It comes down to a game-by-game basis. For example, the first time I booted up Halo 2 I thought to myself "This game looks like crap...and isn't finished yet either". Yet when it comes to games like Tiny Toons: Buster Busts Loose I remember it looking good for what it was back in the 90's when I got it again a couple of years ago.
If anything, my nostalgia glasses were definitely on during the PSX/N64 era...I really don't remember those games looking as bad as some of them do. Granted I do remember Smash Bros looking like a polygon marionette slap-fight.
If anything, my nostalgia glasses were definitely on during the PSX/N64 era...I really don't remember those games looking as bad as some of them do. Granted I do remember Smash Bros looking like a polygon marionette slap-fight.