Do you care what someone else plays their game on?


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
Only if they bring it up.

Asking why something doesn't look as good as its PC trailers, why PCs get more players in maps on games like BF3, or complaining about a crap port from console to PC and vice versa. That is when I will bring up my opinion on the matter. Otherwise I don't really care.

You want to play on an inferior system, its you choice :D (Joking of course, It is NOT your choice [again, joking])

La Barata

New member
Apr 13, 2010
Dansen got it in one. I'm pissed when friends of mine get games on certain systems because we can't play together.

Darth Rahu

Critic of the Sith
Nov 20, 2009
Absolutely not, we are gamers, we love games. We fall in love with the software, not the hardware. To argue over which is best is pretty stupid. Except for the Virtual Boy, oh my god was that a bad move...


New member
Nov 18, 2009
By and large I don't care, unless it's a multiplayer thing and their choice of platform or whatever affects my play. Like, this isn't a game, but one of my friends uses a particular IM client that really bugs me. It seems to glitch out a lot when I try to talk to her, it doesn't always appear to register that she's getting messages, and even when it does, it doesn't make noise, it just flashes on her taskbar; but she uses it because she likes the way it looks (she's such a Mac user) and it has tabs, which apparently MSN messenger magically loses when run on a Mac. So it can be an uphill struggle to actually have a conversation with her sometimes; in these cases, my friend's choice of "platform" does affect my experience, so yes, in those cases I do begrudge them that.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
RhombusHatesYou said:
Racecarlock said:
Why does it even matter to PC gamers?
It doesn't matter to most PC gamers.
Nah. But it apparently does matter to guys like the one I quoted. Frankly, I prefer the respectful majority PC gamers such as yourself. Unfortunately, some people still see the need to label people as dumb or low class based on the machine they play on. And I'm not going to stand for that anymore. I'm fine with people playing on any machine as long as people don't get all "I'm better than you because of my platform choice" about it, like the guy I quoted.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Eh, I might put some minor effort into convincing someone but it isn't going to make me lose sleep at night or jeopardize any friendships. Plus I only do it if I know they have the appropriate system(s). IE I might try to convince them to get a game on PC rather than Xbox if they have both.

The one that does fry my goat is choice of web browser. I will stab things if I find a friend using IE instead of...well anything else really.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Racecarlock said:
RhombusHatesYou said:
Racecarlock said:
Why does it even matter to PC gamers?
It doesn't matter to most PC gamers.
Nah. But it apparently does matter to guys like the one I quoted. Frankly, I prefer the respectful majority PC gamers such as yourself. Unfortunately, some people still see the need to label people as dumb or low class based on the machine they play on. And I'm not going to stand for that anymore. I'm fine with people playing on any machine as long as people don't get all "I'm better than you because of my platform choice" about it, like the guy I quoted.

Fair enough, but remember that there are unmitigated wankers on both sides of the fence.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Jodah said:
The one that does fry my goat is choice of web browser. I will stab things if I find a friend using IE instead of...well anything else really.
I let old people get away with using IE... They're usually intimidated enough by computers without trying to get them to change browsers (especialy on a Windows OS which will do it's best to ignore the new browser and go on using IE).

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Not particularly, no. Personally I try to load myself up with as many of the available platforms as I can afford so that way I get the best of all worlds. I currently own a decent but aging PC, a Wii, a 360, a PS2, a Gamecube, a DS, a PSP, and a GBA. I want to get a 3DS, but I'm currently without any source of income at the moment so gaming has to take a backseat; same reason why I haven't bought a PS3.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
I Really only judge a person when they comment of stuff they do not know, ergo a farmville only player commenting on a PS3 vs Xbox debate (bad example, I know).

The Dutchess

New member
Feb 24, 2011
I game on my laptop. Mainly because I have no room for a desktop or a console as I live with my parents. I also doubt they'd like me taking over the TV with a console. When I get my own place I plan on owning a gaming desktop and at least a PS3 as there's lots of PS3-exclusive games I want to play! At the moment I link up an xbox controller to my laptop for a lot of the games so it's pretty much the same. Don't really get the platform wars. I want to play lots of games and some are platform exclusive so why am I going to cut myself off from them if I don't like the platform they're on?


