloper said:
I don't think any man living in the western world can be honestly called a good guy.

We live relatively luxurious lives when the poor in the 3rd world live like trash. I'm sure we all give some to charity (or atleast I do), but if we were fools, we could give the majority of our incomes away and still have enough left for decent housing and quality food.

Ofcourse the problem is that money always has a tendency to end up going from the providers to the selfish (rich or not) and not necessarilly to other altruistic people, who happen to be starving.

So at best we are polite, law-abiding and not going out of our way to harm other people.
Actually, I don't give a flying fuck about the 3rd world. Hey, idiots, want to have food and LCDs?
Start a fucking industrial economy. We did.
I work (kinda) hard for my money, and I see no reason whatsoever to feed some schmuck who's too lazy to get his own.
And yet, I still believe I'm a good guy, actually, I believe I'm the BEST GUY EVER.
You know why?
The magical power of egomania.
It's nice of you to say to not give a flying fuck, because I reckon very few people really do, but it's stupid and ignorant to blame it all on the poor and call them lazy.
How about working your ass off 12 hours per day and barely being able to afford enough to eat? In a mine. That's a reality.

You're an asshole. I'm an asshole. Atleast I got no illusions about being the best guy.


New member
Oct 16, 2009
veloper said:
It's nice of you to say to not give a flying fuck, because I reckon very few people really do, but it's stupid and ignorant to blame it all on the poor and call them lazy.
How about working your ass off 12 hours per day and barely being able to afford enough to eat? In a mine. That's a reality.

You're an asshole. I'm an asshole. Atleast I got no illusions about being the best guy.
Nah, I don't blame them for being poor, I just don't see how it's my fault and why should give a damn. Also, 12 hour days? I WISH. Used to pull 20 hour shifts back in the day. Slept in a chair at the office. Not a mine, sure, but it sure felt like it sometimes.
And, does having a realistic opinion of your general goodness make you feel any better?
Coz thinking I'm the best person on the planet sure helps me sleep:)
Jan 27, 2011
I think I'm more or less a good guy.

I can be a bit sarcastic, and a bit selfish sometimes, but I try to be kind and helpful to everyone else.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
erztez said:
veloper said:
It's nice of you to say to not give a flying fuck, because I reckon very few people really do, but it's stupid and ignorant to blame it all on the poor and call them lazy.
How about working your ass off 12 hours per day and barely being able to afford enough to eat? In a mine. That's a reality.

You're an asshole. I'm an asshole. Atleast I got no illusions about being the best guy.
Nah, I don't blame them for being poor, I just don't see how it's my fault and why should give a damn. Also, 12 hour days? I WISH. Used to pull 20 hour shifts back in the day. Slept in a chair at the office. Not a mine, sure, but it sure felt like it sometimes.
And, does having a realistic opinion of your general goodness make you feel any better?
Coz thinking I'm the best person on the planet sure helps me sleep:)
If that job of yours comes with a shitty low wage aswell, you actually got a right to complain.
Carrying no blame is a valid point. It's the neutral position most people take.


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Kind of, but there are better people and my habit of jumping in to stand up for people has got me punched more than once. My over-inflated reputation makes up for it, though.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Sonicron said:
Nouw said:
Yes I am. I believe my principles, views, morals and values are of a standard which is 'good.'
This is basically how I see myself as well.

That said, having me around is certainly not always fun. I define myself through my actions, and being a good person does not necessarily equal being a nice person.
So do I. I'm sometimes blunt about my thoughts but I'd rather say it face-to-face than behind their back.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I would like to think I'm good to a certain extent but I'm no saint. I tend to think I'm toward the good path for most of the time.

Aaron Frederick

New member
Jun 9, 2011
Cheesus333 said:
I have good intentions. I do my best to be a kind and noble person.

The success of those efforts is... questionable. But I do think that over all I'm a fairly good guy, yeah.

Rule Britannia

New member
Apr 20, 2011
Yopaz said:
Rule Britannia said:
Not meaning to be an arsehole but to spelt 'belive' wrong it's 'believe'.
Did you use that sentence when you were a grammar Nazi? really? Spelt is spelled wrong and the grammar is completely wrong. The OP is full of grammar errors though.

I am more of a chaotic neutral. I don't do anything bad, but I don't go out of my way to do anything good. Except for favours for friends and helping out those nearby if it's obvious. However I am also a nit rude at times. There are enough who gets fooled into thinking I'm a good guy though.
My bad I put to rather than you. 'Spelt' isn't incorrect and 'spelled' isn't incorrect either. It's an "either or" type thing.
I'm not necassarily a grammar nazi.
-Spelling bugs me
-using to too two, your you're, there their they're (<---have I missed any) bugs me

Frankly, I'm shit at grammar. (I used that comma incorrectly too ¬.¬)


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Rule Britannia said:
Yopaz said:
Rule Britannia said:
Not meaning to be an arsehole but to spelt 'belive' wrong it's 'believe'.
Did you use that sentence when you were a grammar Nazi? really? Spelt is spelled wrong and the grammar is completely wrong. The OP is full of grammar errors though.

I am more of a chaotic neutral. I don't do anything bad, but I don't go out of my way to do anything good. Except for favours for friends and helping out those nearby if it's obvious. However I am also a nit rude at times. There are enough who gets fooled into thinking I'm a good guy though.
My bad I put to rather than you. 'Spelt' isn't incorrect and 'spelled' isn't incorrect either. It's an "either or" type thing.
I'm not necassarily a grammar nazi.
-Spelling bugs me
-using to too two, your you're, there their they're (<---have I missed any) bugs me

Frankly, I'm shit at grammar. (I used that comma incorrectly too ¬.¬)
well what you just described is a grammar nazi also eanglish is my second language so youll have to pardon me for the many many gramar mistakes...

also chaotic natural? this isnt DND im asking do you think you are a good person...