Do you get angry/annoyed when people disrespect your country's flag?


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Uhm...No...Not at all. Honestly, I don't even see reason why one should be upset....I do guess it has something to do with patriotism, but you know what? Screw patriotism, honestly I think it's stupid and I am pretty much opposite of patriot. Nothing against people who are patriots though, even though I think it's stupid to be one, I still respect their opinion.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Not particularly, I can't take credit for the whole of the place. Besides, if it's the most inventive way they can express dismay with the place I live, I feel a little sorry for them, honestly.


New member
May 17, 2010
I don't really give a shit what happens to the flag itself. Inadvertently or carelessly disrespecting it, as in hanging it upside down, failing to take care of it etcetera doesn't bother me at all. Deliberate defacing or destroying the Union Jack... that does concern me, because it's not just the destruction of a piece of material but an expression of hostility towards my country, and thus me.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Not at all. It's a piece of cloth, not an idol of worship.

I do get annoyed though, when people with no relation to the factory i work at come into the gatehouse i work in, complaining that the flag should've been down 20 minnutes ago.
Apparently it's considered bad to have the flag raised after sunset, something about flagging for the devil.
I've had several people, including a fucking police officer on duty come in and tell me i should take it down, cause it was illegal.
First of all, we do take it down, i just tend to fit it in where i have time for it, durring my patrolling of the factory, secondly, it is not illegal, i've checked up, it's just an old tradition, still I get enforcers of the law coming in and blurting their lack of knowledge for the law in my face, cause they had nothing better to do.

You are allowed to have a narrow tipped flag (dunno whta it's called in english) hanging 24/7, and yet people notice the rectangular flag beeing up, gets butthurt, and goes out of their way to drop into some place they would've otherwise just driven by, just to wrongfully tell me that it's illegal to have the flag up this hour.
Sep 14, 2009
Crystalite said:
For my own flag: No, I could not care less. I am no patriot, and I consider the patch of dirt I was born on to be a complete coincidence, and not better or worse than any other place.
I do however think its rather disrespectfull to treat other countries flags badly, because its always better to treat other people with respect, I guess.

And I never would trail a flag on the ground, thats just something you don´t do, regardless of personal attachment to the flag.

I don´t respect a flag, but I respect people, and I don´t go about disrespecting the symbols of peoples faith, neither secular nor religious.

But what I would like to know of those who do get annoyed:
Does that count for your countrymen, or for anyone. Do you expect everyone all over the world to treat your flag with respect?
I do think that would be to much to ask, somehow...
basically this,

there is no reason to get emotionally attached or create fuss about it, but if i was to say i was handling a dutch flag in front of a government/serviceman official, i'd probably shape up and be respectful with it.

Slash Dementia

New member
Apr 6, 2009
I don't really care for flags at all. I wouldn't mind someone burning any flag. It's just cloth. I'd actually feel worse if someone burned my bed sheet or blanket (or band patch), as I'd have to buy new ones.

Argentina's flag is pretty awesome, though.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
twistedmic said:
I've mulled on this question off and on for the past few years, usually when I see a badly worn or tattered flag being flown, either from a flag pole or from a home/car/whatever. The question is this; Do you get angry/annoyed when you see someone disrespecting the flag of your home country?
Anytime I see an American flag that has tears, holes or rips in it and is still being flown I get annoyed. And I got angry one time when I saw a firefighter carrying the flag back inside, wadded up and part of it dragging on the ground.

While I have never served in the U.S. military, nor do I have memory of anyone in my family serving, I did grow up near a naval base ( Naval Station Norfolk to be specific) so maybe that's where my respect for the flag comes from. Back home, being in what is essentially a Navy Town, I never saw a flag that had even a tiny flaw, or that was improperly illuminated.
But out here, in the middle of the country, I've seen flags that have had huge rips in the seams, one flag had a torn seam that an from the front edge nearly to the field, and I've seen them left out in heavy storms (which had been predicted for several hours).
The flag is utterly meaningless. If you'd looked up at it while bullets were whizzing overhead or you were pulling someone out of a fire, I could see why it held some symbolic meaning for you, but simply because a navy base is close to where you grew up, I don't understand your temple pounding every time you see a flag with a tear flapping in the breeze.

How about the principals upon which the nation was founded, or the people who give their lives to those ideals? Are they not infinitely more important than a stupid piece of fabric?

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Yeah I do, I think flags are more than just a piece of cloth with some colours on, they represent your home and sometimes beliefs. If I see someone defacing an American flag I also get annoyed, as a Brit I have a lot of respect for Americans and their way of life. I'm talking about someone burning it or something not that it has a slight rip in it while it's flying.

Not to mention Britain has the nicest looking flag. ;)

I say Britain rather than England as my family is from all over.

Sizzle Montyjing

Pronouns - Slam/Slammed/Slammin'
Apr 5, 2011
Not really, unless i'm being strangled with it.
I'm English by the way, and my flag sort of annoys me, every world football match we have OUT COMES THE FLAGS.

People disrespecting my country on the other hand...


New member
Jan 29, 2011
This might sound weird since I'm Bulgarian and we've never lost a flag in battle, but I really couldn't care less :D
If the state was waving tattered flags, yeah maybe I'll be upset, but a citizen waving a flag at his house, car, etc. no matter the condition can't possibly upset me.

P.S. Europeans wave their national flags only as a signal for important football matches :p


New member
Dec 13, 2009
A flag's best use is that its a small symbol that can be used to represent nationality and is (Usually) identifiable. Its not a symbol that can be used to represent much else.


New member
Jan 19, 2008
I dislike anyone that makes some sweeping generalisation -especially negative- about a country, and burning or defacing a flag is part of that generalisation. But I can't afford to get worked up about it with my country, because, let's face it, lots of people like burning the Union flag.


New member
Aug 20, 2011
Meh, not really. I respect the flag as much as the next guy and do agree that doing such a thing is disrespectful, but I can't remember a time I was angry about something like that. I think it's better to just let them make idiots of themselves.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
not really... then again our flag is just a white cross on a red background...

hmm... there was this story about the flag falling from the sky and landing close to our king at some point..... meh... the original is probably already Motheaten...


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Couldn't care less..Flags to me represent nothing but a colored/decorated piece of overrated cloth