Do You Hate People Who Disagrees With You?


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Hating people because they have a different opinion is in itself a very dumb viewpoint. However, when that person has an opinion based entirely on ignorance (e.g. creationism, bigotry, sexism), it's appropriate.

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
It's not the opinion, usually, it's the manner in which they express it. Hammering home their opinion repeatedly rather than exploring their opinion and their reasons for having it - and thus facilitating discussion - refusing to consider that someone could feel any other way; and using that as boilerplate discussion technique, is likely to lead to some disdain.


New member
Dec 29, 2012
To give a practical example of what I think of this: I was at an airsoft match last weekend and we sat at our table prepping our gear and next to us were two other groups of people. One of those groups had this guy and me and this person had a discussion on wether 9/11 was fake or not. I thought he was completely wrong for believing conspiracy theories but I certainly did not hate him for it, he was a rather nice person besides that. At the other end of the table was a group that had another person and I overheard him saying this: "Look at those two guys there (me and my brother) they got a fancy flight case to put their rifles in but they don't even have propper shoes, you really need boots. Anything else is a no-no." As I heard him finish his sentence I dropped in explaining that I had the case lying around before I got into the sport and it was by no means expensive or fancy and that while good footwear is a must, an old sneaker that you don't bother with is just as good. We ended up agreeing but I hated that person for stabbing me in the back and spouting his assumptions about me and my brother in front of his friends like that.

Bottom line: I don't hate people that have different opinions than me. I rather hate those who make arguments to hurt others or belittle them. I have friends that have completely different ideas than me and we get along just fine.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
I don't hate people for disagreeing with me.
What I do hate is when I supply a legitimate argument against their position on the matter and they don't supply one back, instead just relying on "no, I won't listen to your rational argument. I'm right no matter what you say".
Although I generally find that if they are taking that stance then they are wrong and know it but are refusing to admit it.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
Since I'm always right, if someone disagrees with me they're wrong.
Basic logic.
I hate it when people insist on being wrong.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
I think you shouldn't be if they argue within reason. If someone is like ''My argument is more valid because you suck'' then I get fed up with them pretty quickly.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Kind of. They can disagree with me all they want, it's part of being human. I can always hope they'll see things from my point of view, because we all know the Self is always right. Anyway, I try my hardest not to hate, but in the end, I just don't care. One bit. I've always been blessed with apathy.


New member
Aug 4, 2011
I guess it really depends on exactly what they are disagreeing with me on. I have a strong policy on my continued breathing and existance, and if you aggressively disagree with me that I should continue to live, than I might be mildly irritated with you.

Aside from fringe issues, like: racism (I'm Against It), whether or not it's right to rape or murder (I'm Against It), Whether or not this fate should happen to lawyers and politicians (I'm for it), than simply disagreeing with you, even the subject is heated, is not reason enough for me to hate you.

This kind blind viewpoint is inherently solipsistic and lacks humility. The fact is that we as humans are wrong 90% of the things that we believe, and being unable to accept that a person may have a different, or even more correct viewpoint than your own, or just so much to be able to tolerate the fact that they don't quite agree with you, than you have a big problem.

That of course only applies to everyone else, and everything I say you are morally and legally obligated to agree with me. If not you're just a bad person.



Molotov Cocktails, Anyone?
Jul 3, 2013
Master of the Skies said:
KissingSunlight said:
I am getting disturbed by all the posts saying, "It's alright to hate another person when say they hate a group of people." It's really ironic when someone is prejudice against bigots. What worse is that attitude is what causing conversations about sexism and racism to break down into petty name-calling.
It's not prejudice. It isn't a preconceived notion without basis, because the basis is their bigotry.
You are judging people solely on the basis of their beliefs. How is that different from hating someone with a different religion? There is a difference from not liking someone's opinion and hating the person on the basis of their opinion.


New member
Mar 30, 2012
Totally, I love beating my wife. She refused to wash the mustard stain out of my wifebeater and buy me new beers. What a ****!


New member
Sep 30, 2013
When their reasoning is completely idiotic or just plain arseholeish, yes. Otherwise, no.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
Not if they earned their opinion with actual research and thought. People disagreeing with me about things they know nothing about beyond what they heard on the radio or whatever, yes.


New member
Feb 8, 2013
No, not per definition. But I dislike rude people and those who are willfully ignorant while letting their ignorance hurt others. It is usually a mix between the two. People that do not want to listen to reason and being fairly loud about it, intending to outshout the competition into submission.


New member
Jun 15, 2013
I actually respect people who disagree with several of my views and give void points behind it rather than those who agree on everything I say and not even know what the heck I was talking about. And by seeing why people disagree with a point I made, I can learn something new and be correctly guided. On the plus side, I don't like those that totally ignore or don't allow me to speak my piece because they think I am either "not educated in a University" or "not mature enough". So I kinda see both sides.


Molotov Cocktails, Anyone?
Jul 3, 2013
Master of the Skies said:
KissingSunlight said:
Master of the Skies said:
KissingSunlight said:
I am getting disturbed by all the posts saying, "It's alright to hate another person when say they hate a group of people." It's really ironic when someone is prejudice against bigots. What worse is that attitude is what causing conversations about sexism and racism to break down into petty name-calling.
It's not prejudice. It isn't a preconceived notion without basis, because the basis is their bigotry.
You are judging people solely on the basis of their beliefs.
And the inherent problem with this is what again? It isn't prejudice, it is putting a negative value on certain beliefs and then judging when those beliefs are known to be held by the person. They're being judged for something that is indeed known about them.

Also you're moving the goal posts from prejudice to something else. Please don't forget to either admit it isn't prejudice or at least address my argument for why it is not. Don't just run and start talking about other things.

How is that different from hating someone with a different religion?
The difference is in the judgment of which beliefs are bad. I see no issue with hating someone who has a religious belief in human sacrifice, so again, I do not see the inherent problem.

There is a difference from not liking someone's opinion and hating the person on the basis of their opinion.
Yes, there is. Amazing. Shocking. So fucking what? That doesn't mean it is wrong to hate them for their vile beliefs.
You know what? I'm just going to say, "We are going to have to agree to disagree." Obviously, you have preconceived notions about people. It doesn't matter what I or anybody else say. You are going to have your prejudicial views.