Do You Have A Zombie Plan?


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Head to a south American rain forest, guarantied no zombies. Then wait for all the zombies to decompose. That will only take 6-12 months. Zombie apocalypses are not that big a deal when you look into it. It's just the first 24 hours that's the shitter.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
I would hide behind the search bar and crush them with repeat zombie survival threads.


New member
Aug 18, 2011
Yes. This plan forms around the basis that some areas (Tower blocks, hospitals and other heavily populated areas) are intrinsically more dangerous than others and should be avoided at all costs. This is balanced by the need for supplies and the necessary risk of obtaining them. Also, since I live in the UK, the lack of firearms limits my options. With that in mind, here we go...

Firstly, if the Zombie Apocolypse was actually, really happening, I think I would get a bit excited and bounce up and down saying something like "It's really happening!!! He he he!" After that, I would do one of 2 things -

Option 1 - If the mobile phone network is still up and running, I would call my friends to assemble my team.

Option 2 - If I can't contact people, I would get transport and go and get them.

Transport consists of a 7.5 tonne truck. My local electronics store has a small fleet of trucks where the keys are stored on a board in the office. The back entrance is flimsy, and should give in fairly easily.

My team consists of mostly single males, but the group has a number of girls. My sister - a nurse, my mum - awesome cook and nurse, my friend Marie - a hottie who I'd like to bang. Other girls with useful skills would also be accepted, but space will be limited. All of the male friends I have selected have skills that would be useful, such as being an electrician, a builder, or having army training.

Once collected, we would drive to an industrial park about 5 miles away, where there is a medical supply centre; they supply hospitals with all of their drugs and equipment. This allows us to get supplies without having to go near a hospital. After stocking up we would head to another part of the industrial park, where there is a cash and carry (For those who don't know what that is, it's like a huge supermarket but only for commercial traders) After stocking up there, collecting whatever blunt force weapons we can and making sure to take lots of food that will keep, we head out to a secluded location.

Depending on how the road network is, we have a choice of destination. Either head for a local wildlife preserve if it is bad, or if the motorways are still an option, head for the hills of North Wales. The mountains of Wales are thinly populated, so there is less chance of Zombie contact.

A proper bite protocol will remain in effect after every encounter, with all member of the team submitting to checks. Anyone found to have been bitten will be left behind, or killed if they prefer.

Hopefully, after a period of time, the Zombies will die or be killed, and we can reclaim the planet.


NAPs, Spooks and Poz. Oh my!
Aug 4, 2011
Wait for a while, the initial panic will no doubt swell the undead ranks thanks to wannabe Rambo's and the like. I'd hole up at home for a few months, let the initial wave of fleeing die down. Keep quiet, forage supplies only when necessary, after that if the area hasn't been reclaimed by the military/survivors or if I haven't been devoured I'd venture out and try as hard as I can to find out whats happening. If there are any government remnants, survivors, bandits etc.

If there is still civilization around I'll try to make my way to them, help as much as I can. On the other hand if Britain has become Zombie Central then just survive as long as I can, hopefully dying of something non-zombie related. Probably the biggest FU I can give to the person who started the whole damn outbreak, dead or alive as they may be.


New member
Feb 23, 2011
TheIronRuler said:
I have 34 Zombie plans. All of them but one include a human sacrifice of a comrade so that I could live. The other one has me get bitten by a zombie and then find a large group of survivors. When they sleep I'll turn into a zombie and eat them all!
I win!
*slow clapping*
great plan sarge. although, i should mention that he actually has 37 zombie plans

anyway, there's a gun store at the end of my road along with a few shops where i can get food. there's a kwik-fit garage nearby so i get supplies, steal a car and modify it for plowing through zombies and find a safe place to go

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Sort of. First thing first is to make a suit of armour since zombie can't bite through metal (I think using duck tape all over my clothing may work).
I may either act like a scavenger taking food, supplies etc or try to find a safe spot. The last resort would probably head up North or South to a cold climate place due to the zombie freezing on the spot.

Buzz Killington_v1legacy

Likes Good Stories About Bridges
Aug 8, 2009
I live next to a school with twenty-foot walls and iron gates. That's my first goal. After that it's getting food, water, and weapons.


New member
May 22, 2009
I have a plan yes... And it involves a luxury liner, an island-fort and a windmill.

Who wants in!?


Von Strimmer

New member
Apr 17, 2011
TheIronRuler said:
I have 34 Zombie plans. All of them but one include a human sacrifice of a comrade so that I could live. The other one has me get bitten by a zombie and then find a large group of survivors. When they sleep I'll turn into a zombie and eat them all!
I win!
1st one, I see someone has watched Red Vs. Blue. Yes this is my response aswell. My main plan is to go to Alaska since zombies have no body heat they will all freeze


New member
Mar 7, 2010
White Deer said:
Nope... I don't need one because I live in the part of the world where nothing never happens! ^_^
so you live in new zealand too?
either way my plan is get my gf , then camp on my room , since its really well protected and with a tent i would be fine , might need food though.. :/


New member
Apr 8, 2010
I've got a basic thread of steps I'd follow.
1. Call friends and family. If they don't answer they're already gone, no need to search for them.
2. Grab all the supplies I need and put them in my diesel car. This includes shovels, hammers, nails, axes, pick-axes and a ton of non-perishables (seeds, tinned foods, etc).
3. Drive up the road to my step-dad's place and raid the gun-safe, taking all the rifles, shotguns, the pistol and all the ammo.
4. Drive to dad's place and raid His gun safe too.
5. Drive up to my uncle's house in rural Victoria. It's on a small mountain, with lots of escape routes, lots of open space and an orchid and vegetable gaarden already growing. It also has chickens, hay fields, a lot of space to acommodate at leasat six people comfortably, lots of trees to cut down for possible barricades, machinery to move said trees, a small mountaintop on which to build a lookout and generally noone for a few hundrew kilometres around.
6. ???????

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
AngryMongoose said:
Yeah: die.

If it's a zombie apocalypse, I see no reason why I won't be amongst the majority hordes.

White Deer said:
Nope... I don't need one because I live in the part of the world where nothing never happens! ^_^
I was going to say that the place where nothing happens is exactly where things happen, but no, you're right. Only place safer is Australia or maybe northern Canada.
Unless it's one of those zombie plagues that affects the animals too. In which case, he's in Hell.

Mark Flanagan

New member
Apr 25, 2011
Yeah but I'm not telling you in case you live near me and steal my awesome bolthole before I get there.
Also as someone else pointed out Zombies are the worst predators and would only pose a threat if you got surrounded/trapped.

On a side note does anyone else keep a disaster bag under their bed?


New member
Mar 26, 2008
BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE! is a plan that works in pretty much any apocalyptical scenario :p


New member
May 22, 2009
Well if there's internet I will stay home because there's a pretty good chance the zombies will never be in my town,therefore I can live my entire life as I always did and nothing of value would be lost.

If there's no internet,it's time to grab some weapons and make a hobby. (Spoiler: It's killing zombies)


New member
Jun 1, 2011
simple grab some food and drive to bunnings warehouse (a hardware store that sells everything like food to gas situated in the middle of a huge parking lot) my friends all now to do the same, the next step is to wait it out or to go to the uni near by and use the medical equipment to create a cure or chemical weapon effective against them