New member
Oct 6, 2011
Nobody cares which platform others are playing on, but we care for games having limbs chopped off, because of being oriented on Console players. For some reason every developer making console games think of their customers as: players with short attention span, players that don't like to read (CBA?), players that enjoy cut-scenes more than actual game play mechanics, players that afraid of non-simplified controls. Now, I'm not saying it's true, but that's obviously the focus of modern console developers that leads to boring, self-repeating experiences without proper story-telling and/or well-written dialogues, complex game mechanics or any immersion.

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
No, I don't. I actually own most platforms, but I play the majority of my games on the PC. I just favor it. Personal tastes and the like. Most of my friends play on PC as well, except for a couple.

One of the console friends does seem to care. He thinks he's far more 'hardcore' and a 'real gamer' because he plays all of his games on the 360, and gets irritated at people who play casual games. His range of games has only recently started to grow with his discovery of Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, but his attitude of superiority is pretty much the same. The fact that he managed to land himself a job at Gamestop, has probably made matters worse - but I don't really talk to him as much since the attitude shift.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
RhombusHatesYou said:
The Answer: Nope, really couldn't give a shit what other people game on. I might have a few uncharitable words for people who deride my choices in gaming but other than that, why should I give a fuck what other people are doing?
I agree, and I don't hate people who play on Xbox or PS3, I honestly could care less, but after you heard that ALL PC gamers are elitists, then I will start pulling the old card to where "Well, my hole isn't being constantly fucked up by publishers EVERY time a new triple A game comes out."

Seriously though, fuck off everyone who says all PC gamers are elitists, its getting to the point of ridiculousness.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
Brutal Peanut said:
No, I don't. I actually own most platforms, but I play the majority of my games on the PC. I just favor it. Personal tastes and the like. Most of my friends play on PC as well, except for a couple.

One of the console friends does seem to care. He thinks he's far more 'hardcore' and a 'real gamer' because he plays all of his games on the 360, and gets irritated at people who play casual games. His range of games has only recently started to grow with his discovery of Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, but his attitude of superiority is pretty much the same. The fact that he managed to land himself a job at Gamestop, has probably made matters worse - but I don't really talk to him as much since the attitude shift.
Wait, people like that actually exist? And here I thought that it was just a strawman that had gotten out of hand.


New member
Jul 10, 2011
I honestly don't care what anyone's favorite console is.
I will keep it in mind and with that info I can tell what type of gamer I'm dealing with.
But there isn't really a WRONG system to a certain degree...
but most consoles today are fine...

What bugs me the most is when someone plays a certain game or type of game on the wrong system AND thinks it isn't wrong AND has the means to play it on the RIGHT system..
Ex. FPS's are best on PC,
Exception - you want to play with friends in the same room without LAN party hassle. (Or BF3, cause Origin can fuck off)

The Atheist

New member
Jan 26, 2011
Most of my real life friends are console gamers and have either a 360 or a 360 and PS3, so I prefer it if they buy games for 360 if it's a game with online multiplayer that we're all likely to play, which they pretty much always do anyway. The only reasons I care in those cases are because I prefer the 360 controller and I like the party mode/cross-game chat that Xbox Live offers.

In general with people on forums though, no, why would I care? Everyone has their own reason(s) for preferring a particular platform (assuming they have a preferred platform) and even if that reason is blind fanboyism, it doesn't affect me.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
AngryPants said:
Nobody cares which platform others are playing on, but we care for games having limbs chopped off, because of being oriented on Console players. For some reason every developer making console games think of their customers as: players with short attention span, players that don't like to read (CBA?), players that enjoy cut-scenes more than actual game play mechanics, players that afraid of non-simplified controls. Now, I'm not saying it's true, but that's obviously the focus of modern console developers that leads to boring, self-repeating experiences without proper story-telling and/or well-written dialogues, complex game mechanics or any immersion.
Are ya kidding? Have you never seen anyone post "I dunno how anyone could play this on 360 the PS3 controller is so much better" then it turns into a landslide of 360 vs ps3 but then the wii gets involved and then the Game Gear breaks into the argument with a broken bottle.

I've seen just a review of an old game system turn into a flamewar of wii vs PS3, it's mind boggling how much people get behind devices/companies.

As I've said I like games the device it's on matters very little. I check to make sure what version has more stuff or what one is cheaper and then go for that.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
Don't care at all, I have my preferences as to what I play on for reasons that are almost all personal taste the only 2 big issues I have with the other options are exclusive titles because theirs almost always a sweet looking game I'm missing out on or when a friend opts to get a big MP game on another system it sucks losing good MP fiends.