Do you think i did the right thing?


New member
Jan 25, 2010
i was at this party yesterday and there was this hot chick. so we go to the bathroom.

but here's my dilemma: I've never had sex before, and have and have genital warts. right before we do it I tell her of my problem, and that sent her into full flight.

i know i probably did the right thing, but the other part now wishes i didn't, as my self esteem plummeted after this incident, quite drastically actually. and i have this minor depression coming on.


New member
Jun 1, 2008
If what you have could screw her up, then yes... Telling her about the issue was the right and mature thing to do. Your lower brain is screaming at you in primal rage and that's why you feel terrible about the matter. I suggest investing in a blowup doll to relieve the stress in a manner that wont give STDs.

Should you have, say, Herpes or something... See your doctor about medications for it to help prevent flareups and lower the risk of transfer.

If you have warts and don't know if they're contagious or not, see the doctor about getting tests done to prove one way or another.

And remember, safe sex is the best sex... That doesn't land you with a lawsuit or 8 screaming kids at your door.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Genital warts as in the incurable STD?
If that is the case then yes you absolutely did the right thing, silently taking the risk of infecting others would be a horrific thing to do.
Yes being blown off like that is very painful so you might want to avoid a situation where you haveto tell people that, maybe find someone understanding enough to have sex with.

But most importantly see a doctor and work things out with him how dangerous this thing is.


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
Yes you did the right thing. In some parts of the US it's a crime to have sex with someone and not inform them of an STD you have. Besides just a law standpoint, think about how you would feel if the situation was reversed except you got an STD from some girl.

Also, don't be a fool, wrap your tool. Even if the girl is on the pill, just do it to be safe


New member
Nov 8, 2010
How do you have genital warts as a virgin? Have you seen a doctor? Are you doing anything about it?

These questions need to be resolved before we can figure out if what you did was the right thing.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Shawn MacDonald said:
I think you did the right thing. The fact that you have gross things growing on your wedding tackle is a good excuse to steer clear. A women had a train wreck of a vagina, I would like to know before I go clam digging.
You sir, are the master of innuendo.


New member
May 3, 2010
You did the right thing, good job.
I would check online to see if there are dating sites for people who are infected. There should be considering that there are dating sites for people of various types (i.e. married, serious, casual, single, married, etc). That way you can enjoy yourself without having to worry about infecting your partner as they are in the same situation that you are. I hope that helps.