Do you read novels If so what is your prefered genre?


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Comedy/horror and overall fiction. I don't like nonfiction because it is way too fake. Give me giant robots and zombies anyday.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
While reading is a fairly novel thing to do, I like a wide variety of books.
I know it'satired thing to say, I enjoy social commentary a lot, and I Vonnegut more books like Slaughterhouse Five or Breakfast of Champions, but it's no fantasy that I'm into the spell and sword genre too. Out of those, I'd have to say that books like Wizard's First Rule and the rest of the Sword of Truth series are among the Goodkind. I often get a thrill out of suspense novels like There Will Be None but Agatha very few of those books in my spare time. Sci-fi books also fall Cricht on my interests, and I'm a big fan of books like Timeline and Jurassic Park.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
Yeah, well. Anything. I don't really like fantasy since it's all pretty cheesy. I do love me some science fiction or social science fiction (like 1984).

I dunno, I don't think I have a preferred genre. Although one thing that always interests me is the downfall of society. 1984, Lord of the Flies, Oryx and Crake, et cetera, et cetera.


New member
Jan 2, 2010
robert632 said:
I love almost any fiction novel put in front of me. Keyword being almost.
this. I bounce between genres pretty constantly. Right now I'm on a fantasy kick, though.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Generally, I prefer standard fiction. Were I to pick a geek specific genre, its Fantasy as sci-fi often annoys the hell out of me. There isn't much I hate more in the world than an unsatisfactory explanation for how something works. If they can't come up with a way that sounds plausible, it is best to not even bother. A great many Sci-Fi authors desperately need to learn this.

That said, I did read every one of the Classic Battletech books.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Mostly Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Alternate History. I'm big on Turtledove. In the non-novel category I prefer history.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
I generally stick with fantasy. Salvatore, Tolkein, Hickman & Weiss, Goodkind, etc. That reminds me, I still need to pick up the next Legend of Drizzt book.

Commissar Sae

New member
Nov 13, 2009
I jump around a bit. I like fantasy and science fiction. I'm a big fan of classics and horror and have develloped a love for urban fantasy and anything with political intrigue. I also tend to read a lot of historical texts but that goes with my field.


New member
Mar 5, 2010
science fiction, mainly Terry Pratchett.
Recently i have been getting into Stephen King thou.


New member
Dec 19, 2009
Saargston said:
While reading is a fairly novel thing to do, I like a wide variety of books.
I know it'satired thing to say, I enjoy social commentary a lot, and I Vonnegut more books like Slaughterhouse Five or Breakfast of Champions, but it's no fantasy that I'm into the spell and sword genre too. Out of those, I'd have to say that books like Wizard's First Rule and the rest of the Sword of Truth series are among the Goodkind. I often get a thrill out of suspense novels like There Will Be None but Agatha very few of those books in my spare time. Sci-fi books also fall Cricht on my interests, and I'm a big fan of books like Timeline and Jurassic Park.
Stop that.

OT: It's not a novel but right now I'm reading Fast Food Nation. It's naaaaasty. Books like this are better than any horror novel. And by better I mean more horrifying.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
I stick to Dark Fantasy as my genre of choice, though I do branch for the occasional Sci-Fi book every now and then. In particular, I love the 'Saga of the Noble Dead' by Barb & J.C. Hendee. Good characters? Check. Intriguing story? Check. A lil bit of a change from the standard formula? Check. An actually sizable original story? Six books and counting.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Science Fiction (Military) Love a good Sci-Fi war book. My last Username was Sci-Fi Luver 437! An occasional dosage of Hard is healthy i.e Starship Troopers.
War. Preferably WW2. Band Of Brothers is a good example.

I love Books.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
i'm a total book nerd, and will pretty much devour anything that even remotely catches my interest. post-apocalyptic/dystopian stories make me happy. science fiction is by far my preferred genre. the harder, the better (hurr hurr "harder" hurr hurr), as i'm not a fan of the really soft/fantasy hybrid stuff. close second is horror, especially vampire stuff, which i mostly enjoy as mindless schlock, used solely to kill time while waiting in lines and such.

robert632 said:
Machiavellian007 said:
robert632 said:
I love almost any fiction novel put in front of me. Keyword being almost.
... twwiiiiillliiiigghhhtt?

*shudders* It brings back memories of the week I wasted reading that boring series.
I salute you. I couldn't even get past the boring as all hell first chapter.
i read all of them and it gave me cancer of the soul. i would have been happy to live out my life never having read a word beyond what was quoted in entertaining, mockery-filled reviews. however, my ex-roommate was a HUGE fan, and refused to listen to anything even remotely negative about the series, and would not stop telling me over and over about how incredibly wonderful and romantic and original and timeless (and and and) they really were, if i would only give them a chance. ("you haven't read them!! how can you say they're horrible?! you don't knowwwwww! you like vampires! there are vampires in twilight! you'll love them!!!!") so i made her a deal. i'd read the entire series with an open mind, and in return, if i still hated them, she would have to sit through an explanation of WHY they were horrible.

i read, i caught soul-cancer, and i got to tell her that, among many, many, MANY other reasons for supreme suckage, the books managed to make vampires paint-drying BORING.