Do you think Rockstar should charge full price for GTA V when it gets released on PC?


New member
Nov 29, 2013
The title should say it all. I'm not trying to make a point, start an argument, or even really get significant data. I'm just really curious. Should the British Bulldogs charge $60 for Stealy Wheely Automobiley 5?


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
I don't see why not. Gotta recoup the costs for the port somehow. Plus, if they have a lower price for PC to start, it'll incentivise people to sit and wait for a PC port of their future games.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
They should charge whatever they feel like the game is worth. If that's $60, so be it. If they decide to drop the price, as a console gamer, I wouldn't hold it against them.

Don Incognito

New member
Feb 6, 2013
They should charge whatever it is that people are willing to pay.

I'm certainly not going to spend $60 on it. I might consider it at $20. But mine is probably a minority opinion.


Jun 9, 2010
I already played it on Xbox 360 so I'm less inclined to buy it, but still, it's a nearly 2 year old game at this point. HD update or not I don't think full console price for a PC release is warranted. New FPS mode or not. Hell, GTA Online was so barebones and broken for months after the last gen release (heists have only just been added in apparently, 1 & 1/2 years later!). It doesn't fill you with confidence on the port to be honest.


By the power of greyskull.
Aug 22, 2011
I agree with the common statment thus far, rockstar can charge whatever they want, honestly if gta5 pc releases at anything other than standard full price i'll be surprised.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
altnameJag said:
I don't see why not. Gotta recoup the costs for the port somehow. Plus, if they have a lower price for PC to start, it'll incentivise people to sit and wait for a PC port of their future games.
With how much of a profit they made from the game on console (fastest entertainment product in history to gross a billion dollars) the tiny financial cost to port the game isn't really a reason (hell, pre-orders on Steam have probably covered that alone).

That being said they have the right to put the price at whatever they want, and it's not unreasonable for them to have the PC version cost the same as the console version despite the lag in release (since the PC version is mechanically better anyway). The only real grip I have is that the dame thing is following the trend of triple A games to be 70$ in my country when it's a digital copy of the game that can more then afford to have its delayed digital release cost 50$ for a product which doesn't cost them anything more then the small price of the port to release and sell as many copies as people buy.

I'd honestly be a day one buyer at that price, but that 20$ difference will make me wait for the sales a month later.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
I can't find a good enough justification for why they shouldn't charge 60 bucks for it, but that sure as shit doesn't mean I'm going to buy it for that price. I'm going to wait.

OH WAIT! I just realized my rich friend is probably going to buy that on day 1 since that's all he's been able to talk about, and I can bum his copy with family sharing! Steam, u da best.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
While they can charge whatever they feel like charging I refuse to pay sixty dollars for it. I have played the game twice on both the PS3 and PS4 and refuse to pay full price. I still intend on buying it but not until during a steam sale when it is much cheaper.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
Yeah the price point on GTA V for PC is what is going to stop me from buying it til way after it no longer matters.

Its a matter of principle, the games been out for two years on two console generations now.

Rockstar is trying to justify a 60 dollar PC buy in based on "features" that are literally foundational expectations of PC gaming...I really don't care that they spent a bunch of time redesigning the game so it could be high resolution and run at 60 FPS on PC's....cause thats what I expect from PC games as a attempting to sell me basic stuff like...textures that aren't muddy pixelated shit, and a game that runs at a frame rate that is considered a PC baseline standard...isn't doing it for me.

I would have instantly bought the game at a 30 dollar price point, because I feel that would have been more realistic of Rockstar to price a 2 year old game at.

The 60 dollar price tag is simply because they know that regardless of what they charge, 30 million+ nerds are going to buy it because theres plenty of nerds with expendable income that are always looking for the next big game to play.

Personally I'm not broke and I'm not worried about what it costs, I just don't feel like a two year old game is worth sixty USD. I'll get it when its on sale.....long after everyone else is done with it.

I'll save my new release hype for an actual new release, like The Witcher 3.


Disembodied Floating Skull
Feb 28, 2009
They can charge whatever they want but customers still decide if they will buy it or not. I personally won't, especially at a full $60. I don't understand how a port takes 2 years, especially with a company as big as rockstar. I can't imagine setting a lower price point after so long would 'encourage' people to wait until a cheaper release. It has been out so long it is already in the bargain bucket.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Rockstar should charge whatever people are willing to pay. It doesn't mean that I have to buy at that price. And I won't.


New member
Apr 3, 2015
Normally, I'd be angry/disappointed by this as well, but considering that Rockstar 1)Made the most expensive video game of all time, and 2)It's also one of the best games of all time, I think they're completely justified in this.

By the way, I bought for 360, and pre-ordered again for PC, both at full price, totally worth it.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
It's a lot more than I am willing to play for it, and I hope it's more than most people are willing to pay. If they want people to pay full price they should have released it on pc when it was new. But it's their game and a lot of games probably will pay the price, so it make sense.


batlh bIHeghjaj.
Dec 19, 2010
They can charge as much as they like, though I think personally that it should be in line with PC prices of about £30-35 at launch. I won't be buying it if they pull an EA and charge more for the digital version than the physical one.


Oct 28, 2013
I guess it's really up to them. It depends on what people will pay. Personally, I think they've got every right to because it looks like they've compensated for the delays by improving it constantly. If it's full-price and is a bug-ridden jittery wreck at launch then I'm going to be pretty disappointed, though.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Personally, I don't see a reason why it should be released at the full $60 ($70 if you're canadian like me). By now, the game is an old one, and rockstar hasn't really added anything extensive to the game. Just vehicles and the first person mode are the only things I can remember being added to the game. Heists don't count because we were supposed to have those well over a year ago.

I don't see a simple port of a nearly 2 year old game without any DLC to be bundled with being worth the original full price, just because it has a shiny new coat of paint.