Do you have any annoying game collection habbits?

Mister Benoit

New member
Sep 19, 2008
Well my Snes library is continuing to grow over time, but the thing is back in the 90's game boxes were made out of cardboard and well a lot of people did not keep them. Being I actually kept my boxes when I bought games I like to have everything intact(ex. box, manual, papers).

When it comes to buying games off ebay if you've ever looked for boxed copies of either genesis, snes, nes, game gear, gb or whatever you'll notice they are rather expensive. Recently I've been trying to nab a complete copy of Earthbound. With over 2 days left a copy I was looking into is currently at 153.00$US which comes to around 190$CAD and it's only going to keep going up. It irks me so much, I really really want a copy but damn, 200+ for a snes game is a real kick to the balls.

Anyways do you guys have any unusual habits with your game collections?

Flap Jack452

New member
Jan 5, 2009
I order them from left to right. The one's on the Left being the one's I play the most often, the ones of the Right being the one's I don't play as often


Spoony old Bard
Feb 13, 2009
i threw out the boxes of my ps1 games and kept the games in a cd case.... oh sweet regrets! (my snes game boxes are all in a bag in my wardrobe ripped and torn, but i do not have the heart to throw them out)


New member
Jan 2, 2009
I have an annoying habit of buying collections. Capcom Classics, Namco Museum, Mega Man Collection, Sonic Collection, Legend of Zelda Collection, Midway Arcade Collection, etc...

It's horrible but I ...just...can't...stop!

Mister Benoit

New member
Sep 19, 2008
Thespamanator said:
I don't quite have any collection habits, but my games all have to be in alphabetical order ^^
My collection for each platform and movie genre is alphabetical.

I recently put a pretty penny into my snes collection by adding 9 games. It's going to be like Christmas for the next 2 weeks, can't wait to check the mail box every day.


Vice-Captain Hammer
Feb 9, 2008
zeldakong64 said:
I have to have the best collection there is. It's the same with DVDs, if there's a two disc edition I have to have that one instead of the lesser one.
I'm just like that. And I always end up getting the steelbook editions if they are available for a reasonable price. Despite the fact it just means that it hurts more when a DVD case falls out of my overcrowded bookcase onto my foot.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Yes my games have to have the original box AND instructions or else i wont buy it. i dont care how bad i want the game, i wont buy it unless i have the box and instructions.

Inverse Skies

New member
Feb 3, 2009
Wow... I've never bothered with anything like that. As long as the disc isn't scratched I'm happy, although having the case is nice if you're buying it second hand.


New member
Feb 8, 2009
i tend to find myself putting my newest games on top of my stack. even if i don play em as much


New member
May 25, 2008
I have the bad habit of hoarding the "bizzaro" type games, especially the Japanese ones. Strange games like Mr. Mosquito, RAD (Robotic Alchemic Drive), Killer 7, Psychonauts, Gitaroo Man, Stretch Panic, the Katamari Damacy series, etc. No matter how broke I get...if I hadn't bought a used copy of Chulip to complete my "set", I'm afraid I'd be foaming at the mouth.

Also, I organize by "genre" all my Guitar heroes are together AND in the order they came out, all the fighters in one section, RPGs in another. Plus games in a series HAVE to be in chronological order, and they have to be in a group based on console. All PS2s in one place, Gamecubes in another, Wii in another.

Then, there's my massive DVD collection and my over 2000 books......I have a problem. ^_^;